Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1954 June 2

om Linder maa





ity on soils, being widely traveled and
having studied the soil in many lands,

Dr. Otrich is an outstanding practicing

medical doctor who is especially interest-
ed ix. health through natural means, inso-
far es possible.

2 Dr. Albrecht is an euanding ae

Both of these letters are illustrative of
the opinion held by outstanding men of

_science regarding the work now being

earried on by the Georgia State Depart-
ment of Agriculture in our new labora-
tory, which is without an equal in =

state operated program.

d your editorial section
Bulletin quite regularly
ike time to tell you about
cline from telling you my
ading the last editorial in
ulletin entitled Food. 3

esould handle the ae
some of these days iu a
We seem to labor under
that the burden of proof is
- to defend itself against

be eebaci them
ng as insecticides.
nm the liberty of sending

a paper entitled Lime
eae Major Fertility

hi feed that we grow
kind of food and

ne disguise of killing


agriculture loom as large as they do. We

ought to be able to put the agriculture

business under the same laws and cus-

toms of taxation and economics under

which industries and\ technological per-
_ formances operate.

We are including also a paper written
some years ago on the subject that you
discussed in your editorial. This paper
is entitled Quality of Food Crops Ac-
cording to Soil Fertility. We need to
look at the matter of building up the
soil if we want to build up. quality of
our foods.

_ Because we follow your editorials and
some of the things you sponsor, we give
this report as a means of undergirding
your efforts.


Sincerely yours,
Wm. A. Albrecht, Chairman
Department of Soils

G. . OTRICH, M. D.

May 4, 1954

Mr. Tom Linder
_ Commissioner of Agriculture
Atlanta, Georgia -

Dear Mr. Linder: ;

. It would be impossible for me to ex-
press my appreciation for your hospi-
tality and the courtesies shown me by
yourself and your assistants during my
recent visit; also the thrill of realizing
that someone has the vision and courage

feed that nature intended we should have.
The nutritional value to humans and ani-
mals of food and feed is largely effected
by the composition and temture of the

to build a laboratory for research pur-

poses for the good of all mankind 2 as you
are doing.

Back in the 40s, when I was chairman
of the Nutrition Committee of the Tlli- |
nois State Medical Society, I attended
a meeting which was called by Frank
W. Peck, Managing Director of the Farm

_ Foundation, Chicago, at which time I
made a recommendation to set up a_
laboratory to do the work that you are
doing. Nothing has materialized. Ai that
time I made a statement that I felt that
eancer and some of our other diseases
were nutritional and this caused a lot
of commenti. =

I have visited some of the finest
laboratories in the United States and
have had stacks of correspondence from
some of the outstanding nutritional
chemists but I could not make them see
the light. Then, to suddenly realize that
my dream was being fulfilled it made
me feel that my work has noi all been
in vain. I hope that the people of Geor-
gia appreciate what you are doing. In
our profession we have a lot of thrills
but I think this is the most outstanding
one in my 45 years of practice.

When your new building is finished
and all is assembled I expect to make
another visit down there.

Give my personal regards and thanks
to Mr. Wingo and the rest of -your staff.

Very truly yours,
G. C. Otrich, M. D.

soils on which they grow and by the sub
soil underlying the top strata.

Commissioner of Agriculture


Address all ttems
on the mailing list an



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APITOL, Atlanta,


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Georgia Market Bulletin does

resulting from published

Tom Linder, Commissioner
Published Weekly at

By Department ot

Notify on FORM 3578--Bureau

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of June 6,

of October 8, 1917.

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Purple Hollyhock large bunch,
dif. col. Cosmos, also variegated,
75c doz.; Cedars, 6-12 in. Crab-
apple, 6, $1; Dif. Col. Petunia,
75 doz. Add postage. Mrs. Nellie
Parker, Gainesville, Rt. 6.

Flowering Peach, 25c a.; Dbl.
Touch-Me-Not,; asst. colors, 6,
25c; 40c doz.f Wax White Gar-
denia cuttings, broken down-
ward, while in bloom if pre-
fered, 25c ea. Damp packed
Mrs.- Wallace Wilson,
Gainesville, Rt. 4.

Red Verbena, $1 doz.; $5 C;
Pink Thrift, $1.50 C; $8 M; Blue
Ageratum, mix. col. Portulaca
Physostegia, Hardy Petunia,
purple Cone, 2 doz., $1.50 $5
C; Pres. Red Cannas, Blue Iris,
$8 C: $40 M. Add postage. Mrs.
Janie Ellis, Grantville.

Blue Bells, 25c doz; Hen and
Chicken, Thanksgiving Cacti
Kalanchoo,. Chicken Foot root-

- ed, 25c ea. Add postage. Exc. for


- Mums. Mrs. Ida Carson, Griffin, |

plooming size Chinese Sacred
Lilies, white and pink
Hyacinths, Geraniums or large


White PomPom, Yellow But-
ton Mums, and Large Yellow
and Bronze Chrysanthemums,
40c doz.; Red and Yellow Can-
nas, 50c doz. Del. Mary Ruth
Phillips, Royston, Rt. 1.

Pink Thrift, $1.C; Mixed col.
Dahlias, $1 doz.; White Iris
Orange Day Lilies, 40c doz.;
White Narcissi bulbs $$1 C;
White, Red Dbl. Begonia, 10c a.;

Hardy Phlox Plants, 40c Oe
Del. Mrs. Leilar Philips, Royston,

Rte 1
Tris, .50;.$1;7. Pink Cannas,
Nandinas, Lantanas,
Mums, Pink Hydrangea, Red
Hibiscus, Yellow Narcisi, babs,
25 doz.; White,

lips, Royston, Rt. 1.


and Admiral
Lilies, $1 doz.;
doz. Add postage. Mrs.

Thomason, Rockmart, Rt. 2


Gardenias, Abelias, Boxwood,
12-14 in., rooted, $1 ea.; Holly-
Narcissus, all white early bloom-
*~jng, Narcissus spring blooming

hocks, Primroses,


Pink Oxalis,
10c; Zinnia, Petunia Plants, 10c
doz.; Red Geraniums, rooted, 20c
Add postage. Mrs. Lester Phil-

Pink,: Blue
and Single Day,
Pinks, 75c doz.; Mixed Iris, $1.25
ie eis

Wax Begonia, pink, red, white,
25c ea.; Geranium cuttings, $1
doz.; Monthy Rose, 4 gol., $1 doz.;
Mixed col. Iris, $1.50 doz. Miss
Lee Crow, Gainesville, Rt. 2.

Balsan Apple, fruit pear shap-
ed, golden yellow when ripe,
seed 10c doz. plus stamped self
addressed envelope. Mrs. C. O.
McCarty, Rupert. :

Salmon Geranium, Pink Be-
gonia cuttings, 15c ea.; Rose
Thrift, $1-C; Large, Small Pink,
and Yellow Mums, Rain Lilies,
50c doz.; 2 Var. Ferns, 25 buife:h;
Nandinas, 14-20 in, Oak Hy-
drangea, Snowball, 35c ea.; 3, $1;
Mrs. Lee Cromer, Royston.

Dbl. Yellow and White Lady
Banksia Rose, $1 ea; 4 doz.
mixed colored Yellow, Cream,
Lavender, Purple, White Mum
Plants, $1; Red Shrimp Plants,
$1 ea.; 2 Love Apple, $1 Dbl.
Red Geraniums, $1 ea. Add post-
age. Mrs. V. M. Johnson, Shell-

10 dif. Cacti,,3 dif. red, 1
pink Geranium cutting Oxalis,
Pink Rain Lilies, 10c ea.; Rooted
Whitt Conch Begonia, Tuberose,
15c ea.; Sword Fern, 25c rooted
bunch; Exch. for Maiden Hair
and Ostrich Plume Ferns. Add
postage. Mrs. Ralph Williams,
Suwanee, Rt. 1.

2 China Maid (pink blend), 2
Golden Majesty (golden), 1 Az-
Copper (copper and smoky, by
violet, 1 Indian Chief (red bi-
| color $1.45 prepaid to 3rd zone.

|No chks or stamps. Mrs. David
| J. Arnold, Shellman.

Domestic Nandina Seedlings,
|6-8 in., 70c doz.; 3 doz., $1.50;
Hardy Stephanotis Plants, 6-8
in., 15c ea.; 2, 25c; 10-12 in., 20c
ea. Del. to 3rd. zone. 5c on
checks. Miss Mittie Collins,
Smithville, Rt. 1. :

Blooming size Gerbera Daisies,

White, Yellow Feverdew, Purple,
white Per Candytuft, Sweet Wil-
Hams, Ageratum, Per Phlox,
Silver King,. Nandinas, Pink
Yellow Button Mums, large
plants, 65c doz.; Mum collection
20 dif., 50, $1. Damp packed.
Mrs. Johnson Usry, Stapleton.

Jonquill, Daffodil, Narcissus
Bulbs, small, lc ea.; True Jon-
quil, le ea.; Emperor or Empress
(selects) 3c ea.; E or E Double
Nose, 5c ea.; 10: pct. discount
|per M. Order now. Del. at
planting time. Pay then. Miss
Ethelen Gibbs, Social Circle.

white with yellow centers, Jon-

quils, Daffodils, $1 doz. Del. in;

Purple Iris, 3 doz., $1.25. EP:

$1 lots or more. Mrs. H. V.j Can fill large orders. Mrs. M. L.

Franklin, Register, Rt. 1, Box 20

.| Priest, Talking Rock, Rt. 2.

4 217. f

$3 doz.; Red, Blue Salvia, Dbl.


? ae ae
Var. Honeysuckle Vines, 50c doz.
cuttings; Dragon Head, 50c;
Xmas Cacti, 25 cut; Begonias,
3Ce. Add postage. Rosie Crowe,
Cumming, Rt. 1. >

4 shades Lavender and Blue

Iris, 60c doz.; Limited supply
2 tone yellow..standards and
brown falls. buff standard pur-
ple falls, 10c ea.; Baby Zinnias,

| Ageratum, Feverfew, 20c doz.;

postage, No checks. Mrs. M. M.
Hen and Biddie, 30c ea. Add
Kelley, Lithonia, Rt. 3.

Mums, mixed colors, Violets,
purple, white. Japanese, grape
Hyacinths, 40c doz. Dusty Mil-
ler, Purple Verbena, Day Lilies.
Petunias,Pink Thrift, mixed
Cosmos, Touch-Me-Nots, Yard
Coleus, Rock Ferns, Rock Gar-
den Moss, 25c doz. Add postage.
Mrs. D. C. Ledbetter, Lithonia,
Reo: Ph. 2200.

Dogwood, Mimosa,
Plum, Persimmon, 7,
Sweetshrubs, 50@ doz.
only); Lavender, 25e doz.;
Cowhorn Pepper Plants, 35c
doz.; Sunflowers, Cosmos, 25
doz. Exch. for print, white
sacks. Add postage. Mrs. Thos.
J. Watson, Lithonia, Rt. 3, Box


c \
Yard Coleus, Velvet Petun-
ias, Spider Lilies, Pink Thrift,
15c doz.; Marigolds, Zinnias,
Cockscomb, Princess Feather,
Phlox, 25c doz:; Red June
Cacti, Ferns. Begonias, 10c ea.;
Altheas, 4 col. 5c ea.; Violets,
3 col.,-10c doz. Add postage.
Mrs. C. H. Lawson, Lithonia,
Rt, 3, Box 216, ; :

Red, Yellow Azaleas, Red,
White Dogwood, Barberry, Bri-
dalwreath, Easter Lilies, Lilacs.
Arborvitaes, 14-2 ft., 25c ea.;
Snow on the Mtn. Fall Pinks,
Goldenglow, Houseleek, Blue
Flag, Dahlias, Blue Grass, $1.
doz. ea. No orders under $1.
Add postage. Mae Wright, Lov-

Iris Tubers, heavenly blue,
purple, white, bronze, 5c ea.
Mrs. Ralph S. Collier, Madison.

Red, Pink, White Double,
Sweetgum and Guineawing Be-
gonias, American Beauty Dbl.
Red, Pink, White Geranium,
Rainbow Moss, Lantanas, Sul-
tanas, sev. colors, Dbl. Petunia
cuttings, 25c .ea:; 45c; ) Lace
and Sprengeri Ferns, rooted,
35e.-ea-2 2,60, Mrs. 8d. As
Wilson, Martin. eat

Glad Bulbs, $2. C. Exch. for
Dahlias, large blooming var.,
in red, white, pink, or yellow,
or for Hardy Aasters. Mrs.
Lois G, Bell, Milledgeville, Rt.

Per. Candytuft, Per. Gypso-
phila,Canterbury Bells, Fox-
glove, Columbine, Fire~ Chief
Petunia, 75c doz.; Snapdpagon,
Giant Zinnias, Marigolds, Blue
Ageratum, Purple Achimenes,
mixed Petunias, White Alys-
sum, 30 plants, $1.25; Snap-
dragons, $3. C; Gerbera Dais-
ies $2.-doz. Mrs, J. W. Jones,
Madison. :

Orange cup Jonquil Bulbs,
40c doz. Add postage. Miss
Jewell Martin, Menlo, Rt. 1.

Phododendrons, Mtn. Latrels,
Cherokee Rose, Azaleas, Red-
Bud, Yellow Tulip Polars, Ma-
ples, White Dogwood, Crab-
apple, Holly, White Pine, Creek
Hemlock, 2-3 ft., $2.75 doz.;
Orange Day Lilies, Blue fris,
Snowdrops, Pink Phlox, White
Shasta Daisies, $2.50 C. Add
pOstaee: Gladys Robinson, Min-
eral Bluff.

Mtn. Laurels, Holly, Rhodo-
dendron, Creek Hemlock, Tu-
lip Poplar, Coralberry, White
Pine, Red Bud, Azalea, Dog-
wood, 2-3 ft., $2.75 doz.; Day
Lilies, Blue Iris, Shasta Daisies,
Phlox, Violets, Snowdrops, Fall
Pinks, $2.50 C. Add postage.
Bonnie Abercrombie, Mineral
Bluff. x

Purple Physostegia, Day Li-
lies, Mint, 2 doz. 75c; Running
Honeysuckle, Red and Yellow

Spotted Cannas, $1. doz.; Jon- |

quil. Bulbs, $1.25 .C; Purple
Sweet Violets, $2. C; White
with blue eyes, $1. C. Add
postage. Mrs. Mary E. Hudson,
Macon, Rt. 2.

\ .

_| Torch Lilies,

. tus , Leaves
postage, Ss
Marietta, Rt. 4,

Very large Chrysanthemums
white, ball shaped, C

tings, for sale. Moss w.

PP. Mrs. Charles. F. D ie

Jr. Ocilla.

Chrysanthemum Plants, |
varieties, $4.
Griffin, Ocilla.

Red. Pink,
Red, Salmon Geranium, Coral
Vine, Cedar Fern, Blue August
Lily, 25 ea.; Mixed. Verbena,
Daisy, Cushion Mums, Pink
Per. Phlox, Royal Violets, 35c
doz.; Strawberry, Conch Be-
gonia, Sultana, 10c ea. Add
postage. Mrs. Joseph Gibbs, Re-
becca, Rt. 2, Box 67.

