Red Eye Tetra

The Red Eye Tetra is a popular aquarium fish and is suited to your community aquariums. They can be a little fin nippy and so be careful when looking to mix these fish with long finned species, particularly if looking to keep them in small numbers. Try to keep the Red Eye Tetra in groups of 5 or more and provide open swimming areas along with hiding spots amongst rocks and vegetation. They will acclimate to a wide variety of water conditions.

In the wild the Red Eye Tetra feeds on worms, insects, crustaceans and plant matter. In the aquarium Red Eye Tetra generally eats all kinds of live, fresh, and flake foods. To keep a good balance they should be given a high-quality flake food every day. You can feed brine shrimp (either live or frozen) or blood worms as a treat.

They are egg scatterers and will abandon the eggs and eat them if not separated.

These are great looking fish in your planted aquarium, and stand out from other silver / grey fish due to their bright red eyes. A fish to certainly consider.

Scientific Name : Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae

Common Names : Yellowhead Characin, Yellowhead Tetra, Yellow-banded moenkhausia

Size : 3 inches (7 cm)

Water PH : 6 – 7.5

Temperature : 75°F – 80°F (24°C – 27°C)

Water Hardness : 5° to 20° dH

Lifespan : 3 – 5 years

Origin / Habitat : South America, Brazil, River Basin areas


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