Beitrag von Sabrina Würmli

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Co-Head Skills, Jobs and Income bei Helvetas

Eine repräsentative ETH Studie zeigt: eine grosse Mehrheit der Schweizer Bevölkerung wünscht sich ein stärkeres Engagement der Schweiz in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit. Einige Beispiele, dass Entwicklungsprojekte eine grosse Wirkung haben sind in diesem Gastkommentar zu finden.

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Development aid achieves clear and verifiable effects, writes Dina Pomeranz in the NZZ. According to an ETH study, the majority of the Swiss population would like to see an increase in #Swissdevelopmentaid. Nevertheless, there is a threat of cuts in international cooperation: the Federal Council and Parliament would like to finance aid for #Ukraine directly from the development cooperation budget - at the expense of the poorest. According to Dina Pomeranz, this would have devastating consequences and would ignore the will of the electorate: "On the contrary, they want more support for the poorest." Read the full article in German by Dina Pomeranz in the NZZ: #helvetas #internationalcooperation #developmentaid #povertyreduction #impactresearch

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