Dying Cyphastrea Coral Rehabilitation

Dying Cyphastrea Coral

Cyphastrea coral are usually very hardy and prefer low light (and sometimes do best partially shaded) but can be acclimated to higher-light areas. They also adapt well to a variety of flow conditions. I received this dying Cyphastrea coral from a reefkeeper who was getting out of the hobby. Good husband would likely be key to this coral’s rehabilitation. (Photo taken 22 May 2012)

Unfortunately, most corals in the tank were suffering from poor water quality, and this Cyphastrea was no exception. The reefkeeper did the responsible thing by recognizing that the corals needed proper care and attention.

Note how some of the polyps still have tissue while there is no tissue between the polyps. This is a good indication of poor water quality (in addition to actually speaking with the previous owner). Regardless of the damage root cause, I still dipped and checked it for pests.

Coral Quarantine:

Dying Cyphastrea Coral in Quarantine

As mentioned, the coral was declining due to poor water quality. After the initial dipping process, I placed the coral into my quarantine tank for observation and acclimation. Here, the coral was fairly low in the tank to allow it to adjust to the lighting. Notice that by less than a month later (15 June 2012), the coral was already regrowing!

Dying Cyphastrea Coral in Quarantine

Just another 15 days later (30 June 2012) and slightly over a month total time with me, and the coral was gaining coloration and growing rapidly! Given the proper light and water conditions, this coral grows extremely

Fully Rehabilitated Coral:

Cyphastrea Coral Rehabilitated

This previously dying Cyphastrea coral was completely rehabilitated in less than three months (pictured at 14 August 2012). The coral had completely covered the old skeleton and had encrusted onto the base. In fact, it started to grow so quickly, that I had to frag it several times. Coral reproduction via fragmentation reduces hobbyist impact on the oceans.

Troubleshooting Dying Cyphastrea Corals

As mentioned above, if the Cyphastrea coral has started to lose tissue between the polyps, then there is probably a water quality issue. If the coral is bleaching, then it’s likely in too high of light (or might’ve been in absolutely no light.) If the coloration isn’t great (too brown), then it may need more light or less nutrients. Or, if there’s recession from one side to another, then it may be a pest, bacterial/fungal infection, or a sudden water quality problem.

Dying Cyphastrea CoralCyphastrea Coral Rehabilitated

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