Force a variant form in an affix template

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Jeff Heath

Feb 7, 2022, 6:56:32 AM2/7/22
to FLEx list
I have affix templates for Completive, Continuous and Imperative verbs. In the lexicon I have base lexemes (that are Completive), and variants that are Continuous and Imperative.

With an Imperative form, it's possible to have a null morpheme for NumGen at the end. With a Completive form, it's also possible to have a null morpheme for PersNum at the end. I'm getting multiple parses for one word (which should only be Imperative), because the parser is also plopping the Imperative variant in the Completive verb paradigm.

So is there a way to say that this affix template for Imperative verbs must contain a BASE that is a Imperative variant? I.e. it can't be a plain lexeme. And in my affix template for Completive verbs I also want to say that the BASE can't be filled by a variant that is Continuous or Imperative. It seems like that should be possible, but I'm not seeing it.



Feb 7, 2022, 8:08:15 AM2/7/22
Dear Jeff,
Not to say that I have an answer, but that I encountered the exact same problem - so I second your request for a solution to this. Yes, one should be able to constrain an affix template for a particular variant type, both positively and negatively. It would also be good to be able to refer to the default form for this (that is, to a non-variant).

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Kevin Warfel

Feb 7, 2022, 8:40:49 AM2/7/22

Jeff, Andreas,


I don’t have time to look into this at the moment, but I wonder if the Stem Name feature in FLEx will accomplish what you’re wanting?




Kevin Warfel

Associate Dictionary & Lexicography Services Coordinator

Rapid Word Collection workshop consultant


Feb 7, 2022, 9:55:24 AM2/7/22
Dear Kevin,
I think you are right - with stem names it may actually work: give the default form of a verb the "completive" stem name, with a completive feature in the feature set of this stem name. But then at least one of the affixes also needs to have the completive feature, or the parser will fail.
I avoided using stem names in the past, for that reason, as it makes defining the affixes more complicated, but it looks like I will need to revisit that policy.

Thanks for this pointer!


Feb 8, 2022, 11:10:02 AM2/8/22
Update: I'm no longer sure that stem names are helping here, at least if you want to have the non-default stems as variants - a variant of a type that has an inflection feature apparently is allowed to mingle with all sorts of affixes. In this way things are different from stem names, where things need to match.

It is possible to assign stem names to a variant, but only when they have a sense, which inflectional variants usually don't have.

Therefore all inflectional forms will have to be defined as allomorphs with a stem name, or as variants with senses, which are both not optimal solutions.

I still need to try a few more things, but for now I would repeat my earlier request that things would be easier if you can link an inflection template to a variant type.


Dear Kevin,
I think you are right - with stem names it may actually work: give the default form of a verb the "completive" stem name, with a completive feature in the feature set of this stem name. But then at least one of the affixes also needs to have the completive feature, or the parser will fail.
I avoided using stem names in the past, for that reason, as it makes defining the affixes more complicated, but it looks like I will need to revisit that policy.

Thanks for this pointer!

On 2/7/2022 2:40 PM, Kevin Warfel wrote:

Beth-docs Bryson

Feb 8, 2022, 11:12:55 AM2/8/22
Even though Variants are often created without a Sense, you can still insert a Sense into a Variant that doesn’t have one.  Is there a reason you don’t want to do that?

The alternative would be to treat them as entirely different entries, which obviously is not ideal linguistically, but it would work with the parser.

I keep hoping that Andy Black will weigh in.



Feb 8, 2022, 11:57:51 AM2/8/22
Adding a sense to something that has its sense defined elsewhere you'd only want to do if the sense differs, but in an emergency like that it is of course  an option.

Would it be possible that for purposes of assigning stem names (and maybe a few other grammatical issues where previously I found myself forced to add a sense to a variant) each variant by default inherits the category information from the main entry? That is, if I have an imperfective variant form of a by default perfective verb, FLEx just assumes that the variant is a verb, too, without having to insert a sense? I know that things would be complicated in case the main entry has senses of more than one category...


Beth-docs Bryson

Feb 8, 2022, 12:39:20 PM2/8/22
to 'Rand Valentine' via FLEx list
Variants have always had a different status than Main Entries, and early on they weren’t even available to the parser.  That had to be added later.  So it’s to be expected there may be fiddly things relating to Variants, places where things aren’t fully developed yet.

Every Sense in FLEx has an MSA (morphosyntactic analysis).  The MSA is where it stores info about the Category, features, and other  grammatical info.  (You can see the MSAs for an entry listed in FLEx after all the Senses.)  So from FLEx’s perspective, if there is anything in that MSA that is different, that constitutes a reason to have a different Sense.  That explains why, in FLEx, each Sense can only have one part of speech (contrary to printed dictionaries).  (I don’t know if Stem Name is stored in the MSA or not.) 

