How to Say ‘I Agree’ and ‘I Disagree’ in German: Expressing Opinions

@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Flashcards apps
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2024


Hello, opinionated German learners! 🗣️👍👎 In conversations, it’s important to be able to express agreement or disagreement. This not only helps in communicating your point of view but also in understanding others and engaging in meaningful discussions. Let’s learn how to express agreement and disagreement in German.

To say “I agree” in German, you would say, “Ich stimme zu.” Conversely, to say “I disagree,” you can say, “Ich bin nicht einverstanden.” But let’s broaden your expressive capabilities with more phrases:

  1. Das sehe ich genauso. — I see it the same way.
  2. Genau meine Meinung. — Exactly my opinion.
  3. Ich bin der gleichen Ansicht. — I am of the same opinion.
  4. Da habe ich eine andere Meinung. — I have a different opinion on that.
  5. Ich sehe das anders. — I see it differently.
  6. Da muss ich widersprechen. — I have to disagree with that.
  7. Das überzeugt mich nicht. — That doesn’t convince me.
  8. Das ist ein interessanter Punkt, aber… — That’s an interesting point, but…
  9. Könnten wir einen Kompromiss finden? — Could we find a compromise?
  10. Lassen Sie uns darüber diskutieren. — Let’s discuss this.

Agreements and Disagreements in German

  • A Typical Situation: You’re in a discussion at a German language meetup. Someone expresses an opinion about a book you’ve also read. You contribute by saying, “Ich stimme zu, das Buch war wirklich faszinierend. Allerdings denke ich, dass der Hauptcharakter besser entwickelt sein könnte.” (I agree, the book was really fascinating. However, I think the main character could have been better developed.) This shows your agreement and adds your own viewpoint, fostering a richer conversation.
  • Cultural Insight: Germans generally value directness and clarity in expressing opinions. Agreeing or disagreeing politely but clearly is appreciated in discussions.
  • For Language Learners: Practice using these phrases in discussions, whether it’s in a class, with a language partner, or in a social setting. It’s a great way to enhance your conversational skills in German.

FAQ: Expressing Agreement and Disagreement in German

Q: How do I politely agree with someone in a formal setting in German? A: To agree politely in a formal setting, you might say, “Ich stimme Ihnen zu” or “Ich teile Ihre Meinung.” These phrases convey respect and agreement with the person’s point of view.

Q: What’s a diplomatic way to express disagreement in German? A: A diplomatic way to express disagreement would be, “Ich verstehe Ihren Punkt, jedoch habe ich eine etwas andere Sichtweise.” This means, “I understand your point, however, I have a slightly different perspective.” It acknowledges the other person’s view before introducing your disagreement.

Cultural Insights:

  • In German culture, directness is valued in conversation. However, it’s also important to maintain respect and politeness, especially in formal or professional settings.
  • Germans appreciate clear reasoning behind opinions, so providing explanations for your agreement or disagreement is well-received.

Practical Usage:

  • These expressions are useful in a variety of settings, including academic discussions, business meetings, and personal conversations.
  • Understanding and using a range of phrases to agree or disagree can help you navigate discussions more effectively and participate more actively in conversations.

Metkagram’s Tips:

  • Practice these phrases with a language partner or in a study group. Discussing various topics and expressing your opinions can significantly improve your conversational skills.
  • Pay attention to the reactions of native speakers when you express agreement or disagreement. This can give you insights into the nuances of polite discourse in German.

Remember: Being able to express your agreement or disagreement in German enhances your communication skills and allows you to engage more deeply with the language and culture.

Express yourself confidently in German, whether you agree or disagree! 🗣️👍👎



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Flashcards apps

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