20 dif. var. Mums,
$1.; Mixed Petunias,
Pink, Red Begonia Cuttings,
Geranium, 10c ea.; Purple
Stripe Jew, Green and White
Striped, 3, 10c; Green Jew. 6,
10c. Add postage. Mrs. P. E.
Traylor, Rebecca. =

one each,
15c doz.;

Narcissi, Gol@en Perfection,
Laurens Koster, 2. dif. large
dbl. flowered, sold in mixtures.
$1. doz.; $4. C; 12 Chrysanthe-
mums, all dif. $1.; Hardy Ste-
phanotis (vine with fragrant
white flowers, 35c ea.; 3, $1
Mrs. Maud Granger, Reidsville.

Salmon, Red, White Dbl. Ger-
anium, Red, White, Purple,
Salmon, Pink, Sultanas, Red,
Pink, Rase Everblooming, and
Beefsteak and Maple Leaf Be-
gonias, Justicia, Fuchsia, -White,
Pink Hydrangeas, Chicken
Gizzard, 15c ea.; Red
gonias, rooted, 20c ea. Add
postage. Mrs. W. H. Rice, Roys-
ton, Rt. 1. a

Thrift, Azaleamums, Pink:

Jonquils, daffodils, yellow,
white; Snowdrops, Hyacinths,
blue; pink Mullein, 50c doz;

German Iris, lavender, $2. doz.;
Dbl. Lilies. orange; Lavender
Mums, Yarrough, pink, $1. d6z.
Mrs. Clyde~W. Maffett, Ros-
well,Ga. Rtr-1: ~ ?

Pink, and Salmon Pink Sul-
tanas,- 3:5 50;4 cok Coleus, 4,
50c; Large Pink, Everblooming
(glossy green leaves), Red,
White Dbl. Begonia, 3 plants,
$1, All rooted; 5-col. Giant
Size Blooming Dahlia Slips,
5, $1. Add postage. Mrs. C. C.
Gentry, Calhoun, Rt. 3. ;

Tube Roses, 8 col. Cannas,
Ageratum Plants, $1, doz.; Lan-
tanas, Pink Crape Myrtle.
Coralberry, Amaryllis, Red
Seven Sister Running Rose,
Milk and Wine and Day Lilies,
Umbrella Palm, Iris, 25c ea.
Add postage. Mrs. _ W.
Wooten, Camilla, Rt. 2.

Mums: Rose Daisy with yel-
low. throat, $1. doz.; Yellow
Spoon, 15, $1.; 15 -kinds, all
color bedding variety, 20. $1.;
Also 30; var.) Iris; 7, $1, Add
20c. postage in State; Mrs. W.
Johnson, Crawfordville, Rt.

Lantan Plants, 10c ea.; Bird
of Paradise, 45 ea.; 4 OClock,
yellow, red, 10c ea.; 2 col.
Jew, 5c ea.; Justicia. 50c ea.;
Angel Wing and. Conch Begon--
ia, 25c ea. Add postage. Viola
Go Brady; Cairoz RE - Ie 322

All. col. Snapdragon Plants,
4-9 in. 25, $1. Immediate del.
Mrs. Olin Bishop, Cartersville,
RFD 4. :

Large type named Dahlias,
blooming size, mixed, with
eyes, all cols.,- $2.25 doz. not
labeled; Rooted Purple, Red,
Pink Verbenas, 35e doz.; Blue
False Dragons, rooted, 40c doz.
PP. Mrs. Sam OD. Knight,
Cedartown, Rt. 2.-


Perennial Sweetpeas, Phlox,
and Asters, Dbl. Sharon Rose
Phlox, Boston Ivy, Siberian
Iris, Dbl. Day and Blackberry
Lilies, 12, $1.; Pussywillows,
rooted, Maiden Hair Ferns,
6; $l; Star--of
Bethlehem Bulbs; 50c C. Mrs.
M. L. Eaton, Dahlonega, Rt. 1.

Pot Plants: Unrooted cut-
tings, 1 each, Geranium, Lan-
tana, Justicia, Hydrangea, 50c;
Rooted Cedar Fern, Rainbow
Moss, Oxalis, 25c ea. Add post-
age. Mrs. Lona Blackwell, Dah--

lonega, Rt. 1, Box 54. oe

rooted cut- |t

C. Mrs. Alice} ]


Dbl. Be-|

tu _ Beans,
my home. Mrs.
Dawsonville, Rt.

Trailing A
Pinks, Snapdragor
ready, $1. doz.; v
25c ea.; Ka
Laurels, White
dendrons, White
$1.50 doz.; Violets
Lilies, Siberian
Add postage.

doz., $2.
90c doz. Add

Ruffled Pina
Dame, Mimosa

"Large blooming
meee i
an . Mums,
tum, Red Dbl.
tegia, Red Salvi:
jas, all 25 doz
Leverett, Eas :
Hill Rd. 5

- Mixed colors
White, Purple P
den Fleece, :
doz.; Trailing
Coleus, 10c ea
Lav. Pom,
postage. Mrs.
Elberton, Rt.

. Blue Roman |

doz.; Sriowdrop

Paper. White C
Narcissi, 50c do
cissi, $1.50 C

Peach Col.
ing size, Pink a
50e doz.; Large

Old Fashion

dalwreath, Re
lia, 50c ea.

Old English
woods, Magnoli
Cherry Laurels

and Petu

dils, $1.50 doz.:
Bovwood, 8-10
Smaller, $2. doz.;
doz.; Eng. Ivy,
B. L. Robinson,

Cherry Laurels,
inca Minor, Ivy,
ums, Violets, Seed-
ja, all $125 doz. Del.
ruff, Greenville.

old time fragrant.
oyal Robe and Frag-

_ Violets, > $1. doz.:
Purple, and Old
west Violetsy 3 doz.,
inca, 2 doz., $1.

1 Yellow Jonquils,
gs, Lohg Trumpet
Oe Ce Pink and
ift, 65 doz.; Blue
nths, $1.25. doz.:
ise: $1.25 ea. Miss
ly, Hartwell, Rt.
ee ck ute,

g Trumpet Daf-
Red Spider Lily,
Hyacinth, $1.25
ink, :
Bird of Para-

e McCurley,
m, long stem Cali-
ts, very fragrant,
pexGs-Add= post-
es Crouch, Ho-
3 ;

. Avzaleas, Ferns,
ue Hydrangeas,
Red Honeysuckle,
Pines, Pussy and
V oe Boxwood,
d, White spirea,
fz... $1.2) Prizes -win-
| Chrysanthemums,
oostage. Mrs. John

Long _ Trumpet Dat-
Jonquils, Dbl.
Eggs. White April

ed, White,

: ums, will bloom
$) oe 2:| Bink
-mums, large fluffy
C;-Old Fashion Burn-

, Daffodil Bulbs,
ae _Add_ postage

winners in

Write for names,

prices. Mrs. T. T.

Tris, around
od colors and
efor olist: ~Col-
$2. (not labeled).

. Farrar? Jen-
Fall Pinks, rose,
w, cream, 20c doz.
Mums, other flow-
first. Mrs. Emma

hipments, Mrs. Roy
nge, Glass Bridge

S, oe col., 20,

: Blue and-

Siberian Blue,

ter Iris, mixed,
dils, Janquils.

Narcissi, Butter
C; $6. M. Add
ri Gunter,

r. Bearded Iris,
IS show this

z. Add post-

Bird of Par- |

3|2 doz. 25c. Fred J. Wither-
spoon, Atlanta, 308 Holderness
istehoeRa. DIO] os)
Seed: 4 Oclock, Balsom
Hollyhock, Hibiscus, Marigold,
Chinese Laterns, Lantanas,

- | package. Self addressed, stamp-

se[ nul
p | Cheer, Carolyn Yossick, Made-

. Hattie Kim- | $1

| Cunninghamias,


H.| H. Carter, Atlanta, 35 Weyman

petunias and zinnias, 2oe doz.;
Tithonia, 3 for 10c; red ver-
ena, 10c bunch; Show Mums, |
Turners, yellow Ball, Silver-
Wine, Tallassec Wine, Bronze,
Jap Rose,
Ruby, now, 5 for $1. Wet pack-
ed Mrs R. J. Fleming, Lincoln=

127 Iris; dit. col. o$1s20~ Sul-
tana cuttings, 20, $1.; - White.
Dark Purple Var. Leaf Rose,
Pink/ Blossom; Also want small
SYaowflake | Chrysanthemusns.
Mrs. H. B. Clower, Lawrence-
ville, Rt. 3.

Yellow Jonquil Bulbs, $1.
CasPP sist dus ViceiMoClures
Acworth, Rt. 1. . : (

Dbl. Red Geranium Plants,
20c ea.; Red Sultana, Red Be-
gonia, large incurved Commer-
cial _Crysanthemum, yellow,
white, lavender, bronze. mid-
get yellow dot, and daisy, all
rooted plants, 10c ea. Add post-
age. L. W. Rhodes, Albany,
1221 Parker Ave. i

Flower Plants soon ready to
bloom, for sale, Cannot ship.

Frank, Ginn, Atlanta, 451
Metropolitan Pl., S. E. Ph. Al.

Cherry Laurel, Mimosa, White
and Purple Wisteria, Pearl
Bush, Tung Oil Trees, Breath
ef Spring, Wild Cherry, Sea
Myrtle Roots, all 2 ft. No order
-less- than 5, $2.50. PP: Also
Ophiopogon Vinca Minor
(ground cover) 50, $2.50. Mrs.
John C. -Huie, Albany, 1303
Rawson Circle. ea

Large White ~ Chrysanthe-
mums, pink Perfection, White
and Yellow Buttons, 60c doz.
plants. Plus postage, No chks.
and no order under $1. Mrs.
Myrtle P. Hunt, Atlanta, 921
Capitol View Ave., N. W. Ph.
Be. 6654. :

Large Chrysanthemums, W.
M. Turner, Yellow, White, Pink,
$1. doz.; 2 doz., $1.50; King
Alfred Jonquil Bulbs, 4c ea.;
Moon Flower Seed, 10-25c:; Al-
so Pepper, and Tomato Plants,

Bachelor Buttons (round kind).
White Angel Trumpet, Golden
Rain Tree, mixed, \50c nice

ed envelope. Mrs. W. I. Stokes,
Atlanta, 927 Crew St, S. W.
Ph. Ma. 0398.

Chrysanthemums: Orchi d
Queen, Glitters, Indianola, Joy-
Black Hawk, Christmas

line, shell pink, 20 plants, $1.50:
Daisy type, many colors, 30,
+, Petunias, 75, $1.; Fancy
Coleus, 20, $1.25. PP. Mrs. W.
S. Griffin, Adel, Rt. 1.

Hardy Verbena plants, in 10
colors, including red, blue,
white and purple. Good rooted
plants. 30 for $1. PP. Exc.
some for rooted geraniums,
dbl. petuna and others. Mrs.
= M. Grier, Alto. Rt. 1, Box

15 var. more or less of Chry-
santhemums, 15 asst., $1.; Star
of Bethlehem Bulbs, 35c doz.;
Lace and Sprengeri Ferns, 40
ea.; Blue Vinca Minor, 12, 40c;
Parrott Feather, Water Moss,
6, 40c; Penny Royal Plants, 6,
25c. PP. Mrs. Ed Stone, Adairs-
ville, Rt. 2.

Beefsteak, Angelwing. Bronze.
Begonias, Plumosus, Sprengeri
Ferns, Philodendrons, Loquots,
and Fancy
Leaf Caladiums, 25c ea. Add
35e extra for shipping, Mrs.
Alma Moore, Adel.

Blomming size Red Geran-
ium, Pink, White, and Mixed
Color Carnations, 40c ea.; 2.
75e; Purple Blazing Star and
Violet Plants, 35c doz.; 2 doz..
65c; Areoplane House Plants,
25 ea. Add postage. Mrs. Jes-
sie. Howard, Albany, 400

Salvia, Feverfew, Dill Plants,
all 50c doz.

hite Sweet Alyssum, Sweet
Basil, Chrysanthemums, 25
doz. No mail orders, Mrs. B.


Dusty Miller, bule Age atum, |

White Chief, Red|A

White, Blue, Pink Hydrah-
geas, 3, $1.50. PP. Mrs. W. H.
Meacham, Atlanta, 57 Lake-
view Ave. N. Ey Ey
Salvia (scarlet sage), 50c doz.
F. Jackson, Atlanta, 435
Rd., N. E. Ph. De.


Petunias, Dwarf Ageratum,
Salvia, Torenia, Dbl. Balsam,
Snapdragons, Celosia, Dwarf
Marigolds, Lilliput, large Zin-
nias, 5c ea.; Purple Achimenes,
Dbl. White Feverfew, Chrysan-
themums, 50c doz.; Tuberous
Begonias, Dwarf Boxwood, 50c
ea. At my home only. Mrs.
Frank Barford, Atlanta, 1185
Moreland Ave., S. E. ]


White, Lavender, Purple
Daisy Mums, 30, $1.; Ball Lav-
ender large type, 75c doz.;
Large Quilled Red Radiance,
60c doz.; Nancy -Rose, large,
60c doz.; Yellow Bell, 6, 15c:
Scarlet Sage, 30c doz.; Stand-
ing Cypress, 15 doz. Mrs.
Clyde Logan, Austell, Rt. 2
Hillcrest Dr. :

Dbl. White Snowdrop Spirea,
30c ea.; Yellow Cup Narcissi,
Dbl. Day Lilies, $1.50 C: Cur-
rants, 25 ea.; White, Purple
Wisteria, 40c; Silver Leaf Ma-
ple, Red, Pink, White Dorothy
perkins Rose, 2. 55c. Cash or
MO. ~ Add postage. Charlie
Smith, Austell. Rt. 3, Box 353,
Gordon Rd. :

Dbl. White Altheas, White
Crape Myrtles, Purple, White
Wisteria, 40c; Trumpet Daffo-
dils, 30c; White Narcissus, Day
Lilies, 24 doz; Pink, White,
Red Running - Rose, Thornless
Pink Rose, Babybreath Spirea,
Eng. Dogwood, Yellow Jas-
mine, 25c. Add postage. No
chks. Effie Smith, Austell, Rt.
3, Box 353,

Dbl. Red, Cannas, Butter and
Eggs, Jap. Sunflower, Mixed
Col, German Iris, $1. doz.;
Emperor Daffodils, White Nar-
cissi, Houseleek, Violets, Or-
ange Day Lilies, 50c doz. Miss
Mautile Harrison, Bremen, Rt.
2 Box 81 Es ao

Star Fish Cacti, rooted, 40c
ea.; Cuttings, 35 ,ea.: Hen
and Biddie, 50 ea.: White Ger-
anium, rooted, 50c ea.; Green
Jew, and Iee Plant, 25c ea.;

Xmas Cherries, 50c ea. Add
postage. Mrs. Samuel Caine,
Cummings. =


Large prize winning Chrysan-
themums: Silver Wedding.
White, Golden. Yellow, Nellie
Dean Pink, Colter Lavender,
Sunset Bronze, Velvety Red,
Ball Cream, Shirley Temple,
15 plants, $1.; all colors Daisy
Type, 20, $1. Mrs. R. L. Silver,
Cuthbert. Rt. 5.

