Maximum size : 3 cm

Crystal Red Shrimp - Caridina Cantonensis : Complete Shrimp Profile & Care Guide

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The Crystal Red Shrimp (Caridina cf. cantonensis) is a striking species of freshwater shrimp that has captured the hearts of hobbyists worldwide. These tiny scavengers add vibrant colour and peaceful movement to any aquarium. But with great beauty comes great responsibility, and Crystal Red Shrimps require specific care and attention to thrive.

To keep these shrimp happy and healthy, it's best to keep them in groups of at least eight individuals or more. They prefer a peaceful environment and can coexist with other aquarium inhabitants, such as snails, peaceful fish, and other shrimp species that do not prey on them. Additionally, regular moulting is a good sign that your Crystal Red Shrimps are thriving. To provide optimal conditions for your shrimp, you should maintain a soft water environment with an active substrate, plenty of plants, and hiding places. These requirements make them more suitable for hobbyists with a bit of experience.

The stunning colouration of the Crystal Red Shrimp is what sets them apart from other shrimp species. Their bright red base colour is beautifully contrasted with white stripes, making them a real showstopper in any aquarium. In addition, the various grades and colour patterns of Crystal Red Shrimps add to their intrigue. To differentiate between different intensities of colour, size, and the number of white patches, a grading system has been created. The grades, ranging from least to most desirable, are C, B, A, S, S+, SS, and SSS. The higher the grade, the more sought after and expensive the shrimp are.

These differences in grading make them a popular choice for hobbyists who enjoy experimenting and discovering new and exciting things. If you plan on keeping and breeding these beautiful shrimp, familiarising yourself with the grading system is essential. With their unique beauty and fascinating behaviour, Crystal Red Shrimps are a fantastic addition to any aquarium.

Crystal Red Shrimp Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Determining the sex of Crystal Red Shrimp can be challenging until these shrimps reach maturity. The female Shrimp typically have slightly larger tails, and they display a distinctive saddle formation on their upper body behind the head, where eggs accumulate before fertilization. Upon reaching full growth, males will be smaller than females, and females will exhibit a more rounded body shape.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCaridina Cantonensis
Year Described1938
Other NamesBee shrimp, CRS
Max Size3 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
Best kept asGroups 8+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 2 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 7.5
GH 4 - 6
KH 0 - 4
TDS 100 - 200
Ideal Temperature
62 - 76
16 - 24

Natural Habitat

Crystal Red Shrimp originated in Southeast Asia in the early 90s, initially known as Bee Shrimp. A man from Japan discovered them and selectively bred them, resulting in the stunning red colour variation we see today, hence the name Crystal Red Shrimp. As a result of selective breeding, these Shrimp don't have a natural habitat. However, their living conditions can be modelled based on the Bee Shrimp, which is closely related to them.

Bee Shrimp is native to Taiwan in Southeast Asia, where they can be found inhabiting subtropical rivers and streams covered with leaf litter and shaded by overhanging trees. Adding Crystal Red Shrimp to your aquarium is a great way to showcase its unique beauty and add a touch of Southeast Asia to your home. So why wait? Explore the wonders of Crystal Red Shrimp and add a pop of colour to your aquarium today!


Breeding Crystal Red Shrimps is a common occurrence in the home aquarium when proper water conditions are maintained. Once female shrimp become berried, displaying a saddle-shaped formation with eggs ready for fertilisation, the saddle shape becomes more prominent, and you can see the eggs underneath the abdomen.

Females will also be seen tumbling their eggs during this period. Interestingly, the young offspring do not undergo the larval stage like some species; instead, they are born as mini replicas of adult shrimps, displaying the same white and red colouration. To avoid any unfortunate deaths, it is crucial to cover the intakes of power filters with fine sponges or gauze to prevent the tiny shrimp from being sucked in.

Diet & Feeding

Proper nutrition is crucial to maintaining the health and vibrant colours of your Crystal Red Shrimp. While these shrimp enjoy grazing on algae and biofilm, it is important to supplement their diet with high-quality dried food such as sinking pellets, algae wafers, and flake food. Frozen foods such as daphnia and mini-bloodworms are also excellent sources of nutrition for these shrimp.

Adding some vegetable matter to their diet, such as blanched spinach, broccoli, or courgette, can provide additional nutrients. In addition to a varied diet, adding dried Indian Almond leaves, Oak leaves, or Mulberry leaves to your aquarium can also be highly beneficial for your shrimp. As these leaves decompose, they create a natural biofilm that provides a nutrient-rich food source for your shrimp while helping to maintain a low pH in the aquarium.

Frequently asked questions

Crystal Red Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis) are small freshwater shrimp known for their striking red and white coloration.

Crystal Red Shrimp typically reach a size of around 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 centimeters) when fully grown.

Crystal Red Shrimp thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.5 and a temperature range of 68 to 78°F (20 to 26°C).

It is best to keep Crystal Red Shrimp in a species-only tank or with small, peaceful fish that won't prey on or harass them.

Crystal Red Shrimp are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including specialized shrimp pellets, algae, biofilm, and blanched vegetables.

Feed Crystal Red Shrimp small amounts of food once or twice a day, taking care not to overfeed to maintain good water quality.

With proper care, Crystal Red Shrimp can live for up to 2 to 3 years, but some individuals may live longer in optimal conditions.

While not essential, having live plants in the tank provides hiding places, grazing areas, and improves water quality, benefiting the shrimp.

Yes, Crystal Red Shrimp are known for their breeding capabilities in captivity. They require stable water parameters and good nutrition for successful breeding.

Crystal Red Shrimp are more suitable for aquarists with some experience due to their specific care requirements and sensitivity to water conditions.


Crystal Red Shrimp Thumbnail

Other Caridina

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