Maximum size : 25 cm

Horseface Loach - Acantopsis dialuzona : Complete Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Horse Face Loach (Acantopsis dialuzona) exhibits fascinating behaviours as it burrows into the substrate, utilizing its gills to forage for microorganisms and other food sources. This species derives its name from its distinctive elongated snout resembling a horse's muzzle. Known for its peaceful nature and adaptability to coexist with other aquarium inhabitants, this visually captivating fish provides an engaging viewing experience.

Horse Face Loaches are best suited to thrive alongside upper-water column dwellers such as Barbs, Rasboras, and Devarios. Additionally, other loaches belonging to the Cobitidae, Botiidae, and Nemacheilidae families can be compatible tankmates, although careful research is advised as some species may exhibit aggression. Constructing a community aquarium that emulates the native river environment can offer an exciting and dynamic display. While acquiring a small group of Horse Face Loaches is generally recommended, a minimum of six individuals is preferable as they tend to form loose shoals. Occasional minor conflicts, potentially arising from temporary territorial disputes, can occur, but instances of physical harm are exceedingly rare.

To provide suitable hiding spots and shaded areas within the aquarium, arranging smooth rocks, driftwood roots, and branches is recommended. Live plants should be potted to prevent them from being uprooted due to the loaches' burrowing behaviour. Including floating plants is advised, as Horse Face Loaches prefer subdued lighting conditions. While strong water currents are unnecessary, maintaining dissolved oxygen levels and incorporating gentle water movement can promote their well-being. Power filters, additional powerheads, or airstones can be utilized accordingly.

Maintaining clean water conditions is crucial for the thriving of Horse Face Loaches, necessitating weekly water changes of 30 to 50 per cent as a standard practice to minimize organic pollutants. Due to their propensity for jumping, providing a securely covered aquarium is essential to prevent escapes.

The appearance of Horse Face Loaches features an elongated silvery transparent body adorned with 7 to 13 black spots along the sides, complemented by a row of large spots on the head. Some individuals may exhibit additional black flecking patterns across their bodies.

Horseface Loach Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Distinguishing between the male and female Horse Face Loach is relatively uncomplicated. In general, females exhibit a significantly larger size compared to males. Furthermore, males can be identified by their modified pectoral fins, characterized by extended first rays.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameAcantopsis dialuzona
Year Described1823
Other NamesHorse Head Loach, Banana Loach
OriginsIndia , Indonesia
Max Size25 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom - Middle
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 12 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 2 - 10
TDS 18 - 215
Ideal Temperature
60 - 75
15 - 23

Natural Habitat

Horse Face Loaches are native to the Southern Asian region, specifically India and the Southeast Asian countries of Indonesia, where they can be found in the Mekong and Chao Phraya River Basins. These remarkable fish inhabit swift and clear streams and rivers and can even be encountered in flooded fields.

One unusual behaviour of Horse Face Loaches is their inclination to burrow into the substrate. To accommodate this natural behaviour, utilising a substrate consisting of sand or gravel in the aquarium is advisable. By providing an appropriate substrate, these loaches can engage in their burrowing activities, spending a significant portion of their time concealed beneath the substrate, with only their eyes exposed.

When incorporating live plants into the aquarium, it is crucial to take into account the loaches' burrowing tendencies. To prevent uprooting, potting the live plants, securing them in place and safeguarding them from displacement caused by the loaches' burrowing activity is recommended. Additionally, including floating plants is highly recommended, as Horse Face Loaches thrive in an environment with subdued lighting, which can be provided by the presence of floating plants.


Regrettably, there is a lack of available information regarding the breeding habits of Horse Face Loaches in the home aquarium setting. These fish have not been successfully bred under captive conditions, leading to a limited understanding of their reproductive behaviour and requirements.

Diet & Feeding

In the home aquarium, the dietary requirements of the Horse Face Loach can be adequately met with a wide range of high-quality dried foods, including granules, flakes, and sinking pellets. These commercially available food products have been meticulously formulated to ensure optimal nutrition and address the essential dietary needs of these fish.

While these dried foods serve as a suitable staple diet, providing supplementary nutrition through occasional feedings of live, frozen, or freeze-dried meals such as bloodworms, daphnia, and tubifex can offer additional health benefits and enhance the overall well-being of your fish. However, it is important to exercise caution when feeding bloodworms, as they should only be offered as an occasional treat due to their potential to cause digestive difficulties and blockages in fish.

In their natural habitat, Horse Face Loaches exhibit omnivorous feeding behaviour, including the consumption of vegetable matter. Most commercially available fish foods take this into consideration and include appropriate plant-based components in their formulations. Nevertheless, supplementing their diet with blanched vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and zucchini can provide further variety and nutritional enrichment.

To maintain the health of your fish, it is essential to avoid overfeeding. Carefully monitor the amount of food provided and remove any uneaten portions the following day to prevent water quality issues. By adhering to a balanced and appropriate feeding regimen, you can ensure the overall well-being and nutritional satisfaction of your Horse Face Loach.

Other Loaches

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