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Last Updated: Friday, 13 February, 2004, 14:12 GMT
Car-clamp hero extends campaign
Angle-grinder Man
AGM says his campaign has put him into debt
A self-styled superhero who battles against wheel clampers has brought his saw-wielding campaign to the West Midlands.

The man, known only as Angle-grinder Man (AGM), patrols the streets offering motorists help removing clamps.

On Friday he arrived in Birmingham, saying speed cameras and the M6 toll road are also on his hit list.

He claims he has already cut off 40 clamps in Kent and London and has supporters across the world.

"I'm just trying to spread the message that it is just extortion," the 40-year-old said.

"I have felt for a long time that motorists are being persecuted. Not just by wheel clampers but also speed cameras, congestion charging in London and the toll road on the M6.

"They are all ways politicians who have failed us look to the public to raise revenue to pay for their own failures."

AGM plans to run in London's Mayoral election this June and decided to make a four-day visit to the West Midlands to reach more of the population.

He will make a guest appearance at a concert at JBs in Dudley on Saturday and also hopes to help a few disgruntled motorists during his stay.

Angle-grinder Man
If people look around and see others doing things, if they believe they can make a difference, they can
Angle-grinder Man

"If people look around and see others doing things, if they believe they can make a difference, they can," he said.

His one-man crusade started last year when he was wheel clamped at a hospital - after being told to park his car there by a supervisor.

"I found the supervisor and he admitted liability but wouldn't take it off unless I paid £95.

"I didn't pay but took the law into my own hands and hired an angle-grinder and cut it off."

After investing in his own saw and creating a costume to disguise his identity he began looking for clamped motorists and his protest soon gained popularity.

But despite attracting hundreds of supporters, including solicitors and saw manufacturers, he has also received death threats and abusive phone calls from some people.

The former odd-job man admits his fight has put him on the bread-line but said: "I do it because I feel passionately about it and I will do it for as long as I can."

'Superhero' takes on clampers
16 Sep 03  |  England
Businesses 'approve road toll'
18 Aug 03  |  London
'Crusher' threat to fine dodgers
31 May 03  |  London
Arbitrary clamping company fined
07 Mar 03  |  England
Motorist's £1,300 clamping bill
07 Mar 02  |  England

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