Lawnmower Man, The - Mega Power Demo #8 & #9


Free with issue 16 of Mega Power - cover dated November 1994


The scans of issue 16 of Mega Power & the cut out CD cover were kindly supplied by James Humphris
A one life demo of one of the later flight levels from the full game.  Just as fiendishly difficult as the title itself, with the added pain of being returned to the title screen every time you die.
The full game was released but with one very significant flaw...

A Note about Mega Power demo numbers - Mega Power provided cut out covers for the demo CDs (you had to supply your own case as they came in plastic wallets) for the majority of their demos.  Whilst these demos reached number 12, the numbers don't quite correspond to the order they came in.  Discs 1 to 6 run in sequence up to August 1994, then September's issue included the Battlecorps & SoulStar double disc, which doesn't have a number.  The numbers then continued in October with the cover for that demo showing #7.  To add further to the confusion, November's demo cover had both #8 and #9 on it, and December continued at #10!

In short, the covers run up to #12, and there are 12 discs, but the chronological order doesn't match the numbers.