The Kullaleden holiday inspired us – Eva & Cindy’s summary

„Helsingborg and Kullaleden got two new, real enthusiastic fans!“, that’s what in summary Cindy and Eva say about their youngest experiences in Sweden: „We have made many hiking holidays already, for example the Lechweg in Austria, also an European Quality Trail, or the Albsteig in Germany, Swabian Alb – and the Kullaleden can keep up here, really!“.

But actually the Kullaleden shows its own charm, starting in the interesting and vibrant town Helsingborg, which is already worth a visit (and we would like to know this city necessarily better); than Kullaleden continues right on the shore of the sea with all these attractions like Castle Sofiero, Saluhallen an the countless picturesquely little villages with their tiny harbors and all the lovely swedish wooden cottages, interspersed with some interestingly houses in modern design – the Kullaled is also recommended for architecture fans. And especially the Kullaberg: Apart from the beautiful nature, you can imagine so much tradition and history.

Just a pity that Kullaleden is wandered in only four days – but then there is still the Skaneleden! On the whole, we think, that Sweden is to far away from Germany to hike only some days. Therefore, we recommend to stay as long as possible in Sweden and enjoy the lovely region around Helsingborg with hiking, biking, paddling and wellness in the wonderful accomodations.

Eva Schraft & Cindy Bracht


We love Helsingborg!





Cindy on her long way to Kullaberg


Optimistic from the beginning


Nice fellow hikers


You can’t overlook the signs


Kullaleden – also perfect for young hikers!

Our trip to Kullaleden

Hiking through Kullaleden was a very special experience for us. The unique nature made us leave everyday life behind and forget the daily worries with every step we made. From the first until the last stage we enjoyed a spectacular pristine wilderness, peaceful landscapes, rough coasts, romantic fishing villages, crystal clear lakes, enchanted forests and beautiful beaches. Feeling so close to nature this holiday stimulates your senses. Apart from hiking Kullaleden offers different activities like mountainbiking, swimming, climbing, diving, dolphins watching, observing sea birds, golfing or wellness. The people in Sweden are very kind, polite, helpful, down-to-earth and well-balanced – that appeared to be infectious. Image


Hiking in Kullaleden is perfect for recreation-seekers, nature loving persons as well as for adventurers. You can perfectly forget everyday life while enjoying unaffected nature and move as far as your feet will carry you. Thanks to Helsingborg Family for this amazing experience. We definitely will return to Kullaleden – so be prepared ;o)

Day 4 in Kullaleden

On day 4 we could enjoy a beautiful and colorful sunrise over the sea. Afterwards we strengthen ourselves with an appetizing breakfast before the day’s adventure began. We cheerful started our last stage. We walked along coastal footpaths and roads along the harsh sea passing romantic fishing villages. We could observe different sea birds as well as fishermen on their boats. In Tunneberga Gästis we had a good lunch with Swedish specialties. Full and happy we continued our tour back to Helsingborg.  ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Kullaleden /Martin & Daniela’s blog

Bei wunderschönem Sommerwetter brachen wir in Helsingborg auf zu unserem ersten Zwischenziel Schloß Sofiero Palace.

Nachdem die ersten Startschwierigkeiten überwunden waren und wir die orangene Wandermarkierung gefunden hatten folgten wir dem Weg die Stadt hinaus und dann der Küste entlang.


Der Startpunkt in Helsingborg


Nein! Das ist noch nicht das Schloß!


Nach einer Kaffeepause im sehenswerten Schloßgaren ging es bei sommerlichen Temperaturen weiter enlang der Küste zu unserer ersten Unterkunft in Lerberget.


Der einfach zu begehende Weg führte durch schöne, abwechslungsreiche Küstenlandschaften.


Frühstück bei Sonnenschein mit unserer Hergergsmutter nach einer Nacht im einfachen B&B  Solgarden.

Und  begann der 2. Tag unserer Wanderung….


Der zweite Tag – von Lerberget nach Mölle

Heute ging es auf gut ausgebauten und ausgeschilderten Wegen immer die Küste entlang und durch einige kleine Ortschaften unserem Tagesziel in Mölle entgegen.



Teilstrecken barfuß laufen zur Pflege der geschundenen Füße !!!


den Kitesurfern zuzuschauen war faszinierend


die tierische Begegnung….muh


und nach den Mühen, gibt es eine Stärkung, leckere Crepes……


und Kuchen mit Sahne, ein schnuggeliges Cafe mit einer Töpferei dabei, mmmhhh das schmeckte


und dann Ankunft in Mölle, oben am Berg das weiße Haus mit dem Türmchen unser Hotel ….super !!!

3. Wandertag


von Mölle nach Arild

Nach einem super Frühstück im Grand Hotel Mölle, machten wir uns auf den Weg über das Kullaberg Nature Reserve nach Arild.

Diese Etappe bot die spektakulärsten Landschaften und anspruchvollsten Wanderwege der bisherigen Tour.


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Im Kullaberg Nature Reserve erwartete uns Guides mit einem abwechslungsreichen Programm, unter anderem ” Abseilen” , das alle Teilnehmer, auch die Ungeübten, problemlos bewältigten. Nach einer kurzen Mittagspause mit schwedische Spezialitäten ging es dann wieder auf die “Piste” weiter Richtung Arild.

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Leider hatten wir auch keine Zeit mehr den Leuchtturm zu besichtigen, weil wir noch eine gute Wegstrecke vor uns hatten. Der Weg war nicht immer einfach zubewältigen, da es immer wieder hoch und runter ging und zum Teil auch über unbefestigte Wege. Manchmal hatten wir das Gefühl wir hätten noch gar keine Wegstrecke hinter uns gebracht, da unser Wegweiser uns zu den tollsten Aussichtspunkten leitete und wir daher nicht immer den direktesten Weg nahmen. Gegen 18 Uhr sind wir dann ziemlich ausgepowert aber glücklich in unserem Hotel in Arild angekommen.