All I’m doing right now is talking about “how things are”.  If you want to talk about “how things could be”, that is a conversation for Andy Black.


H. Andrew Black

Feb 8, 2022, 4:19:52 PM2/8/22
to, Beth-docs Bryson
Would creating a variant type under Irregularly Inflected Form and setting its inflection features to include the features it has help?

For the nulls, perhaps you can use the Required Features for them.

I'm willing to play with this if you'll get me a project that has the needed items.


Jeff Heath

Feb 9, 2022, 8:36:39 AM2/9/22
to FLEx list
FYI - I've sent the project to Andy to play with.

Jeff Heath

Feb 9, 2022, 3:33:26 PM2/9/22
to, Beth-docs Bryson

I had an off-list email exchange with Andy, but I think it’s probably worth sharing on the list, so I include it below.


Andy’s proposed solution involves an “ugly trick”. And it’s pretty ugly… Furthermore, I can’t really lose my variants, because they are what allow me to have reasonable dictionary entries. E.g. the “iziid” continuous form is required for parsing so I can add a prefix to form niziid, tiziid or yiziid, but the citation form needs to be yiziid. I don’t think I can do that (have a citation form) with an allomorph. But Andy is suggesting adding allomorphs to get that parsing behavior. (But we then don’t want the variant to match in the parse, hence the ugly trick of inserting a non-breaking space. That is not only ugly, but would be difficult to do and to maintain data consistency.)


So my question is, should we be working towards making variants work better with the parsing? Maybe having features which allow them to be included or excluded in affix templates? I realize that this is not a simple proposition and would take a significant amount of time, but it seems like a number of people keep running up against this limitation, so maybe we should have that as a goal.


Your thoughts?





Hi, Jeff.

First, thank you for the great description of the issue and the project file.  That was *very* helpful.

I've played with this some and it looks like the parser is not designed to use variants in this way.  Variants work great if the irregularly inflected form includes one or more inflection template slots (and the features of a member of those slots).

So what to do?

I got something to work, but it involves an ugly "trick" if you really need to use variants (e.g., for the dictionary).  First the results:

Here's how to get these:

Add a new inflection feature for non-imperative under mood.  I did this by hand.

The idea here is parallel to having two values for aspect so that we don't get completive affixes on continuous forms.  It's just that imperative is a mood so we can't use aspect.  I'm also assuming that the continuous and completive forms are good with moods other than imperative.

Next is to use Stem Names.  These are what the parser is designed to use for this kind of situation where there is stem allomorphy based on sets of features.  Edit the Stem Names under Verb to include a new Completive one and to make sure we use a fuller set of features for completive, continuous, and imperative.  Here's what I have:

Notice the use of the mood:-impr feature.

Next is to add the allomorphs in the lexical entry for continuous and imperative and to mark all three forms with their stem names.

Then we need to adjust the affixes for features.  We do not use any required features at all.  The null Sg has this Grammatical info:

The null 3S.Masc has

The -i SgFem has

and so on.

Finally, here's the ugly trick, assuming you want to keep the variants as they are for the dictionary.    The parser still finds the variants and proposes bad parses (and basically duplicate parses).  So what can be done to block them from being seen by the parser?  The trick is to insert a zero-width space (x200B) somewhere inside the variant.  It won't show for the dictionary but the parser will not match the variant because it has this space character in it and the input word does not.

I hope this is helpful (and I may have done something else that I'm not remembering - if so, just ask and hopefully I'll remember or we'll figure it out).


On 2/9/2022 3:23 AM, Jeff Heath wrote:

Hi Andy,


We are just finishing up our Outilingua French language technology workshop, so I don’t have much time to wrap my brain around this problem right now… But attached is a backup of the database. (It is also a shared database, but I would prefer that you play around with an independent copy from a backup.)


The playing around I have done on this problem is with the word zaad (to add):

Under Texts and Words, check out the text “zaad forms”. That gives you an idea how this verb works:



The first line is Perfective/Completive forms (Note that the second word had chosen the wrong homograph in the backup you have, I believe…)


The second line is Imperfective/Continuous forms


The third line starts with 2 imperative forms, then a couple of words I was playing with


That first imperative word can also be analyzed as Completive:


That should not be. “ziid” is an imperative variant of zaad(1), and we need to find a way not to allow it to appear in the BASE slot of anything but the Imperative affix model. (So CompPersNum slot shouldn’t be allowed with an Imperative base.)


The third word is ‘ziidan’. It also should only be imperative, but the parser offers a Completive form as well.


The fourth word is ‘zaadi’. It uses the Completive base, so it should not offer an imperative form (since it doesn’t use the imperative base ‘ziid’), but it does (3rd entry):


So there also needs to be a way to prevent an ImprNumGen slot affix from being used by a Completive base form.


Thanks for your thoughts and input,



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