Cacti June, Cob, Glory
(blooms red), Deer Horn, Pattail,
Elephant Ear, 35c ea.; Jonquils,
15ce-doz.; Rambling Pink, Large
Pole Pink, (bush), and Black
Rose, also Lilacs, Silver Maple,
Crape Myrtle, Golden Bell, 25c
ea. Add postage. Mrs. Warren
McDaniel, Talking Rock, Rt. 2.

Bearded Iris: White, Lavender,
Very Pale Blue, and Lavender
with wine falls, also Rich Wink
Vesper Iris, and Pink Verbena,
50c doz. Add postage for 1st.
pound. 18c. Mrs. J. M. Newman,
Tallapoosa, Rt. 2.

Mountain Mist, $1 start; Blue
Dutch, Iris, $1.50 bunch; Dah-
lias, Red White Spotted, Laven-
der, large 50c tuber; Nice Box-

wood for sale. Mrs. C.W.
Fricks, Talking Rock, Rt. 8
Box 151. :

Lady Slipper, Ageratum, Cush
ion Center Mums, Chrysanthe-
mums, Prince Feathers, Giant
Dbl. Dahlias, Zinnias, Old Fash-
ion Bachelor Buttons, Dbl.
Touch-Me-Not, large Sunburst
Maribold, Primrose, Angel
Trumpet, 50 doz. Plus postage.
Mrs. J. C. Combs, Toomsboro,
Rt. -, Box 45.

Bird of Paradise Plants, 25c

>. | doz.; Pink Crabapple, 5, $1; Also

Bird of Paradise
pack. Bxch
Mrs. Grady

eed, 25c large
r flower euttings.
rewer, Toomsboro.

6 large leaf Begonias, dif. var-
ee and et
Sultanas, 10e ea. $1
n Ga, Mrs. A.

$1; Rooted
i dys pre-

Ave, 8. E, Ph. Al. 5040,-

in Landin,

aon A
Running Roses Buckeyes,| Pink Seven Sister Rose2;. 5, $12
Golden Rods, Running and| Wax Leaf Evergreen Golden

Buneh Honeysuckle, Magnolia,

_| Evergreen Oaks, Red and White

Dogwood, Teaolive, Yellow Jas-
mine, 1-5 ft., 10c ft.; Also Mari-
gold, and Gourd Seed. Exch. for
sacks. Mrs. Henry Loyd. Tooms-
boro, Rt. 1.

7 cols. Iris, 40c doz:; Box-
wood, 6-8 in.; 7, $1 Chrysanthe-
mums, white, yellow, orchid,
bronze, spoon Mums; Also King
Alfred Jonquils, Sweet Williams,
25c doz. Add postage. Min. order.
Mrs. W. H. T. Acree, Toccoa,
RFD 3.

Monkey Faces or Widows
Tears, 50c doz. PP..Mrs. R. W.
Roper, Trion, Rt. 1.

Red King Carnations, $1 doz.;
Sword and Asparagus Ferns, 40c
ea.; Jerusalem Holly, 50c ea.;
Oak and Blue Hydrangea, 40c
ea.; Narcissus Bulbs, white and
eream, 65c doz. Add postage.
Susie Andrews, Thomasville,
Box 641:

One year Day Lilies, best
strain; 15, $1 Liriope, 50, $1.25;
Empress Bulbs, 75c doz.; Thalia;
$1.50 doz.; Bulbs for naturaliz-
ing $1.50 C; Iris, $1 doz. Mrs.
B. E. Andrews, The Rock.

Purple Iris, Orange Day Lilies,
3 doz., $1.25; PP. Mrs. Abe Goble,
Talking Rock, Rt. 2.

> Mixed Tris, 2 1/2. doz, $1;
fril blooming Narcissi, $1 C;
Star of Bethelem, 15c doz. Mrs.
John Weaver, Temple, Rt. 25

Variegated Spotted Coleus,
Job or Mothers Tears, 3, 25c;
Blooming size Pink, Red Geran-
jlums, Angelwing, Beefsteak Be-
gonias, 35 ea.;Mixed Sultanas,
Justicia, Chicken Gizzard, White,
Pink Single, Dbl. Snowball,
Pink Conch Begonias, 25c. Plus

postage. Mrs. . Wavy oe
Bearded Iris, blue, yellow,

urple, white 2 tones, Yellow
Sends. purple falls, Pink
Standards, purple falls, var. blue
and white, $1. PP. Mrs. Lillian
Owens, Tallapoosa, Rt. 2.

Gerbera Daisies, 42,5 $3; =60
Tris, 35 Day Lilies. Stamped:
envelope for list; Colors pinks,
reds, yellows, 2 tone, bicolors,
plicatas; Iris, 12 dif. labeled, $1.-
50: Not labeled, $1.25; Day Lil-
ies, 12, dif., labeled, $3.50; Not
labeled, $3. Add 35c postage.
Mrs. F. M. Combs, Washington.

Daffodil Bulbs, 15 doz. Add
postage. Mrs. Earl Swann, Union
Point, Rt. re :

Large blooming size Red Spid-
er Lily (Lycoris radiata) Bulbs,
plant now for Sept. blooming,
$1 doz.; 50, $3. Plus postage.
Mrs. Rosa G. Poole, Valdosta,
1610 Marion St.

Day Lilies, reds, pinks, bi-
colors, yellow, orange, 12 dif.
labeled, $3.75; Not lebeled, $3.35;
Iris, 3 ea., reds, yellows, pinks,
bi-colors, plicatas (ea. dif. ah
wanted), lebeled $1.75; Not
labeled, $1.35. Add 25c postage.
Mrs. M. P. Combs, Washington.

Pink Thrift, rooted, damp
packed, 75c C;_ 200, $1; Bridal-
wreath, 25c ea.; Dusty Miller,
40c doz.; Widows Tears, 25c ea.;
Large Mums, red, yellow, 50c
doz. All rooted, damp packed.
Add postage. Mrs. Milton T. Phil
lips. wrens.

Giant Red Conch, Bronge
Leaf Red, Pink Begonias, Blee
ing Heart, Boston, Whitmani,
Roosevelt, Fluffyruffle, Baby
Breath, Artillery Ferns, 55c ea.;
'White, Green Leaf Rose Bloom,
Bronze Leaf Red, Large Peach
Blossom Salmon Sultanas, 25c
ea.; collection $1.25: Mrs. Gra-
ham Eley, White Plains.

Seed of White Moon Flower,
Little Freneh Marigolds; also
large yellow, big pkg. each, 28c
PP; Red Spider Lily Bulbs, 65c
doz.; Day Lilies, reds, yellows,
mixed, 3, $1. Mrs. Fred Atkin-
son, Valdosta, Rt. 4.

-Pink and Red Glad Bulbs, $1
doz.; 25, $1.70; 50 $5.15; Xmas
Cacti, 2 plants, $1.35; 4, 2.50;

occoa. -

a4 ostage. Mrs. G. T. Brown,
Ball Ground, Rt. 1.

Bells, Snowbells, Purple Wister-
ja, 3$1. Pink Werbena, $1 doz.;
Privet Hedge, $1 C: Blue Easter
Lilies, 15, $1; Bush and Vine
Huckleberry, 3, $1 Rooted. Damp
packed. PP. Mrs. B. T. Thornton,

Blue Hyacinths, 50c doz.: Pef.
Phlox, 3 doz., $1; Blue Daisy,
blooms in fall, Daffodils, Jon-
quils, Chrysanthemums, red,
yellow, bronze, purple, white
mixed with pink, 4 doz. plants,
$1. Add 30c postage. Mrs. J. W.
| Smith, Sr. Buena Vista, R. R.
| No. 3.

| King Alfred Jonquils, $2.50 C;

| White Narcissi, $2 C; Orange
Day Lilies, White and Purple
Iris, Yellow, Red Cannas, Em-
peror Jonquils, $1 doz.; Snow-
drops Bulbs, Button, Yellow, and
Mixed Color Mums, White, and
Purple Violets, 50e doz. Exch.
for white sacks. Martha A. Wo-
;mack, Bremen, Rt. 2; Box 89.

Pink Cherokee Rose, Pink, -
White Rhododendrons, all col.
Wild Azaleas, 2.50 doz.: 3 types
per Phlox, Blue Birdfoot Violets,
50 doz.; Rooted, Boxwoods, 10-
12 in., 3 doz. Bob Wilson, Blue
Ridge. .

Rooted Boxwood, 10-12 in,

| $3 doz.; Golden Forsythia, Dbl. -
| Pink Almond, Beauty and Moss

Rose, Pink Primrose, Mtn. Ferns,

3 col. Violets, Wild Iris, 50c doz.

Sadie Wilson, Blue Ridge.

Privet Hedge, $1 C; Pink Sis-
ter Roses, Wax Lead Evergreen, ~
Snowbells, Golden Bells, Eng.
Dogwood, 3, $1 All rooted. Damp
Packed. PP. Inez Haynes, Bow-
don. g , ;

Royal Robe Violets, fragrant,
15, $1; Hardy Hydrangea, blue,
4, $1. Add 25c postage. Mrs. RP.
Steinheimer, Brooks.

Large type Mums; Fuchsia
Pink, Red Indian Chief, Orchid
Quill, Avalance, White Night,
Indianapolis Pink, 36 plants,
3. PP. Mrs. M. O. Johnson, Bain-
bridge, Rt. 1.

Yellow Daffodils, Jonquils,
Butter and Eggs, Narcissi, White
Narcissi, Star of Bethelhem, 25c
doz.; Mixed 1.50 C; $10.00 M;
Chrysanthemums, Iris, Altheas,
Thrift, 50c doz.; $2.75. C; $20
M; Cannas, Snowdrops, Tulips,
10c -ea.; 2, 25c. Add postage.
Mrs. Ardell Meller, Bishop, Rt.
I, Box 222: 3

June, Xmas, Thanksgiving, Cab-
bage, large Red Everblooming
Cacti, Dbl. and Single Begonias,
Dbl. Rose, Pink Petunias, Dbl.
Red Geranium, etc. Stamp for
list; Cuttings, 8c ea; 15, $1.
Plus postage. Mrs. Lovelle Own-
bey, Blairsville, Rt. 3, Box 82.

All cols. named Snapdragons,
rooted, damp packed, 1 1/2 doz.,
85c doz.; 15 col. Per Verbena,
$1.50; 3 doz., $2.50; All col. nam-
ed Crinkley, Saucer Size Zin-
nias, 75c doz.; Firechief Red
Petunias, 60c doz.; All col. Rare
Daisy Mums, 75c doz. Mrs. H. E.
Richardson, Bowdon, Rt. 1.

Fire Chief Red Petunias, 50c
doz.; All ol. Snapdragons, 85c
doz.; *Named Zinnias, large,
erinkley, 75c doz.; All col. Ver-
bena, new types, 15 rooted, damp
packed, $1.25; 3 doz:, $2.50 PP.
Mrs. Billy Holloway, Bowdon,

Russian Sun Flower, Drum
Head Sunflower, Salvia Sage
Seed, 10c Tbl.; Old Fashion
Bachelor Button, 30c cup; 3, 1.
Add postage. Mrs. Horace Sut-
tles, Bowersville, Rt. 1.

Jew Moss, Oxalis, Geraniums,
| Sultanas, Cacti, 20 cuttings, $1;
| Monthly Roses, White, reds, pink
dbl. Althea (white, rose), Yard
Honeysuckle (not a vine) 15 cut-
tings, $1. Mrs. A. G. Hunt,
Buford, Rt. 1, Box 414.

Mixed color Snapdragon and
| Zinnia Plants, 3 doz., $14 15 dif.
|pot flewer cuttings and plants

such as Begonia, Geranium,
Cacti, Sultana, etc., 15, $1.25 my
selection. No chks . Add 25c

postage for out-of-state orders.
Mrs. John Goble, Cedartown, Rt.


Fish, Elk Horn,- Pink==









Daffodil Bulbs, mixed colors,
sizes and types, single and
' double, $1 C; Large Dark Purple,
and large White Iris, 15,.$1. Add
25c postage. Miss Ruth Under-
wood, Conyers, Rt. 3.

15 asst. Iris including one
_ Dykes Medal winner (worth
- 50c), all $1. PP. Unlabeled. Mrs.
J. G. Robertson, Carrollton.

Hemerocallis day lilies Mikado
Fantasia, Spitfire, Baronet,
Flava, Ophir, Twinkle (red), Dr.

Regal, 25c ea.; Bertrand Farr,
' Mirage, Silver Star} 50c Martha
Washington, $1; Others. $2 ord-
ers PP. Mrs. H. B. Robers@.,

Fine Cannas: Eureka White,
City of Portland and Madam
Canard Pink, Giant, and King

nbert Red, Gold, Lemon Yel-
low Variegated Allemania, $1.50
doz.: $10 C; $40 M; Shasta
Daisies, $2. C. Mrs. J. R. Camp,

Large Ferns, $5; Large mixed
col. Mums, Everblooming Pink,
Red Begonias, Blue and Pink
Hydrangeas, Palms, 50c ea; Rub-
ber Rose, Coleus, Pathos, Mon-
key Faces, Pin-up Plants, 25c
ea.; Misteltoe Geranium cutt-
ings, Jew, 10c; Var. Jade, Ivy,
40c. Plus postage. Mrs. Otis
Mashburn, Cumming.

Mixed col. Sweet Williams,
Orange Day Lilies, Blue Grape
Hycinths, Mums, Narcissi, Star
of Bethlhem, Ophiopogon, Pur-
ple Easter Iris, 50c doz.; Dbl.
Pink Hyacinths, 3, $1; Violets, $1
C; Yellow Star Moss, 25c clump
Add Postage. Mattie Duran
Cumming, Rt. 1.


Trumpet Daffodils, Dbl Orange
Day Lilies, Blue Tame Violets,
$3 M; Purple King Iris, Leopard,
Lemon Lilies, Fall Pinks, Star of
Bethlehem, 75c C; Red Azaleas,
Purple, White Lilacs, Dbl. Yel-
low Japonicas, Pink Weigelas, 3,
$1 Rooted. Add postage. Mrs.
Frank Parks, Ellijay, Rt. 3.

Mixed bulbs, Emperor Daf-
fodils, Poeticus Narcissi, Dbl.
Daffodils, Jonquils, Snowdrop,
$1.50 C; $12 M; Blooming size
ready to ship; Vinca or Peri-
winkle, Fragrant Purple, and
Confederate Grey Violets, $1.25
C; Petunia Plants, mixed cols.,
50c C. Add postage. Mrs. J. H.
Penland, Ellijay.

Purple, Yellow Iris, Dbl. Yel-|
Jow Orange Lilies, Brilant Red/)

Moutbrettia, Bbl. Yel-
low Goldenglow, White Violets,
50c doz.; Yellow Japonicas, Pink,
White Spirea, Red Myrtles, For-
sythias, 50c ea.; White Iris, 10c

ea.; Large Dbl. Pink Primrose, |

75 ea. Add postage. Mrs. D. P.
Garrett, Ellijay, Rt. 3, Box 105.

