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Setting up an admin-account

Setting up an admin-account


You can set up additional administration accounts on your own in Sophos Central. To do this, proceed as described here.


1. Open Sophos Central ( and login

2. Select the menu item People and click Add → Add User in the right area.

Sophos Central öffnen. Dort Reiter personen anklicken, dann auf Hinzufügen und Benutzer hinzufügen

3. In the following dialog the fields First name, Last name and E-Mail address have to be filled in and the desired role of the administrator has to be selected. The Exchange Login field is not to be filled in!

Die Felder Vor- und Nachname, Rolle und E-Mail-Adresse ausfüllen. Anschließend auf Speichern klicken.

BE AWARE: Information on the roles and definitions can be found via the  -Symbol.


4. Click safe

5. An invitation will be send to your given E-Mail address.


The activation of the administration account generated here is described under:  Activation an admin-account

last changed on 06/01/2023

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