Seeing the bigger picture

Drawing up how each of us seldom have all the facts

Working together to create knowledge

Text and drawing by Frits Ahlefeldt

New innovation techniques and group theory change the idea that each of us should know it all, or the same. Instead we might be working better by focusing on creating knowledge together in new ways and understand things between us, that each of us can’t grasp alone, to me hiking is one of the best ways of doing this

Drawing of two young people putting to huge puzzle pieces together, spelling "facts" Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt
Can we make sense between us?
Drawing of two young people putting to huge puzzle pieces together, spelling "facts" Illustration by Frits Ahlefeldt
The “facts” puzzle illustration ( non texted version)

Keywords: art, logbook, innovation, hiking, citizen-science, live drawing, reality, philosophy, education, kids, children upbringing, culture, landscapes of understanding

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