Blush Pink Mums, 60c doz.;)

Large and small mixed colors
Dahlias, 85c doz.; Dwarf Mari-
golds, 45 doz.; Sun Goldens, 85c
cut. Add postage. Mrs. Rubin
McClure, Ellijay, Rt. 5.

Anglewing, Guineawing
White and Bronze Conch Be-
gonias, Baby Branching Ivy,
Sweetgum Ivy, Xmas Cacti cut-
tings 25c ea; Yellow Monthly
Rose cuts., 25 ea.; 6, $1; White
Mums with yellow ceriters, 40c
doz. Add postage. Mrs. W. W.
Louman, Ellijay, Rt. 5.

Yellow and Red, and PomPom
Red Dahlia slips, 65 doz.;
Sweetgum Ivy, Geraniu
Xmas Cacti, cuttings
White and Pink Oxalis, Straw-
berry Begonia, Xbas Cacti, 35

Sweetgum Ivy, 25c per)

Mixed Chrysanthemums, 50c!

doz.; Yellow Dbl. Mums in large
qauntities, tall Cannas, small

bloom, 3, 25c; Yellow Iris, 50c

doz.; $3 C; Purple Hardy Asters,
3, 50c. Plus postage. Exch. for
print sacks, free of holes. Miss
Jeanne Langley, Ellijay, Rt. 3,
% Rose Haven Village.

Xmas Cacti, 10c; Blooming
size, $3; White Geranium, Conch,
Fuzzy Bear, Pink, White Rose-
bud Begonia, Sansevieria cut-
tings, 15 ea.; $1 doz.; Walking
Tris, June Cacti, Shrimp, 25c ea.
Exch. for print sacks. No order
less $1. Mrs. Mary Langley,
Ellijay, Rt. 3, Box 98.

Red; White, and Pink Dbl., and
rooted Angelwing Begonias, Red
Coleus cuttings, Red Dbl. Geran-
ium, Hen and Biddie, Single
Red Begonia, all 25c ea. Add
postage. Mrs. W. T. Cwchran,
Ellijay, Rt. 2.

Blue Violets, $1 C; Yellow
Goldenglow, mixed col. large
Mums, Foxgloves, mix. col Iris,
Brown Day Lilies, 50c doz.; Pink
Peony, Pink Hydrangea,
Justicia, Pink and Red Jvume
Cacti, 50c ea. Add postage for
Jess $3 orders. Mrs. W. D. Rals-
ton, Ellijay, Rt. 3.

Mtn. Azaleas, 25c ea.; $2 doz.;
Yellow Primrose, Red Horse-
mint, Mtn. Winter Ferns, Pink
Nickel Moss, Chrysanthemums,
white, 50c doz.; Love-In-The-
Mist Daisies, King Alfred Jon
quils, white Narcisus Bulbs, 25c
doz.; Hop vine, Wisteria Vine,
25c ea. Add postage. Mrs, Presley
Fowler, Ellijay, Rt. 5.

Daffodils, Narcissi, _Glads,
Mums Thrift, Iris, Tame Violets,
Johnny Jumpup, 50c doz.; Red,
Pink Running Roses,
Lilies, Mullein Pinks, Red Japo-
nicas, Forsythias, 25c ea.; Box
wood, $1.25. Orders $2 PP in Ga.
Bettie Own, Ellijay.

2 dozen each Red Salvia, and
fixed col. frostproof Snap-
dragon Plants, 1 doz. Rosebud
Dbl. Moss, red and striped mix-
ed, all rooted, collection 5 doz.,
$1. Add 10c postage. No chks. or
COD. Mrs. N. B. Overby, Flow-
ery Branch, Rt. 1.

Trailing Vinca, Touch-Me-Not
Seed and Plants, White, Red, and
Purple Verbena, Mums, named
varieties, Butterfly bush, Sweet
William Seed. Exch. for Salvia.
Mrs. Annie Hubbard, Fortson.

Variegated Violets, 5 doz., $1;
Ivy cuttings, 3 ft, 10c. Plus
postage. No less than $1 orders.
Mrs. E. Fountain, Fort Valley,

Large Boxwood, $1 ea.; Small-
er, 6-12 in., 30 ea.; White and
Purple Lilacs, 25 ea.; Amaryl-
lis Lilies, 3, 50c; Red and Orange
Begonias, 30c ea. Add postage.
Mrs. Mae Turner, Gainesville,
Rta6: :

Jacobs Ladder, 50c doz.; Shas-
ta Daisies, 75c doz.; Red Be-
gonias, rooted, 25c ea.; Feather-
few, Geranium, Prince Feather,
75c doz.; Blue Larkspur, 50c doz.
Add postage. L. M. Turner,
Gainesville, Rt. 6. e


Want to exch. Coleus, be-
goni~-, Bleeding Heart, and
Sult-nas, for Double Geran- }-

m Red,|iums. Mrs. W. T. Barrs, Eulon- |
%5c. ea.;}ia, Fox 33.


| fresh

Want a tiny plant or a few
seed of Sarsacernia
Durmmondi Pitcher Plant. Mrs.

Pink |

Tiger |

Want Old Fashion Star Jas-
mine Vine with lacy leaves end
clusters of small fragrant white
blossoms. Mrs. A. B. Simms,
Atlanta, 7 Austell Way. .

Want several dif. colors Dbl.
Geraniums, (cuttings). State
what you have and price. Mrs.
ie L. Priest, Talking Rock, Rt

Want exch. bulbs of dif.
kinds, many kinds rose bushes
or cuttings, President and Apri-.
cot Glow cannas, 5 kinds Ligus-
trum, others, for some baby

for my own use. Or will sell
mine. Mary Jane Stone, Syl-
vania. Rt. 3


Mtn Huckleberry, bearing size,
75 doz.; Scuppernong Vine Cut-
tings, 5@0c doz.; Catnip, 25c
bunch; Peppermint, 25c doz.;
Klondike Strayberry, 70c C; 500,
$3; $5.75 M. Add postage. Mrs.
Lee Hood; Gainesville, Rt. 1.

Govt. insp. pure-Pink Skin
PR Potato, 500, $2 $3.75 M. Del.
Prompt shipment. Dewey. Ma-
this, Gainesville, Rt. 2.

Pink Skin Potato Slips, insp,
ready any time, $4 M. Add
postage. Pledger Strayhorn,
Gainesville, Rt. 8.

La. Copperskin Bunch Potato,
$4 M. Prompt shipment. Full
i B. B. OBerry, Surrency,

_ La. Copperskin Potato, govt.
insp., treated, good- plants, full
count, prompt shipment, $2.50
a nes R. L.. Dykes, Surrency,

Govt. insp. treated Red Skin
PR Potato Plants, seed grown
from vine cuttings, full count,
$1.80 M; 2 M up $1.75.Del. No
ce L. D. Lightsey, Sreven,

Govt. inp. treated Red or Pink
Skin PR Potato, full count, seed
grown from vine cuttings, $1.90
M; 2 M up, $1.80 M. Del. No
chks. Ealish Lightsey, Screven.

> Govt. insp. PR Copperskin
Potato, $1.25 M. FOB. No COD.
G. L. Brannen; Patterson. ;

Rutger Tomato, and Calif.
Wonder Pepper Plants, 300 $1.50;
500, $2.25; $3.75 M; Chas. Wake-
field Cabbage, 300, $1; $2.50 M.
PP. Otis Conner, Pitts.

Calif. Wonder and Hot Pepper,
Rutger Tomato, 300, $1.25; 500,
$2; $3.50 M; Eggplants, 300, $1.50;
500, $2.50; $4 M; Cabbage, 300,
$1; 500, $1.25; $2.25 M.-Del Exp.
collect; Pepper and Tomato,
$2.50 M; Eggplants, $3.50 M. R.
Chanclor, .Pitts,

Asparagus Plants, Broccoli,
Brussels Sprouts, celery, Bell
and Hot Peppers, Eggplants, all
35c doz. Del in $1 lots or more.
Mrs. H. V. Franklin, Register.

Govt. insp. and treated PR
Red Skin Potato Plants full
count, good, $2 M. Del. No chks.
Prompt shipment. Ready. W. R.
Lightsey, Screven, Rt. 2.

Govt. insp. Imp. PR. Potato,
pink and copperskin, $1.50 M;
Calif. Wonder. Sweet Pepper,
$2.25 M. Del. Can fill large ord-
aoe roe Lightsey, -Surrency,


Govt. insp..- Imp. PR Potato,
Calif. Wonder Sweet Pepper, $2

M. Del. Can fill-large orders,
Buncum Lightsey, Surrency, Rt.


size Boxwood and Arborvitaes, 4

pink, and copper skin, $1.45 M;|R

| cuttings.
Ri Bes
_ Govet. insp. Copperskin Bunch
Potato, $4 M. La. Copperskin,
22 Mu Elmer, Mann, Surrency,

Prichard Red, Wilt rsistant,
Sunray Yellow, very mild to-
mato plants, 50, 75c; Sweet Ban-

long red pods, 10c doz. Add post-
Bee Mrs. A. Horsley, Waco, Rt.

PR Potato Plants, insp. and
certified, $2 M at my home, or
shipped by express. Any amount.

Condon Giant Mastodon Ever-
caring Strawberry, $1 C; Black
Raspberry Plants, also Crab-
apple Tres, Muscadine Grape

$1. Add postage. Mrs. Mae Turn-
er, Gainesville, Rt.. 6. Sere

Govt. insp.. PR Potato, 500,
$2.50: $4.50 M; Old Fashion RFD
Boone, 500, $3; $5 M. Del. Full,
. Crow, Gainesville,

bee s

count. C. D

Gi - s Re}
Garlis-<Plants, 20, $1; Gem:
Everbearing Strawberry, $1 C;
Red and Yellow Abundance

cious Apple, Crabapple, Abun-
dance Muscadine Vines, 2 large
bunches Tansy, 2, $1. Ad
age. Exch for print sacks} Mrs.
John Myers Addison, Hartwell,
Aedes : Se) Fear
r . Govt. insp. and
and Copperskin Potato, $2.50 M;

Prompt shipment. Luther Griffis,

Odum, Rt.-2. = a




Red, Pink, and Copperskin
Potato, $1. M. Postage collect.
Can fill large or small orders.
Prompt shipment. Cecil Light-
sey. Alma, Rt. 2. Ph. 2526.

Millions PR Sweet Potato,
500, $1.25; $2, M; 3000 up, $1.50
C; Tomatoes and Peppers, 59c
C; 500, $1.50; $2.50 M. Full
count. Prompt shipment. Ph.
3791. B. J. Head, Alma.

Imp. PR Potato, copperskin,
$2.50 M. Del. in Ga. No chks.
J. G. Pearce, Bristol. :

Gov. insp. vine setting Red
Skin Runner PR Potato ship-
ped, $4. M; Not shipped, $3. M.
10 or 15 M ready to pull; Also
Lady Finger Peas, 30c lb. FOB.
Mrs. Winnie- Miller, Denton.

mint, Calamus, Garlic, 50c doz.;
Black. Raspberry, $1. doz. Add
postage. Mrs. Lona Blackwell,
Dahlonega, Rt. 1, Box 54.

- Dill Plants and Pennyroyal,
25c doz.; Catnip, Lemon Balm,
Horehound, Tansy, Bone Set,
6, 50c; Red Gold Strawberry,
$1. C; Peppermint, 25c doz.
Moss packed. Mrs. M. L. Eaton,
Dahlonega, Rt? 1. ;

Govt. insp and treated Cop-
perskin Potato, seed grown
from vine cuttings, $150 M;
Rutger Tomato, good plants,
full count, moss packed, $1.35
M. Del. Wilton Ring, Odum.

Govt. insp. and treated Red
and Pink Skin Potato, $4. M;
Bunch and Old Fashion Boones,
$5. M. Del. good count. Ready.
Su Waldrip, Flowery Branch,


State insp. Old Fashion
Boones and Bunch ~ Potato
Plants, $5. M; Red and Pink
Skin, $4. M. Del. Full~count.

_ Govt. insp. Copperskin Bunch
Potato, $4 M. Grown from vine.
David Mann, Surrency,|},,

ana Pepper, 20c doz.; Hot Pepper

Major Crow, Gainesville, RFD 1.!

Plum, Persimmon, Yellow Deli-.


treated Red
5M up, $2.25 M. Del. Full count. |

; g Wi

Plants, $1. =
doz.; Tomato,
Catnip Plants,

L J. Ellis, Cu
Certified Bun
PR_ Potato, $6. \
ning Pink Skin
FOB. MO. Miss-

Vines, all 6, $1; Catnip, 6 bunch- Rt

treated, $3.50
Disise =


: vt. insp. P.
500, $2.25; $4.

Boone. $

Black Beauty
Wonder Swee
Pepper, Rutg
500, $2.25: $4.50.
packed. Full cou

Horseradish. 75c doz.; Pepper- | _

Hot and Swe
Moss ace ee
age. Miss Bessie
ville, RFD

' Marglobe, 40!
M. Ready Jun. 15
Milledgeville, R

Gov't Insp,
skin potato pl
No. chks. B
tol, Rt. 1
pT, Red Skin

_potato plants, $3.5
Cash -with- order

ea. Add postage. Mrs. H. -A.}
Chastain, Ellijay, Rt. 9. Ww. W. Preston, Flovilla.

Fragrant Lemon Lilies, $1 doz;} @s-ch. Verbena (8 doz., $1.),
Mixed col. Iris, 60c doz.; $4 C3) pin, purple, red, for Yellow
Trumpet Daffodils, White Nar-| Turner Mums, large foot-ball
cissus, Yellow Jonquils, Orange| kind, or Teaolive Shrubs; Or
Day Lilies, 50c doz.; $1.50 C;) exch. Angelwing Begonias (35c)
$8 M. Prepaid. Exch. for rooted) for large Yellow Turner Mums,

Baxley,* Rt.

Marglobe, Rutger Tomato, La. Bs
Copperskin Potato, $2 M; Long
Pod Cayenne Hot and Calif.
Wonder, Rubby King Sweet,
$2.50 M. Grown on new land.
Ready. FOB. W. G. OQuinn,
Surrency, Rt. 2.

= C. Waldrip, Flowery Branch,

Certified Bunch Red Skin
PR Potato Plants, $4. M; 5000,
$16.; Rutger Tomato, $2-M.-PP.
E. H. Hall. Arabi, Rt. 1...

cuttings of Geraniums, other|or White Dahlia Tubers, Mrs. Carihed Bunk Pink Ski
pot ple. %. Mrs. Emma Clayton, Mary Shrum, Fritzgerald, Rt.| Cert. govt. insp. treated Bunch} PR Sweet Potate Plants $6 uM
Ellijay, Star Rt. B. 1, Box 108. | PR Potato, Ist. yr., $1 C; 500, $3;|Cert, Running Pink Skin PR,
White: Anda Veltowa Daisy. and Want: Dwar. Piie Canna | $5-50 M. PP. Moss packed. Ga.,|$5._M. FOB. Send MO. H. P. |jey, Rt 4.5

Huddleston, College Park, 233
| Hutchins Dr. Pn. Fa, 5122.

