Maximum size : 2 cm

Sulawesi White Orchid Shrimp - Caridina poso Klotz : Complete Shrimp Profile & Care Guide

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The White Orchid Sulawesi Shrimp (Caridina poso Klotz) is a fascinating addition to any aquarium, especially for those who want to keep and observe rare and unique species. These shrimp have recently gained popularity in the aquarium hobby for their peaceful nature and intricate patterning. 

Despite their small size, White Orchid Sulawesi Shrimp are very active and display captivating social behaviours. They spend their days scavenging around the substrate, plants, and rocks for food and exploring their environment. These shrimp are also known for their remarkable shyness, but once they are comfortable in their surroundings, they will come out more and display their full colours. White Orchid Sulawesi Shrimp are non-aggressive and are happy to share their space with other aquarium species. Keeping them in groups of 15 or more will help them feel more secure and bring out their social behaviours.

These shrimp have a clear to white body with varying degrees of white striping, and they are covered with brown and black specks across their body. Their segmented bodies, long antennas, and tiny legs all match the intricate body pattern. 

Sulawesi White Orchid Shrimp Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Differentiating between male and female White Orchid Sulawesi shrimp is challenging since the two sexes have the same appearance. However, unlike other dwarf shrimp species, where females are typically larger and curvier than males, the Sulawesi shrimp lacks these distinctions. The only way to identify the female Shrimp is by observing the saddle under their carapace that shows the eggs. However, this saddle is only visible under infrared light, making it difficult to detect without specialised equipment. Moreover, the Shrimp's dark outer shell further complicates the visual inspection process.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCaridina poso Klotz
Year Described2021
Other NamesStarry Night Shrimp
Max Size2 cm
Aquarium LevelAll Levels
Best kept asGroups 10+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
Average LifespanUp to 2 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 7.5 - 8.5
GH 7 - 10
KH 2 - 9
TDS 150 - 250
Ideal Temperature
79 - 89
26 - 31

Natural Habitat

The mesmerizing White Orchid Sulawesi Shrimp is a sought-after freshwater aquarium species that hails from the depths of Lake Poso in central Sulawesi, Indonesia, in Southeast Asia. These tiny creatures inhabit calm, highly oxygenated waters, where they hide between large rocks in deeper waters and small rocks in shallow water. Their natural habitat is strikingly beautiful, with crystal-clear waters that shimmer in the sunlight, making them a fascinating addition to any aquarist's collection.


White Orchid Sulawesi Shrimp can be bred successfully in captivity with optimal water conditions and a suitable diet. Interestingly, the females of this species seem to carry fewer eggs than other dwarf shrimp, but other than that, the breeding process is the same. Unlike many other species, the White Orchid Sulawesi shrimp do not have a larval stage.

The female will carry her eggs, which are reddish in colour, between her swimmerets for approximately 20 to 28 days. If there are no significant issues, the female will give birth to shrimplets, miniature versions of the adults that immediately display the same colouration, albeit less intense initially. Initially, the shrimplets may be a little shy, but once they become familiar with their surroundings, they become quite active, swimming and foraging all day long.

The baby shrimp will eat the same food as the adults, and their growth rates are pretty fast, provided the tank is well-maintained and in good shape.

Diet & Feeding

To ensure the optimal health of your White Orchid Sulawesi Shrimp, providing them with a varied diet is recommended. While they are consistent grazers of algae, it is essential to supplement their diet with substitutes like shrimp pellets, algae wafers, or a crushed flake if their natural food source is scarce in the tank. Occasional meaty treats are also beneficial for their health. Since these shrimp are comparatively small, it is crucial to consider their food size. It would be best to feed them during the night and avoid overfeeding, providing only what they can consume within two to three hours.

Other Caridina

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