Letzter Wandertag

von Arild nch Helsingborg

Heute ging es immer an der Küste entlang Richtung Utvälinge. Noch blieb uns der Wettergott treu und wir wanderten bei herrlichem Sonnenschein.

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Nach diesen landschaftlichen Highlights folgten kulinarische Highlights im Tunneberga Gästis. Hier in diesem urigen Gasthaus nahmen wir unseren Lunch ein.

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Frisch gestärkt,  machten wir uns nun auf zu unserer letzten Etappe,  um vor einsetzendem Regenwetter den Bus zurück nach Helsingborg zu erreichen.


Eigentlich schade. Schon wieder am Ausgangspunkt zurück.

Day 3 in Kullaleden

On the third day we met at the lighthouse with the other test pilots from Familjen Helsingborg to do climbing and a cave tour. The absolute highlight was abseiling down a rockwall – we haven’t done it before but it was an amazing experience! As a reward for our bravery we got delicious “bulle I bulle”. After this exciting adventure we followed the trail to Arild. The trail was very hilly including some steeper stretches to maneuver. Most of the trail the path winds through a fairytale forest with small hidden ponds. So we had to watch out for hobbits!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Day 2 in Kullaleden

We started our day with an excellent breakfast in the charming garden of the B&B Solgarden. On our second day we walked from Höganäs to Kullabygdens Wärdshus. The first part of our tour was pretty easy. We continued hiking the coastline passing charming fishing villages and green meadows with grazing cows.  Behind Mölle the landscape was changing from grassy woodland, sandy beaches and hawthorn forests to high rocks and a rough coast. All the way the trail was offering a beautiful view across the sea to Denmark and the Swedish coast.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Day 1 in Kullaleden

On our first day we started the Kullaleden hike in the beautiful city park of Helsingborg. We walked along the coast with a dream like view to Öresund and Denmark. We had our first coffee break at a café at Sofiero Palace, the former summer residence for Swedish royalty. In 2010 Sofiero was voted “Europe’s Best Park” – and they really deserve the title!  Along our trail we passed some scenic villages with the charming thatched-roof houses with their small but beautiful gardens.


Great lunch and a little bit rain

Our fourth day on the Kullaleden began with an excellent breakfast at Hotel Rusthållargården with delicious ecological food. That ist why we started with hiking a little bit late at half past 10, although the sky for the first time didn’t look very friendly. After the great day at the natural reserve Kullaberg we couldn’t imagine, that we will have today also an amazing trail. But this was totally wrong: The coastal path along Skälderviken surprised us with many lovely villages and plenty of migrating birds, gathering for their long way southwards. One of the highlights of this day was surely the lunch in Jonstorp’s Tunneberga Gästis, where Cindy choosed the daily special and Eva ate the Salmon – we really can recommend this restaurant! A little bit tired after this tasty meal we continued our way – with an anxious look to the sky with his dark clouds. It was not so easy to come back to the Kullaleden, we had to ask two times for the way back to the sea and to the new bridge over the river Görslövsån, which probably was built especially for the Kullaleden. When we walked along the sandy beaches, on which you surely could spend great beach days in summer, it started to rain. So we had to walk the last four kilometers of the wonderful Kullaleden with our rain gear on. Didn’t matter, the way back to Helsingborg was easy to organize: First we took the bus to Ängelholm, afterwards the train – after an hour we reached our nice Hotel Linneá in Helsingborg.

Salmon – so fresh and delicious in Tunneberga Gästis

Salmon – so fresh and delicious in Tunneberga Gästis

Cindy on the nice bridge over the Görslövsån

Cindy on the nice bridge over the Görslövsån

We've done it!

We’ve done it!

First action then spa

On our thrid day on kullaleden we nearky had a program for two days. He started with a too early, too fast, but very tasty breakfast. We had to be at nine o’clock at ransvik to meet a view people from Familjen Helsingborg and they took photos and filmed us while we were hiking an doing other special things. This all is for their website an a presentation movie. We had to do it again an again but it was very fun and a great experience. Afterwards we walked on alone and had to pass a field where many cows with long fur and very big horns were grazing and one of them stood pretty close to the gate but luckily they didn’t impale us. After we survived this part we got to the lighthouse to meet other testpilots from Familjen Helsingborg and a guide. First we made a abseiling down a short rockwall for newcomers and it was fun and something new but the real highlight was the stunning view from the Kullaberg. Then we went back an picked up another specialized guide who did a cavewalk with us wich was pretty cool and also interesting – we were very impressed how the steadicam-operator, who also joined us, could climb with all that stuff around him and only one free hand. For awarding us we bought us a nice lunch at a kiosk on the kullaberg where we finally found köttbullar as a part of the menu. The rest of the path was very beautiful and also a up and down and up and down. It went trough a beautiful forest where we saw very much and it was a kind of climbing session sometimes, too. When we arrived in the Hotel Rusthallagarden we were welcomed really warmhearted and we could visit the spa to relax a bit, but not so long. At half past six we had to be in the dining hall of the hotel where we all eat together a tasty dinner, so this was finally the calm end of the day.

The cows on the Kullaberg

The cows on the Kullaberg

The view from Kullaberg

The view from Kullaberg

Us in the fashionable climbingoutfits before abseiling

Us in the fashionable climbingoutfits before abseiling