Govt. insp. Red Skin PR

Roots. Write giving price. Mrs. |Fla. only. Prompt shipment. Ray-
G. W. Latham, Gainesville, Rt. | mond Fussell, Milan, Rt. 2.

2. Atlanta Rd. |

Yellow Button Mums, Dbl. Yel-|
low, Orange, Pink, White, Bron-|

ze, Rose Chrysanthemums, also Bunch type PR Potato, certi-

Miss. Wild Verbena, Purple) want few deep red Polyan- | fied, treated, govt. insp., Ist yr.,| Potato. $4.50 M; Copperskin
Hardy Aster, Blue Ageratum, 75C thus Rose cuttings, rooted. | vine grown seed, $4 M. Prompt. PR, $5. M. Prompt shipment.
doz. Plus postage. Mrs. Charles} Kind used -for borders. Mrs. | shipment FOB. Tom Anderson, | Good plants. Mrs. Guy Crow:
it. Edwards, Ellijay, RR 3. \Pratt Dasher, Guyton, Box 152. | McRae, Star Rt. Cumming, Rt. 1.

at ew Ae

J Cabbage,

ttuce Plants, 20c
Cabbage Heading
ing Collard, Rut-


mp. PR Potato,
skin, $1.50 M.

berry, 4a $1 25
serry, bearing size.
Also Yellow Oct..
and > Yellow
oan 3.

d ue

$i Ex-'

iss Florence OQuinn,


| good cond.,


| David Bradly Garden Trac-

| plete
tooth harrow, smoothing har-

oldsville. xe

- 6 row cotton duster,

season, will fit most any trac-
$125.00 Norman Johnson,

Warrenton. i

2. Bernhardt Elec. -Churns,

One late model Hudson, mule

drawn 2 or 4 Row cotton poi- | F

son duster, needs. only slight
repairs, $35. cash; Also one 3
Roller Golden Cane Mill, good
cond. C.. E, McGlawn, Buena
Vista, RFD 1, Box 58. :

One Sears Can sealer, good
as new, $10. Exch. for baby calf

or pig. A. D. Blackstock, Doug-
.| lasville, Rt. 4, Box 137.

J. D. Tractor. model B, ex-

cellent cond., $995. Douglas N.

McCurdy. Stone Mounta

2652. ; ;

cultivator, turning plow,
all good mechanical shape,
$150. Cee. Lumpkin, Charing..

1951 John Deere A Tractor,
perfect cond., for-sale. Call or
write. Robert N. Gilbert, Jones-
boro. Ph. 2148.

z One 7-Qt. Beans? Canner, for

farm use, for sale cheap: O. S.
Duggan, Eastman.

Farm bell, good cond, $15.
Mrs. H. L. Wilson, Pine Lake,

503 Ridge Dr.

Large farm bell, No. 22, bot-
tom diz., 21 in. $8. or swap
for wire; also 1800 Red Cedar
posts, 6% ft, 3lc ea. My place,
Hwy. 82, 4 mi. N. Elberton

M; Frank N. Wansley, Elberton.

One 2 H Power Garden-Aid
Tractor, practically new, com-
with -cultivator, spike

row, turning plow, used very

#4 Little 9195 at my. home 10. mi.

E. Athens

. O. C. Dellinger, Arn-

Large farm bell on steel

30.|frame, $12.; Also 14 in. bell,

nt ondition, little
large heavy tarpaul-)
r both. T / 1

.| $11. Four miles Carl, near Ebe--
yr| Nezar Church. H.
jlehem, Riz.

oB Cain, Beth-

Rear mower for Ford Trac-

tor, almost new 2 blades one

never uncrated.. Cut only 4

acres. Julian Segars, Winder

RFD No. 1.

1951 model, practically new
Oliver Tractor, model 66 row
crop. hydraulic seat, lights,
power takeoff, live power


drive, only used a few hours.

Sacrifice for $800.; Atso new

Bush-Bog, Model 15-1 $325. W.-

G, Banks. Clem,

egete te Ci) mi:
S. Carrollton. of aoe

One M Farmall Tractor with

ements for com- cotton and. corn planter, culti-

bined abou
THC 3 Disc

Hp Westing-

2 hole sheller,

m. mill, extra shafts
= enue

.| $365. my place 5 mi.
.|Pharetta-Hwy. 19. Mrs.
+ Strickland, Alpharetta,

= Peachtree Rd.

"| very little, late m

vators, fertilizer distributors,
one 6 row cotton duster, 7 ft.
cutting. harrow, 8 ft. drag har-
row, Oliver bottom plow, trac-
tor wagon on _ rubber, $2500.

| Ph. 3705. Melvin Wilson, Vien-

na, 620-3rd. St.

20 in. Meadows Corn Mill
and Sheller, 744 hp elec. motor,
belts, good cond., complete
N. Al-
E, A.

20 in. Meadows Grist Mill,
20 hp elec. motor, 1 cylinder
sheller with 5 hp elec. motor,
belts, good cond., for sale, W.

Pelfrey, Doraville, 828

Mule drawn _ McCormick-
Deering Mowing Machine, used
odel- $75, C:

- Bowdon, ei 435 Cand-

ler St oN:

1948 VAC 2 Row Tractor,
planters, cultivator, 2 disc Now
J. D. 16 disc harrow, for sale.
A. G. Wright, Woodville.

_Ford-Ferguson Mowing Ma-
chine, good shape, can be used

-|on Ford Tractor, $100. Mrs. J.

W. Lee, Dublin, Rt. 5, Box 128,
Ph. 1999,W3.

PeGit ace Combine with good

|} motor and clover attachment,

ready, $300. Zimri

M. Add
Preston, % bse

Circle A Ranch,

WC. Allis-Chalmers_ Tractor,

| cultivator, 3 or 4 disc tiller, trac-

r has been used very little,
excellent cond., $1000. D. A.

) $10, ea. Mrs. C. B.
L. Nail, McDonough, Box 109. |

| condition and cash price. Not

-}and equipment. Earl F. Snead,
| Boaz, Rt. 4.

Mower Blade for Model B. Allis-

| Peas, 50c cup. Add postage. Mrs.

son. iss

_ 42 Intl. Combine, nee
repairs, ee

farm. eS


Want good used deep well
pump and all facilities. Must
be in good condition, reason-
able price. Jos. R. Harvey, Pel-

ham, Rt. 2.

Want set of good used planters
and cultivators and laying off
plow for Allis-Chalmers B trac-
tor, has power life control. Must
be cheap for cash. Willie Gooch,
Buford: Rta 2.4 Rea eek S

ae * P

Want to trade one Ferguson
Bottom Plow (3 point hitch),
excellent cond., for 3 or 4 disc
tiller, to be used with H John
Deere tractor. Daniel L. Allen,
Eller slie, Rt. 1, Box 63 A.

Want good used pickup rotary
hoe for a 50 Ford Tractor. State

over 75 mile radius. Joe White,
Homer, Rt. 2.

Want gas brooders, 1000 cap.,
A. R. Wood preferred, Ist class
cond. Quote lowest prices im-
mediately. J. B. Richards, Com-
CEotteo cs Ase

Want old buggy running wend.
Prefer one with 2 seats. Contact

Ed Smith, Columbus, 2078 Cus-
setta Rd. 5 ae

Want to trade or swap 400
frying size chickens and a 200
cap., elec. baby brooder, for
good garden tractor, or will
swap for calves or pigs. Contact.
H. M. Walker, Chickamauga, Rt.
Le :

Want power syrup mill with
12 ft. extra heavy copper pan

Want mowing machine for
Ford tractor. I.-Teem, Milner,
RFD. Tel. Griffin 4604.

Want Power Takeoff and
Chalmers Traetor. Must be in
good cond. and cheap for cash.
George M. Forrester, LaGrange,

P. O. Box 394.

Want hay loader for loading
hay, not baled. Prefer New Idea.
B. H. Housch, Summerville.


Brown Top Millet, 88 pct.
germ., 99.33 pgt. pure, no noxious
weed seed, 1/2c lb. Naren
Johnson, Warrenton.

5600 lbs. Starr Millet, reclean-
ed, treated, in 100 lb bags, 14c
lb. Eugene Benson, Tifton, Rt. 2.

Booking orders for 1954 crop
Burr Clover Seed in burr. Write
for prices and amount wanted.
Olin Prickett, Maysville, Rt. 2.

Brown Top Millet, recleaned,
99.38 pct. pure, 88.50 pct. germ,
$8 Cwt. FOB. B._F. Anderson,
Augusta, 2094 Heckle St.

Climbing or Running Okra
Seed, 25c and 50c pkgs. with
self addressed, stamped enve-
lope. No chks. or stamps. Fred
Pruitt, Lakeland. ;

Rockyford Cantaloupe, Green
Pod Okra, and Pumpkin, 25c
cup; $1 qt.; Citron Melon, 50c Ib.;
Icebox Watermelon, and Martin
Gourd, 5c doz. and stamped en-
velope, Betty Mewborn, Boling-
broke, Rt. 1.

Tender Green Okra, and Eng-
linsh Pea Seed for late planting,
50c cup; Red Speckled CCrowder
and White Blackeyed Peas, 35c
cup; 3 cups, $1; White Mush

3 - White Blackeyed Crowder
Carl Smith, Ellijay, Rt. 3. Peas, 3 lbs., $1; 8 Ibs., $2. Plus
Floral Pepper seed, 2 pods, eee Re me

25c and _self-addressed and
stamped envelope. Mrs. W. I.

Stokes, Atlanta, 927 Crew 8t.

.| Seed, for sale. G. H. Clark, Grif-

Seed, 20c start; 12 starts, $1. PP.

-Millian, Dacula, Rt. 1.

Lage .Ethel Crowe, Gainesville,

R. Mullis, Cochran.

Biackeyed Peas for sale. See.



2000 Ibs. Brown Top Millet
Seed for sale. G. H. Clark, Grif-
fin. Ph, 5407.

25 bu. clean thrashed Blue
Ribbon Cane Seed, 6c lb. Thurs-
ton Collins, Blairsville, Rt. 2.

2000 lbs. Brown Top Millet

fin, Rt. 5. Ph. 5407.
Citron Seed, 75c lb.; Honey-

rock Cantaloupe, 40c cup; Also)

Mtn. Huckleberry Plants, bear-
ing size, 2 doz. 75c; Klondike
Strawberry, 75c C; Ga. Collard
Plants, 30c C. Add _ postage.
Rosie Crowe, Cummng, Rt. 1.

40 Ibs. clean imp. long Green
Okra Seed, 96 pct. germ. 50c lb.;
5 Ibs., $2 Add postage. Will not
ship Yess than pound. C. Leon
Smith, LaGrange, Rt. 1.

3500 Ibs. Brown Top Millet,

recelaned, in new 100 lb. bags,
Williams, Athens, 481 Ruth St.
Ph,.1152 W.

Millet: 500 lbs. Cattail, 8c lb.;
700 lbs. Starr, 14c lb in 100 lb.
bags; 100 bu. Iron and-Clay Peas
in 2 bu. bags, $6 bu. All cleaned,
germ. and purity guar. See San-
kie Powell at farm near Wrens.
Ga., or contact. M. T. Courson,

Fresh Calif. Multiplying Beer
Mrs. Earl Fincher, Waro, Rt. 1.

75 bu. Brab Peas, weevil treat- |
ed, good seed, $5 bu. FOB. C. A,|

Walker, Ellaville.


Good sound, tender Streaked
Half Runner, and Tender Blue
Ple Beans, 2 cups; $1.15; Ear-
ly Brown 6 Weeks 2 Crop Peas,
MeGlps pple 20. = pl Din HOB,
Cream Crowders, 4 cups, $1.25.
PP in Ga. Mrs. Clarence Mc-

White Early Bunch and Col-
ored Butterbeans, 3 cups, 50c;
Colored 4 cups, 50c; Butter
Peas, 2 cups, 50c. Add _ post-
age. Not prepaid. Mrs.
Lawson, Gainesville, Rt. 8.

White Crowder, Purple Hull,
and 6 Week Early Peas, 6 cups,
31.50; Large White, and Color-
ea Butterbeans, 5 cups, $1.35;
Blue Pole, and White and
Streaked Half Runner Beans,
3 cups, $1.50. Mrs. Lon Ash-
worth, Dacula, Rt. 1.

White and Colored Bunch
Butterbeans, 25c cup. Add post-

Rt, 2

BR Own Eye Crowder Peas,
65 pet. germ., $7.50 bu.; Mixed
Peas for feed or hay, $6 bu. Jas.

2 Crop Crowder (mixed), and

ohn B. Horne, Warner Robins,
4 W Piedmont Hgts.

Blue Java Peas, fine for
table, 25c Ib, in 5 lb. lots or


20 bu: Iron Peas, cleaned, at
my farm, $5 bu.; t
John R. McDonald, Fort Valley,

pale 1, % Buckeye Farm.

Large, cream color. Purple
Hull crowder peas, bear until

1/2 gal., $1.95; $3 gal; black-
eye crowders, slightly weevil-
ed, same price. Prompt del.
irs; Er


Some Ear Corn, $1.75 bu

Vines, at half price, 50c ea. Add

75-100 bu. hybrid White Big
|Ear Corn, sound, very little
| shuck, $1.90 bu. at farm 8 1/2 mi.
NE Alma. Will deliver within
35 mi. radius by pickup truck-
load, at $6 per load. Iverson H.
Anderson, Alma, Rt. 4.

1953 crop of corn, 50 bu.
yellow, 100 bu. white, $2.75 bu.
at Ramhurst, near Chatsworth,
Contact. Mrs. Pauline Franks,

Hiawassee. =

100 bu. White Corn in @ar, $180!
bu. at my barn. L. R. Stone,
East Point, 2781 Stone Rd. Ca.
| 5503.

75-100 bu. good sound white
corn, $2 bu. at my barn, Bank-
head Hwy. T. W. Simmons, Dug-
lasville, Rt. 3. :

Golden Bantam Sweet Corn,
35c cup; 3 cups, $1 Add postage;
Also few White Half Runner
Bean Seed, 50c. Add postage.
Mrs. Iva Hutson, Blairsville, Rt
1, Box 13.



About 100 lbs., Sassafras, red
kind. Tlb:c75c:,_2- lbs: S$L255
3 Ibs., $1.75, postpaid, M. O.,

[,,|money, stamps accepted. Rob-

ert Waters, Brunswick, Rt. 2,

Box 212.
Catnip, peppermint, _ balm,
garlic bulbs, horseradish, $1.

doz. Birdock roots, 50c Ib. PP
in .Ga. Mrs. Martha White,
Dahlonega. Rt. 1, Box 60.

Wild Cherry, Willow, Red
and White Oak, Alder, Persim-
mon, Pine, Sweetgum_ Bark,
Plum, Blackberry, Elder, Yel-
low Dock, Sarsaparilla, Yellow.
Roots, 2:Ibs.,: $1.+* Colts: Foots,
Plantain, half gal. $1. Add post-
age. Exch. for print sacks. Mrs.
John Myers Addison, Hartwell,
Rt 2,

Yellow Root, 4 lb. lard box
full, $1.25. PP. Mrs. Abe Goble,
Talking Rock, Rt. 2.

