Z Series

Z Series

Basic Components Series Symbolizing Shimano’s Move Back to Basics

In 1980, Shimano fully launched an aerodynamics components series that would open up a new era; however, it drew harsh criticism in the market partly because the production system could not established properly. It was Z series that Shimano worked to develop next by returning to its basics of learning deeply about the market and providing new value through sincere discussions primarily aiming to restore the trust of users. The name “Z” embraced Shimano’s strong message of “This is our last chance.” Z series was initially developed as a basic components series targeting completed bicycles sold at bicycle dealers in the United States; however, it was highly regarded for its functions and adopted also in completed bicycles of major U.S. bicycle manufacturers. It steadily achieved the mission of contributing to improving the total value of bicycles and served as a positive step toward Shimano regaining trust.