I am on the edge of a new yearly adventure. As I look at the next months, I know that if there are some inevitable points, it will also be filled with surprises, good and bad, a lot of stress from a lot of different people. I got myself ready this summer, as usual, by removing from myself what was left of last year, and then to ground into what really matters to me. And finally, to attune myself to my emotions. Because they are the keys to my well being.

It’s not that easy, especially when you are used to feel deeply, intensely as I am… and to feel what people around you are feeling…. as I do…

A few years ago, I had to level down my emotional awareness, to be able to survive… then I started to attune to my own emotions. Because in order to live, I needed to feel. I learned again to greet, recognize and accept my emotions, in all their spectrum. And it was quite a journey, but I am really grateful to have done it. This last year, I opened another draw of my emotional tool box: I attuned myself to other people’s emotions. This is the base of my job anyway. To be able to feel what kids feel in order to help them grow and learn. So I only needed to extend this again to the world outside of my classroom.

And it’s not that easy when you have to deal with a very high level of anxiety, stress and resentment. Well, it’s easy but who would want to dive into that? So I decided to keep the door ajar and not fully open… But this year, I am ready to open it widely. Because I am now fully attuned to my own emotions, and that I am able to recognize and deal with what comes from within or from outside.

And I am now willing to go through this path. I am ready to be attuned to emotions. Mine, others’. I know that it will bring me a lot, and I am ready to accept it all. I know I will be able to deal with whatever comes, as I know how to build healthy boundaries. I am done dealing with myself for now. Time has come to connect with people around me… time to let people come into my life. Time to rise and shine.

motif: gingo

And it’s been a while since I shared some articles with you, so if you are interested in emotion attunement, here are some readings for you!

So this week, attune yourself to your own emotions as well as to others’. And enjoy the feeling!

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