Red Sassafras, Queen of the
Meadow, Blood Root, Yellow
Dock} all 3: lbs:; $1.; Yellow
Root, 2 lIbs.. $1.; Also Walnut

more. Add postage. P. B.|Meats, $1. Ib.; And Jimpson
Brown, Ball Ground, Rt. 1. Weed Seed, 350 pack. R, C.
Crowder Peas, 40 bu. pure Stover, Ellijay, Rt. 5.

Sugar, 10 bu. pure Dixie Lee,
25 bu. 6 Weeks, 3 bu. Brown-
eyed, all $10 bu.; Also 26 bu.
mixed Field Peas, $6 bu. Clean-
ed, treated, FOB McDonough.
No less bushel shipped. R. C.
Bartlett, McDonough, Box 289.

Purple Hull Blackeyed
Crowder Peas, also Cream Col-
or with Purple Hull, 10c lb.
Add postage. Mrs. Jonnie Har-
mon: Calhoun, Rts 2");

Red Speckled Crowder and
Blue Java Peas, sound, clean,
25c lb. in 5 lb. lots; Add post-
age. G. T. Brown, Ball Ground,

Brown Crowder Peas, $6.50
bu.; Blackeyed, and Clay Peas,
$F bu:;'New Eras, mixed, $5.75;
5-10 bu. 90 Day Velvet Beans,
$8 bu; Also Cattail and Brown
Millet, 10c lb. J. H. Coleman,
Jr., Warrenton, RFD.

100 lbs. good Sassafras, 75
bie 2 bsa7 i 25% Sr bse ames
PP. Send stamps, MO, or mon-
ey. Robert Waters, Brunswick,
Rtas. Ox alos a


50 White 100 lb. size guano
sacks, no letters, washed, 5 for
$1; Print feed sacks, 1 and 2
alike, 100 lb. size, 45c ea., 3 for
$1.25. Add postage to all. Mrs.
James B. Evans, Moreland, Rt.

Print sacks, 100 lb. cap., cut,
washed and ironed, 30c ea. and
postage. No chks. Mrs. Ray Cook,
Fairburn, Rt. 2.

Rayon sacks, stripes and plain
40c ea; white cotton sacks 25c ea;
Prints, 30c ea. All washed and
ironed. No holes nor mildew.
Add postage. All 100 Ib. size
and 3 or more alike. Mrs. John
I. Whitaker, Macon, RFD 6.
*phone 20850.

75 bu. Clay Peas, recleane ,
$6 bu. 1 mile E. Tennille. H. C.

j Gilbert, Tennille. Ph, 67.

6 print sacks, $2. Add posf-
age. L. J. Ellis, Cumming, Rt,

frost, clean, treated, 2 cups, 65c;

. E. Richardson, Bowdon.

. Mrs. R.~
L. Greene, Cuthbert, Rt. 1. ne
Dynamite Pop corn, 2c Ilb.;

Also 75 or 100 Concord Grape

postage. E.-E. Kurtz, Marietta.

SRI RY Et Mie ce st


Tae cba et ie

Ripiabonearine os tee


White feed sacks, 100 Ib. cap., |

ripped, washed, 25c ea.; 10,

$2. Plus postage, Gladys Duran, |-

Cumming, Rt. 1.

Print sacks, free of holes and
mildew, 3 and 4 alike, or odds,
30c ea. Add postage. Mrs. Hay-
~ ward Reece, Ellijay, Rt. 2.

Feed sacks, free of holes and
mildew, asst. colors, 40c ea.
Plus postage. Mrs. C. O. Mc-
Carty, Rupert.

Sacks: 200 white, 15 ea.;
50 white with small holes. 10c
ea.; 100 Jute, 15c ea. All 100
Ib. cap. At farm. No shipping.

R. O. White, Jonesboro, Rt 1.,
Box 383. .

Print and solid color feed
sacks, clean, 3, $1. Mrs, J. E.
Gibson, Covington, Rt. 4.

100 lb. cap. print feed sacks,
3 or more alike, washed, rip-
ped, ironed, 35c ea.; Add post-
age. No chks. nor COD. Henry |
' Williams. Tallapoosa, Rt. 1.

3 extra nice print sacks, one
of a kind, 98,, $1.50. PP. Mrs.
W. Y. Summers, Newnan. Rt. 5,

White feed sacks, 100 lb. cap.,
free of letter or holes, washed,
22c ea. PP in Ga. Mrs. Martha
White, Dahlonega, Rt. 1. Box

White sacks, 18 ea.: Some
with small holes, 15c ea. Mrs.
Viola Hollaway, Dahlonega, Rt.
i :


10 Ib. pail new Tupelo honey,

. $3.25 in 3rd zone; 5 Ib. pail,

$1.75. B. E.'Sheppard, Savannah,
12222 E. Henry\ St.

1 honey bee Smoker, in A-1
cond., used only one time, $1.
Thoas. J. Braswell, Cairo, 424
Ist Ave., S. W.

_ Fancy chunk comb honey, Cs.,
12-2 1/2 lb. jars, (30 Ibs.), $6.50;
Strained honey, $6 Cs, (30 lIbs.).
FOB. E. J. Lewis, Nathunta.

Honey Extractor, 2 fram re-
versible, perfect working cond.,
$25. See. Cannot ship. S. D.
Welch, Atlanta, 2129 Browns
Mill Rd. S. E. DI 7988.

No. 1 Ext. table honey, del.
by mail 3rd zone., 10 Ib pail,
$2.75; 5 lb. pail, $1.40; By Ex-
~ press Col. 4-10 1b., pails, $7.50;
6-5 lbs., $5.50. Rev. Curd Walker,
Adrain. Rt. 1. -
2 complete Pat. hives with 2
supers ea., frames, extra founda-
tion, etc. Practically new, $75.
C. D. Ebersole, Atlanta, 811
Juniper St. N. E. VE 7228 (week-
ends only)

Several strong colonies Insp.,
Itlanian Bees in Pat. 10 frame
hives, $12 ea.. My place. Will
not ship. C. S. Winn, Dunwoody.
*phone 47-2617.


Speckled Guinea Eggs, 18, $1.75;
10c ea. PP. Mrs. Eulene Allen,
Rydal, Rt, 2.

Millians Giant S. C. Black}
Minoreas, setting eggs, and stock
of all ages. Prices and descrip-
tion for stamp. Breeding for 30
years. L. B. Millians, Newnan,

Guinea Eggs, mixed Speckled
and White African, $1.50 per
setting 18. Cannot ship. Must be
called for. Mrs. W. B. Miller,
Palmetto, Rt. 1, Ph. 6861.

Pure RSCL Wyandotte Eggs,
15, $1.50 also One cock, 15 mos.
old, $2.50. Docia Harris, Lula.

Pure heavy type Dark Cornish
Selected Hatching Eggs, 15,
$1.75; 30, $3.45. Cartons to be
returned at once. MO only. Miss
Cora B. Patterson, Ty Ty, Rt. 1,
Box 35.

Pheasant Eggs for hatching,
$2.50 doz. E. R. Woodall, Toccoa,



Sev. truck loads of pure cow
compost, free of shavings and
sawdust, $5. load, at my place.
Mrs. Neela Bowen, Cleveland,
RG: 22: :

Celestial sweet Fig, and Lem-

on settings, 4-5 ft. $2. ea;
smaller size, $1.50 ea, my
place. B, O. Fussell. Atlanta,

889 Edgewood Ave. NE. LA-|


Gourds, small sizes, $1.50
doz.; Martin, Dipper and Orn-
amental gourd seed,,3 pkts.,
50c; 1 doz. pkts. $1.50. Postpaid.
Earl Stuckey, Blackshear.

Martin and Dipper gourds,
25c ea; larger sizes, 50c ea;



Peavine and Peanut hay, for
sale, my place, near paved
road. W. T. Flowers, Perry.

Nice lot of Alfalfa hay, cut
and baled without rain. $45.
ton, FOB: R. E. Aycock, Mon-
roe, Sys

25 Ib. cans of home-made
pure lard, 20c lb. L. C. Dillard,

Mrs. W. E, Wooten,

Ben Hill, Butner Road. RA
3255. }

Country, hickory smoked
meat: Hams, 10-20 lbs., 85 Ib;
Shoulders. 8-14 lbs. 55c Tb; |

Sides, 8-16 lbs., 50c lb. Shipped
COD: Guaranteed against spoil-
age. Mrs. Louise T. Pope, Dex-
ter Box. 5. |

Salt cured country Hams,_18-
20 Ibs.. $1. Ib. Add postage.
Mrs. Lee Hood, Gainesville,
Rit ;


Shade dried Leaf Sage, $1.
per Quart cupful. Mrs. Marie
Holland, Dalton, Rt. 2.

Good, new, hand picked
Sage, $1.25 Ib. postage paid.
Samuel Tweedell, Lithonia. Rt.
im S


15 acres Congo watermelons,
ready around Ist-week in June,
for truckers, my place, 6 mi.
Pelham on Pelham-Cairo Hwy.
All inquiries ans. L. B. Wilder,


Purebred Polled Hereford
Bulls, ready for service, reason-
able. Del. up to 50 miles. May be
seen at my farm 4 mi. So. Dub-
lin, Glenwood Rd; Also purebred
Duroc Gilts, 150-175 lbs. See at
farm. J. L. Allen, Dublin, Rt. 3.

Reg. Dbl. Standard Polled
Hereford Bull, Domino breeding.
yest E. P. Drexel, Tifton,

Purebred Jersey Milch Cow
with , heifer calf, 2 days, for
sale. See. Mrs. Viola C. Brady,
Cairo, Rt. 1. (1st house North
Union School).

Several Polled Hereford Dbl.
standard reg. bulls, best blood-
lines, ready for service. Reason-

of |

able. John McFarland, Fort
Valley, Rt. 3.
Standard Sybilene No.

188007, Reg. Jersey Cow with

Ist. calf (heifer), $150. F. M,
|Gaines, Macon, 3889 Vineville
| Ave.

Reg. Hereford Cattle: Few

Elberton St., Ext.

Guinea Eggs, 15 for $1.50 PP.
Orders filled promptly. Henry
Dupree, Jr., Acworth, Rt. 1.

}Rd., % Ward Mead Farm.

good cows, heifers, and bulls of
| finest bloodlines, quality cattle,
| excellent cond. Mrs. W. A. Ward,
| Jr. Marietta, Rt. 3, Paper Mill

small mixed sizes, 10c ea. Add |_

ved May 3, 1950, gentle,

Hereford Bull, 8 mos. old, Do-|

mino strain, not reg., but both
sire and dam reg. Ready for light
service. H. A. Frese, East Point,
300 Clark Dr. Bee

Several good Guernsey Milch
Cows with 2nd. calves, with or
without calves, $150-$200 ea.;
One Ayrshire, 2nd. calf, $300. 6
mi. E. Sandersville. M. M. New-
some, Sandersville.

Fine Cow, giving 2 gal. milk
now to freshen. in Sept., $75.
Rex Davidson, Alto, Rt. 1. (Near
Yonah). :

Reg Guernsey Bulls, ready for
service, from high milk produc-
ers. Reasonable prices. F. H,
Bunn, Midville..

One fresh in cow for sale. J.L.
Paschal, Lilburn, Rt. 1. -

2 milch cows at my farm. Come

see. No Letters ans. J. D. Billew,
Lawrenceville, Rt. 1, Box 159.

Jersey-Guernsey Milch Cow
with calf 2 wks. old, broke to
rope, gentle, easy to milk, gives
3 gal. with plenty feed. See. J. A.
Davis, Irwington, Rt. 1.

Several Polled and Horned

Type Reg. Hereford Bulls, Do-
min breeding, old enough for
light service. R. W.. Jones, Jr.
Leslie, Sumter-Leslie Rd.

Good Jersey Milch Cow and
ae $110. J. C. Ragan, Pelham,
orks .

Reg. Aberdeen-Angus Bull, 8
mos. old, out of heavy milking
cow, short legged, blocky type,
reg. buyers name, $95.00. Zimri
M. Addy, Preston, c/6 Circle A

8 reg Black Angus Cattle, also
1 fine reg. bull 3 yrs. old, 2 cows
to freshen Ist. of. July. Rea-
sonable price. See week days

after 5 oclock PM, and week-.

ends anytime. J.C. Herron, Mar-
tiny Rts

White face heifer calf andj:

Guernsey male calf for sale.
Jennie A. Jolley, Atlanta, 1338
N. Hightower Rd.,N.W. 7 /

10 good milch cows, will fresh-
en June 25, and in August, and
Sept. W. M. Head, Rutledge. (1
mi. W. Rutledge on Hwy. 12).

Reg. Aypshire Bull 2 yrs. old,
from high producing imported
stock, gentle, -$225. L. H. Tice,
Americus, Rt. 2, Albany Rd.

Reg. Polled Hereford Bull with,

full papers, Prince Rollo 20, cal-
cond., $300 E. A. Stone, Glenn.

Black Angus Cattle, 1 Reg.
Bull, Sunbeam breeding. Write
for prices. J. R. Deakins, Flint-
stone. Tel. Chattanooga 83-0206M

Jersey Cow, freshen , about
June 15th., 5 gal. last calf, not
reg. but close up (good for dairy)
$135. H. F. Anderson, Roswell,
RT. 1. Holcombe Bridge Rd. Ph.
3198. :

Grade Hereford Brood Cows
with calves by side, bred heifers,
open heifers, and 5 mos. old
steer calves; sired and bred to
reg. Hereford bulls of good
quality, good cond. P. T. Patton,
Shady Del. Tel Monticello 5123.

Pure, very gentle, not reg.
White Polled Shorthorn, 3 yrs.
old bull, wt. around 1000 Ilbs.,
$150; Also some good young
Shorthorn cows at. reasonable
prices. Fritz A. Rovers, Washing-
ton; Rt. 3, Box 261.

One fine Guernsey-Jersey

|Milch Cow and 2nd calf. Come

see. Dont write. R. P. Steinheim-
er, Brooks, Rt. 1.


Reg. Duroc Boars, treated, 3
mos. old, for sale. Richard
Goolsby, Ellaville.

Reg. SPC Pigs for breeding
Stock, treated, wormed, best
bloodlines, for sale. Write. D. M.
Matthews Tennile, Rt. 2.

OIC Gilts, crossed with Po-
land China, 175-200 lbs., $60 ea.;
And PC BOAR, 250 Ibs., $55 S. C.
Hemperley, Jr., Forest Park, Rt.

J 1, Lees Mill Rd.

| River Duroc Farm,

-OIC andPC Crossed, $20 ea. See.
Mrs. D. C. Caylor, Kennesaw

-old, $35. ea.; 2 purebred ESSex-


i oc

brecding stoc

Savannah, Rt. 5, % Forrest

Reg. SPC Boar, about 350 Ibs.,
won grand champ. at State Fair,
extra fine, $85.00. Franklin Sul-
livan, Thomaston, Rt. 2. Ph. 4008.

OIC Pigs, short nose, blocky | -
type, treated, reg. buyers name,}

$25. and $30; Also unrelated
pairs. T. C. Burnett, Quitman,
% Moss Oaks Farm.

Few choice purebred Duroc
Pigs, 1214 wks old, out of litters
of 10 and 12, cherry red, for sale.
S. J. Mills, Baxley, Rt. 2. 4

Purebred Hampshire Gilts and
Boars, 8-10 wks. old, reg. With
papers, $25. Lowery FFA Chapt-
er. Hilton E. Davidson, Glen-
wood, Rt. 2. :

OIC bred sows and one 7 mos.
old male, and plenty pigs
through June. All- short-nose
and Reg.- buyers name. J. H.
Roquemore, - Americus, phone
4343. = his eee

-5 Pigs, 12 wks. old, purebred

P. O. Box 85. Ph. A-5098.
4 reg. OIC Male Pigs 10 wks.

PC gilts, 4 and 6 mos. old, $35
ea; Also 1 purebred Holstein
Bull, 12 mos. old, ready for ser-
vice, $75. Call after 5 PM- Ph.
2471. Mrs. E. W. McCain, Stock-
bridge, Rt. 1. :

One OIC Shoat, about 200 lbs.
for sale or exch. for beef calf
between 400 or 450 Ibs. L. L-
Daniel, Hapeville. Atlanta
*phone CA-0144. ;

OIC breeding stock, pigs of all
ages , short nose, blocky type,
reg. buyers name. T. C. Burnett,
Quitman, c/o Moss Oaks Farm.

SPC Pigs, purebred, for breed-
stock, from -excellent breeding
lines, 8 wks. old pigs, $20 ea.
Grady Johnson, Twin City, Rt.

Reg. Black PC Boars, large
cholera immune, worm-
ed, will weigh 80-100 lbs., $40.
Will ship, but best come see.
Jas. R. Mullis, Cochran.

Litter of 11 reg. Duroc Pigs,
out of Lois No. 264258 (raised
14-out of 16 last litter). Ernest
P. Carter, Baxley. | A

5 reg. Hampshire Gilts, 2
wks. old, $25. ea. Wilbur Nixon,


1 reg. Hampshire Boar, 3 yrs.
old, MVF Genius No. 538783,
sire Lucky Georgia, dam MVF
ROMA, $100. Selling to prevent
inbreeding. James White, Jr,
Duluth, RFD 1, c/o Albion


50-75 lb. shoats, ready to go
on feed. Market price. C. M.
Bowden, Atlanta, 435 Candler
St., N. E. Ma: 2319. z

6 wks. old pigs, $15. ea. R.
M. Patterson, College Park,
Buffington Rd., Rt. 2, Box 264.

Blocky, Big Bone Guinea
Pigs, 8 wks, old, reg. and treat-
ed, from unrelated stock, $25.
ea. at farm. Will ship for ex-
tra chrgss. See. Luther Hol-
land, Byromville, Rt. 1.

4 reg. Duroc Sows from 2-4
yrs. old, with proven produc-
tion record, from a disease free
herd, one reg, Duroc boar 3
yrs. old, same qualities. $500.
for lot at farm. E. W. Cail,
Savannah, Rt. 5, c/o Forrest
River Duroc Farm.

SPC Pigs, both sexes, reg.

and selected for your breeding 1

stock, some of nations top
bloodlines, also one triple Gold
Star boar 18 mos, old. Write. D.
M. Matthews, Tennille, Rt. 2.
Ph. 392M4.

Purebred Duroc Pigs, 2 males
12 wks. old, about 50 Ibs. ea.,
healthy, treated, $30 ea. at my
place. Reg. papers if desird.
Earl Adams, Milledgeville, Rt.
1, Box 165. 2

Reg. \ Yorkshire Gilts, born
April 3rd.. sired by Grand
Champ. Boar Huskie, treated
for cholear. Will sell on June
26 when 12 wks. old; $35. ea.
at farm, Haskell O. Upshaw.
Carrollton, Rt. 1. Ph. 1969-J.

k, from top blood-| F
lines, 8 and 10. wks. old, $25 ea.)
/with papers at farm. E. W. Cail,

wks. old,
FOB farm. W:


One Bay Work Mar
$125; Reg. Apploos
old,. $400. \ Claude
Cherry Log, Star

for experienced r
where, with saddle, :
Hugh L- Forester, D
Lawrenceville Hwy.

Horse Mule, 8 i
also some sem tgs Is
Clarence Stone, Canto

Strawberry Roan Sa
no bad habits, 8 yrs.
fice, for $100. Or
in calves or pigs. A.
Lithonia, Rt. 3.
Klondike Rd.

* Good farm mule,

old, work anywhere.
or exch. for hogs o
Todd, Danville.

Small Red Pony
blaze in face, very
saddle, for sale or ext

Mare, bred for

Cobb, Marietta, Bo:

- Ohne mare, 15 lbs.,
where single and d
including collar and
M. Shumans, Graham

Smallish saddl

for years; Also mule
garden and orchard
about 20 yrs. old, :

10 yrs. old, blocky,
any where. T. W.

old, reg. with ped.
Glory No. 42121
Dainty Patches
color strawberry
able price or trade
land Pony. B
furnished. Con

| Hartwell.Tel. 2

8 yrs. old, work |
anything, $100 or tr
garden tractor. N.
son. Talking Roc
Good horse mule,
750 lbs., works we
also some farm

Tenn. Walking Mare,
for sale or tarde for
tor in good conditit
man, Stone Mout
2141, 2


& ar

American Hvy-\
Rabbits; Courtvie'
heavy Juni
breeders, ped.


uinchilla, Checker}
and White Chin.,
ck, for sale.

5. i?

or ship. Exp.
hks. If check,
= , W. Page,
Ave. N. BL At.


9 N.

bbits (doe black.
pr. Mrs. Marie
2 =

uinea Pigs, $1.50-
trade for chickens.
Schinell, Atlanta,
N. E.-Ph. Cr,

sale at my place,
swell. Mrs. J. S.

-,| $2.50 pr; $12 fot 6 prs. Extra

}Pigeons, $5 pr. Write: G. W:

Chinese Ringneck Pheasants, | |
,, day old, month old, or fully}

grown, and Domesticated Mal-|

lard Ducks, hatched April; Also} >)
-| Pheasants

eggs, exceptionally
fine stock (have been hatching
out 80 pct.) 20c ea. lots 12 or
more. Come after. Will consider
shipping eggs. Murs. H. Upshaw,
Carrollaonm, Rt. 1. ieee

6 prs. full blooded Racing
Homing Pigeons, Rive Strain,

good flyers. Grady Panter, Dial.

25 or more good mixed breed F
| tom Hens, laying, $22.50 for lot.

fat pigeons for sale. Come or
write Lewis Bullock, GrantvT[tle,)
P.O. Box 105 (Chureh St.)

2 or 3 prs. young White Fantail!

Williams, Columbus, Rt. 1, Box
808, c/o Williams Dairy.

One trio Goldgn Pheasants, 2
yrs old, good layers, 3 pr. quails,
$25 for lot. Trade for purebred
Modern Game Bantams. Will
not ship. Jack C. Duffey, Atlanta
1483. Wellswood Dr., S. E. Ph.
Di. 3913.

_ Ne.2

$1 ed. A. L. Haden,


_| Mrs. L. L. Landress, lilburn, Rt.)

eens, finest sto - pai
pr. Young b $1.50 -ea.;
Auto-Sex Kings and Homers,
mated pairs, $3.00; Young birds,
: Sr. Colum-
bus, MR3, Barbara Rd.

Bob White
soe old, $3.50 pr. Cannot ship.

. S. Winn, Dunwoody.~ Ph.
47-2617. 5


10 fine Yellow Buff Orping-
One stage free with them. Mrs.
Marie Holland, Dalton, Rt. 2.

Grade AAAA Speckled Sus-
sex, 25 hens, laying 1 rooster, 15
mos. old, $45. for lot cannot ship.
1. Ph. Lawrenceville 2915.
ETC. :

12 large RI Hens, 1 rooster, this

spring hatch, $1.50 ea. for-hens;|

Rooster, $1; RI Pullets, $1.25 ea.;
Lot $31. Mrs. J. E. Gibson, Cov-
ington, Rt. 4

| Kirkley, Covington, Rt. 2. Ph.

Quail, ready to lay, Ry 3


: | bury, Atlanta, 442 Atwood St.

Prices Paid At Va

half laying, for sale. John G. C.

200 AAAA NH Pullets, $2 ea.
Mrs. Wingo, Newnan.


Shepperds famous Ancona
Roosters for breeding purposes,
$1.25 ea. Plus shipping chrgs.
Marvin L. Burns, Carrollton,

75 purebred Ancona Roosters,
G5c ea.; Also *55 Production
Reds, 5 mos. old, $1.50 ea. at
my place 2 mi. S. Pine Lake off
Rockbridge Rd. M. C. Ward,
Stone Mountain, Rt. 1.


8 White Rock Fryers, large,
an Il Roosters, $1 ea. for lot.
See at my place. Will not ship.
Roy West, Vienna, Rt, 1.


Light Brown Leghorn, O. E.
Game Bantams, etc. $3.50 ea.;
Eggs, $3.50 setting. Bob Clark,
Macon, 372 Spring St.

Real Dark RI Red Bantams,
bred from champions, $10 trio;
Also hatching eggs. D. A. As-

45 NH Reds, 2 yrs. old, 7-8 lbs.,|

ious Markets


4 Golden Sebright Pullets,
Rooster, purebred, not relat
pullets laying, $1.50 ea; $? for
lot; Also pullets, 4 1/2 mos. old,
75e ea. All healthy. Mrs. Lula
Giddens, Kirkland.

RI Red Bantams, $1.50 ea.

No shipping. Joe J. Wilson, De-

catur, 828 Third Ave. De. 0354.

Buff Cochin Bantams: 4
Roosters, 4 Hens, als ol! March
hateh. H.-L. Puckett, Macon,
3449 Ridge Ave.

Pure Buff Cochin, and RI

Red, Young stock, $1.50 ea.; Al |

so Buff Cochin Hatching Eggs

(pure), 18, $2.50; An Ringneck

Pheasant Eggs, 20c ea. C. H.
Overby, Columbus, 3609 14
Ave. - a

Pit Game Cocks, I and 9 yrs.

old, 2 Brown and Red,2 Clar-
ets, 5-6 lbs.. $5 ea. at my place;

Also Pit Game Eggs, 15, $3:

Guinea Eggs, 15, $1.50. Thos. B.
Irvin, Baldwin, Rt. 1. {

Purebred Dark Cornish
Cockerels, well mated, good
stock, 6 wks. ed, approx. 1 1/2-
2 Ib. ea., $1 ea.; 3, $2.75; 6, $5.
If shipped, add 50c ea. dockerel
for postage. fF. E. Granger,

No. 1 \Ne.3 No.4 | Dodge Co. S/Bare, Eastman 27.30 26.85 =. 25.30
235. > 2400 . og | Ot: Farm Prods. Sis. Corp., Thomaston 26.50 25.75 24.90. 23.75
ee A eee S/Y, Jesup 26.49 25.81 25.05. ~25.55_
a ee ae Jones-Neuhoff Com. Co., Macon 28.05 27.75 27.00 26.50
aGrange pie Ot eee Millen L/S Mkt., Millen 26.25 25.75 2530 2540
27.50 26.85 25.20 24,10 | Muscogee L/S Co, Columbus < 25.50 oe :
26.30 26.00 25.70 25.00 | Ccilla L/S Co., Ocilla . 2643 25.72 = 24.86
a ss Seminole L/S Auct. Mkt., Donalsonville 26.20 26.25 25.20 24.80
960). ze20 Shuman's L/S Mkt., Hagan te er ae ee
- ~ | Sutten L/S Co., Sylvester 26.40 25.98 2560 24.80
26-99; 26.60) 2575 | 25.00-| Swainsbase S/Y.Swalackore 26.80 26.30 25.03 25.75
e ; : . 26.55 : : 25.50
SX ee Waycross L/S Mkt., Waycross 26.00 25.65 24.90 24.32
(26.50 26.00 25.85 25.50
- eS May 25 =
pe ee 7S Appling Co. L/S Mkt., Bayley 26.30 2585 24.71 24.85
ee FE AN, BN, Cottes Eo. L/S Co. Dougie: 26.26 25.86 , 25.55 25.00
BPI 2085 AE 80 pewian LIS. Ce, Bawsen 26.17 26.10 25.91 .
Americus eet A 790. Farneis A/S net. Go, Wachee 9417 25.50 24.04 23.65
Co., Valdosta eee ne PPR te pemera 5). Aragon (26.25 26.05 +2560 ~-25.50
er. Ce OR Ogre S/ Syivenia 26.00 25.50 24.00 25.00
as i |} McRae S/, McRae 26.40 25.50 24.30 23.20
ee Mhbs 2608 2494 Dae | Metter L/S Mit, Metter - 26.30 25.60 2430 24.60
Benes . 2 ~. 25.50 | Mitchell Co. L/S Co., Camilla 26.11 25.80 25.70 25.50
Com. Co., Cordele 2439 25.85 > 25.20." Smith $/Y No. 3, Thomson 25.75 25.00 24.75 2580
L/S Acct, Bainbeidge 26.00 25.50 24.50. Tattnall L/S Co., Glennville 26.50 25.90 2510
/, Bartow 26.45 ~ 25.80 24.30 25.80 | Troup Co. Sales, LaGrange 26.40 25.50
(, Sylvania 26.45 25.90 25.45 25.10 | May 26
5/, Thomasvilla 26.40 26.00 24.70. 24.60 | Claxton S/Y, Claxton 25.65 25.00 24.50
5 Se ame 26M 8895. 25.50 Coosa Valley Com. Co., Rome 26.55 26.00 25.00 23.10
: : 26.50 26.05 : 25.40 24.80 Hoziehurst L/S Mkt., Hazlehurst 25.73 24.75 24.25 24.40
as Kite S/Y, Kite 26.25 25.75 25.00
F550 2100S .Ragsdale-Leng Com. Ca., Lakeland 26.00 25.55 24.35 23.75
26.25 25.85 23.05 20.80 | Seaboard S/Y, Colquitt 25.63 25.25 25.25 25.00.
27.00 26.25 26.20 25.50 | Turner Co. S/Y, Ashburn 26.05 25.60 24.40
Ss 26-28" | Union S/; Albony ~ 25.65 25.71 25.80 25.50
26.75 25.95 25.25. 25.90 Wilkes Co. S/Y, Washington 26.10 25.25 24.00 27.90
Re 5 : Wrightsville $/Y, Wrightsville 25.50 24.40
24.75 24.00 . 22.50 | May 27
"26.89 2630 26.05 26.00 | Bainbridge S/Y, Bainbridge 25.55 25.20 25.10 25.55
= : . Farmers L/S Co., Douglas 25.50 24.80 2442 24.60
27.25 26.50 25.50 a Fitzgerald L/S Auct. Col, Fitzgerald 25.75 25.05 24.93
Barn, Carrollton 26.25 25.50 Pelham S/Y, Pelham : 25.30 24.75 24.60
nach 26.15 25.95 25.00 Sumter L/S Assoc., Americus 25.68 25.72 25.30 25.60
25.00 25.65 25.01 24.55 25.12

Wayne Co. S/Y, Jesup

stay alt wii) ot ot ee

Rd. Ph. Be-"3782.





Also cocks and hens for sale. L.
_T, Vaughn, Royston, RFD 2.

-@a.; 4, $10; One rooster free; Or

Mamie Stone, Adairsville,

- Leghorn Hens, vaccinated, lay-

Gainesville, Rt. 4.

neck type, some laying $25 for

- tam Hens, 2 pr.

Day Old Chicks,

aD ote Or

Pad s. A. Gain: Grays, and
- Ginn Red, pound size trios, $8;

One Grey Muff Cock, $3.50: | 2
RH Cocks, $3 ea.; One fine 6
yb. Blue Traveler Cock, $3.50.
ea L. Griffin, Gainesville, Oak


4 Dark Cornish Hens, $2.50
3 hens, I rooster, $8. FOB. wee

10 Danish Brown Leghorn
Pullets, and 2 Roosters, all in
full production, $30 for lot. Will
not sell separately. Cannot ship.
Mrs. Sarah Weems, Riverdale,
Rt 1. Ph. Jonesboro 3126.

75 Giant English Type White

ing, $1.50 ea. for lot at barn.
Will not ship. William L. Vin-
son, Cedartown, Rt. 1.

8 or 10. purebred Danish
Brown Leghorn Roosters, $1
ea. Mrs. Nettie Alexander,

100 April hatch large type
White Leghorn Pullets for sale.
B. L. Lynn, Waycross, 401 W.

2 AAAA White Leghorn
Roosters, 4 mos. old June 9th.,
$2 ea. Mrs. M. O. Richardson,
Marietta, Booth Rd.


6 hens, 2 cockerels of Ring-
Jot. MO or cashiers . check
Ship in light crates. E. W.
Greiner, Bainbridge, 410 Cust-
ec St.

50 Homing Pigeons,
ors, 55c ea.; $1.25
Tan, Atlanta,

all col-
pr. H. Fell-
427 Hightower

3 prs. and 1 trio Amherst, 2
pr. ea. Goldens and Reeves, 1.
extra cock, 1 pr. Goldhurst, 1

vr. Silvers; 7 hens and cock

olish bantams, 7 W. L. Ban-
Gambell Quail.
46H. Frye, Atlanta, 1115 Wood-
Jand Ave. N. E. Ph. Wa. 2526
or Di. 5182 (nights).


Cocks, $4 ea.; Hens, $3.50 ea.;
40 ea. Ph.
Jonesboro 6186. F. L. Hutche--
son, Riverdale.

Blue Peafowl, Chinese Gold-
en and Silve rPheasants, Bob-
white Quail, White Doves,
Green Head Mallard Ducks,

Chinese and French Geese,
Faney Show Type Bantam,
Pigeons, also eggs for same.

Mrs. Helen Street, Atlanta, Rt.
ee Pa Che 177

Silver Pheasants, 2-3 yrs. old,
proven breeders andmated, per
pair $12.50; 1953 Pheasants, Sil- |
wer Cock birds, $5 ea. FOB.
MO. Harry A. Wasden, M. DO.
Quitman .



Large White Embden Geese |
and Goslings for sale. Mrs. | 5
Augusta C. Russell, Alpharetta. |
Bots -Canton- ot,

18 French Toulouse Goslings |
(geese), 2-3 wks. old, $2.50 ea.
Will not ship. Wm. R. Ruppers-
burg, Fairburn, Rt. 1, Milam
Rd. Ph. 4202,

4 Black and White Ducks, |
2 drakes, $1.50: 2 Hens, $1. ea.
All 1 yr. old; Also 3 Red Ban- |
tam Roosters, 3 mos. old, 70c
ea. FOB. Tommy Britt, Cole-

4 ducks, 2 Drakes, one white,
rest black and white, $1.50 ea.
$2. ea. single. Mrs.
Walter Stubbs, East Point, 415
N. Cheney St.

7 grown,
or any. other breed gilt hog. |
B. J. Beall, Hazlehurst, Rt.

5 young ganders, 5-6 Tbs. ea.,
March hatch, $1.50 ea. M. C.
Tanner, Gainesville, Ree 2:

1 pair large White Ducks
(due kand drake), $5. crated,
shipped. No letters. O. M. |

Moody, Waycross, Rt. 4

and 4 small geese |
sale or exch. for PC gilt, |

White Hybrid ( ee den-Tou
louse) Geese and slings, Pe-
kin Ducks and Ducklings, Mal-
lard (domesticated wild) Breed-
ers and Ducklings: Also Whtie
Guinea Eggs and Chicks. Write
for prices. Jes. R. Johnston,
Jr, Marietta, Providence Rd..
Rt. 2.\Near Johnson Ferry Rd.
and Ga. 120).

3 maile, 5 female geese (1
male, 2 females blue; Bal. blue
and white), $2.50 ea.; $2. if lot
taken, Colen Meadows, Baxley;
Rt. 4. Ph. 3364.


Want some of the White Face,
Black Spanish Chickens. Advise
what you have. H. S. Knight,
Cedartown, 557 North Main St.

Want 2 or 3 Pea Fowls and 1
Peacock at least 1 yr. old. Will

Want some chickens on halves.
Mrs. Tom Glaze Rome, Ribccds

Want 12 RI or NH young hens
or pullets. E. P. Grant, Rome,
304 Shorter. Ave. Ph. 7304.


Want a pair of young Turkins
(not turkeys), or setting of eggs.
A. L. Rhodes, Hephzibah, Rt. 2.


Want Broad Breasted Bronze}
Turkeys, about 6 or 8 wks. old.
State number you have and
price. Will pick up at your home
in radius of 50 miles. Mrs. Do-
reen Martin, Alto, Rt. 1.


Ewes with lambs at side, open
ewes ready for breeding, weaned
lambs, purebred bucks or rams,
ete. for sale. R. B. Curtis, Farm-
ington. Ph. Madison 2603.

6 fat healthy sheep, one ram, 3
ewes, 2 grazing lambs, all $125.
E. P. Grant, Rome, 304 Shorter
Ave. Ph. 7304.

4 mos. old twin male kids,| ~

"| Saana crossed with Nubian, from

good milk stock, sire is register-
ed, $5 ea. Will not ship. Mrs. M.
Ritz, Fairburn, Campbellton Rd.

One purebred Toggenburg,
reg. Milk Goat, fresh for about
one month, has given 7 qts.
Write. M. S. Harrison, eae
Bowens Mill.

Nice reg. goat with 2 billies,
for sale or trade for pigs or
calves. Mrs. R. W. Wingo, New-

Purebred Hampshire Rams
and Ewes for sale. Dr. L.A.
Mosher, Roswell, Hardscrabble
Rd. Ph. 5526.

Best Saana Doe Kid, reg., $35.
| No shipping. Joe J. Wilson, De-
catur, 828-3rd. Ave. De. 0354.

Reg. Hampshire Yearling
Rams, very blocky and vigorous,
eady for service, best blood-
ee Will ship. Inquiries ans-
wered. Westervelt Terhune, At-

2 Nubian Milk Goa
in, good milkers, reasonable. 4
extra fine Nubian doe kids about!
5 wks. old for sale. Will not ship.
James H. Simmons, Cammilla.
(10 min. drive from Camilla on
State Hwy. 37).

One 2 yr. old, and one Year-
ling Hampshire Ram, e7h 6a Cp
Hardman, Commerce.

2 Reg. Loshaoen. Yearling

Blue Ridge, Rt. 1, Box 155.

40 Goats, $3-86 ea. Or int for
$175. at my home. Rey. Curd
Walker, Adrian, Rt. 1.

Fresh in Goat, (3rd. freshen-
ing), $100.; Her daughter giving
6 lbs. Ist. freshning, $50; 3 Does,
2 Bucks, Feb., and April kids,
$15 ea. Sired by. Dixieland Val,
Grandson of outstanding French
Alpine Buck, Perre Delnorte.

come after. Mrs. Stewart D,|C. T -Hambrick, Moultrie, Rt. 1.
poe Sr, Royston. (Ever- 3 Toggenburg Milk Goats, one

: : fresh, one to freshen soon, and
MISSCELLANEOUS CHICK-| one not bred, 4-6 qts., for sale.
ENS: Mrs. Geo. Leckenby, Jonesboro,

Noahs Ark Rd.



Want cross of full blooded
Red Poll~ ,Black Angus, . Poll
Hereford, Poll Short Horn, or
any cross cattle. - Give price,
weight, age. Prefer 4-7 mos.
eld. T. A. Landrum, Austell,
Rt: :

Want 1 reg. White Face Here-
ford Bull, just old enough for
service. Quote lowest price del,
to my place. L. A. Nally, Mari-
setta, Rt. 5. Ph. 9-5982.

Want one or two reg. Jersey
Cows with 2nd. calf, cheap for
cash, J. H. Tinsley, Mineral
Bluff, Rt. 1, Box 61. :

for cash. A. D.~ Blackstock,
Douglasville, Rt. 4, Box 137.

Want to trade 18 in. horse
drawn cane mill for a good
heifer calf. E. H. Brown, Way-
cross, 906 Albany St.


Want a young (not more than
5 yr. old), gentle, riding horse,

reasonable price. Robuck
Burch, Jr. Eastman, Rt. 3. x
SHEEP: : aie

Want female sheep, ready, or
able to bear young; Also place
to keep sheep on farm. Will
pay to feed and keep it up. Pre-
fer near Atlanta. Henry Phil-
lips, 2nd., Atlanta, 1510 Howell
Mill Rd.


Want reliable white woman
to do light farm chores on farm
for room, board, and $8, week-
ly. Contact. J. E. Clarke, Li-

thonia, Rt. 3.

Rams for sale. E. C. Owenby,

| Jackson, McDonough, Ae 3: =

iden on farm. Weekly salary.

Want few Baby Calves, cheap |

Atlanta. Fea $5. daily,
with elec., garden, wood, pas-
ture: Regular work and chance | fer
to advance. R. F. Sams, Clark- "1 i
ston. Ph. 43-7322. +:

ek a nice, healthy pte
one: 50-65 yrs. old to help
with farm chores (part-time],
job), and live in home with ele
me. $20. month, board and
room., Need at once. Mrs. Jack :
Rogers, Claxton, Rt: 2.

Want unencumbered white,
middle aged Christian woman
to live in home as one of fam-
ily and help with garden. chic-
kens, flowers, etc. on farm. |
Board and salary. Good home
for. reliable person. Letters

ans, Write, Mrs. Jean LeCroy,| _ _

Marietta, Rt. 2 Robinson gece

Want reliable puite woman
for light work on farm in ex-
change for room, board and |
$12 week to right person. Let-
ters ans. Mrs. C, M. Sherrer,
Union Point, Box 952. Ph. 227.

_ Want farm family to farm |
1-135 A land, or raise live-
stock, Must be able to finance
self. 5 R house and pond, on
hwy. and Warner Robins Bus
Route. 4 mi. town, Come see.

J. Van McCollum, Rochelle. =

Want family of three or four |
to work by day, general farm-
work. and milking> Furnished
house ready to move into, and
plenty of wood, water, and
lights. Write or see. James

miles West).

- Want colored man to ones
at goat dairy and tend gar-}

2 R house with lights. T. E.4
Bunn, Decatur. 1891 N. Druid
Hills Rd. Cr. 5884, ~


Begin immediately. Ref. furnish-

Experienced farm ~ family
wants work on shares or for
salary, on poultry-broiler farm.


ed= J.P. Dovel Janene. Box ae
492. _ $

Want work in hay with new] i
pickup hay baler. Can cut and
rale also. Prefer within 50 miles
Oglethorpe. U. Ss. Lashley, Outs):

hog farm or poultry.
sider light farm cho

children one-
wants job on
farm.-Can dri

3 g adults to

phone 7-3294.

Cattle Prices Paid at Georgia M:

ahatoe ee us on Thursday, Jun
selling 2 bulls, one is grandson of t
and sire of champions Bileenmere 500th
bred females, 13 cows with calves at side and
bred, unregistered females. For infor
Warren B. Benson, Chamblee. 1964


\lanta, P. O. Box 2115.

2 milk goats, fresh in, one to,
freshen soon, also 1 billy, for |
sale or trade. David C. Hill, Col-
lege Park, Rt. 2, Box 370. Ph.
| Ca. 6068.

Purebred Hampshire Rams
|and Ewes for sale. Dr. L. A.
Mosher, Roswell, Hardscrabble
Rds Pha o026.

2 milk goats, both have 2
jnannie kids, (6 wks. old), $60.
|for lot. W. M. Cook, Broxton.

Young Alpine Buck for sale.
B. L. Lynn, Waycross, 401 W.
| Hamilton.

3 nice French Alpine Does, one
| giving 5 qts. others 1/2 gal. ea
} daily. All reg. for sale. Cannot
| ship. Ray E. McKoy, Newnan, Rt.

| Saanan Milk Goat, hornless,
| gentle, good milk, never goes
| ory will freshen June 20. Heal-
A. T. Durham, East Point

pani Whipple. Ca. 6277.


GRADE - Thomaston Atla ta :
cee Bod obs? 5-26
| Steers & Heifers : Seo ;
| Choice i - 20.50-22.00 - iat
| Good 18.25-18.65 19.00-21.50 18.00-21.25 17.00-18.80
Coml. 14.75-17.75 14.00-18.00 14.00-18.50 14.00-16.00 14.00.11
Utility 11.75-14.25 12.00-14.75 11,00-1 4.00 -11.25-13.00 Th seaeas:
| Cutters 9.50-12.00 9.50-11.50 ~ 9.50-11.00 9.50-1 1.25 Blsichi
CALVES Gs re : eee ate
Good & Choice 17.00-21.25 17.00-21.25 16.25-21.00 15.50-20.00
Util. & Coml. 12.00-16.75 11.50-16.75 11.00-17.00 11.00-15.50
Gd. & Choice Vealers 19.25-25.25 18.00-21.00 16.50-21.00
cows ; a
Utility 10.75-12.50 _ 10,00- 12. 50 _10.00-12.50 | 10.50-12.50
c. & CG. 7.00-10.75 7.00-10.50 7.00-10.00 = 7.00-10.50 |
| =
Util. & Com. 12.00-14.75 , 11.75-14.75 11.00-14,50 11.50-14.50 11.50-14.50
Cutters 10.00-11.00 9.50-12.00 9.50-11.50 9.50-10.50 ms aden
Steers & Helfers 10.00-13.75 10.00-19.00 10.50-20.00 = 10.00-13.75 BR oe
Calves 12.00-17.00 11.00-17.50 = 11.00-17:25 10.50-16.50
Source of Information 4
ral State Market News Service
| . BO Seventh Street, N. E., Atlanta, Ga, ao ae

