
Last Thursday, …

August 22nd, we celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary in Gruene. We stayed at the Gruene Mansion Inn, …


Gruene Mansion Inn B&B

… had a fine supper at the Gristmill Restaurant


Gristmill River Restaurant & Bar

… and after that went to the Gruene Hall


Gruene Hall & Water Tower

… for dancing and listening to the music.

Gruene, today a suburb of New Braunfels, was founded in 1872 by Henry D. Gruene [1850 – 1920], a son of German immigrants who had come to Texas in the course of the emigration movement sponsored by Prince Carl of Solms-Braunfels in the middle of the 19th century, who bought about 6,000 acres of land on the high bank of the Guadalupe River about 3 miles north of New Braunfels to grow cotton there, and first erected a water-powered gristmill, later a cotton gin and also opened a mercantile store which served the outlying farms with all they needed. At first Gruene, conveniently located on the stage coach route from Austin to San Antonio, prospered, until, in the 1920s, first by the blight of the boll weevil which ruined cotton production and later by the economic crisis, the town went down, to only 75 inhabitants in 1930, and becoming a ghost town in the 1950s. But nowadays, mainly because of tourism, it’s vibrant and vivid community again, with a historic district with many of the old buildings restored and being used commercially again.

One of these buildings is the Gruene Family Home, which Henry D. Gruene built in Victorian style for himself and his family in 1872, and which today is run as the Gruene Mansion Inn B&B. That is where we had booked a room for us, “Das Fluss Haus # 13“, …


Gruene Mansion Inn: Das Fluss Haus # 13

… situated high above the Guadalupe River on the bluff with pretty views.

river view

Das Fluss Haus # 13: View from the Porch over the Guadalupe River

The rocking-chairs on …


Rocking Chairs

… and the views from the porch …

porch view

(Another) View from the Porch

… were nothing to be enjoyed that much: it was simply too jot on the porch facing south.

We rather enjoyed our cool room with its A/C. The following gallery [as usual a click on any one of the pictures in the gallery opens a slide show, and within the slide show the pictures can be enlarged to full resolution] shows the interior:

Due to the wall panelling in rather dark wood and the darkish wallpaper on the ceiling the room wasn’t too bright, but it did have a warm tone and we really enjoyed the somewhat dusky atmosphere with all that bright sunshine outside.

Later we went for a stroll through Gruene [more pictures of that in my “Picture Book Blog” and after that, as said above, had our anniversary dinner at the “Gristmill River Restaurant & Bar“, the former three story brick boiler room of the original Gruene Cotton Gin, the other wooden buildings having been destroyed by a fire in 1922. We enjoyed our tasty supper a lot and the portions were really “Texas size”: more than enough. For starters we had “Gruene Bros. ‘Best’ Wurst”, from Falls City, btw, our neighbouring town, a Texas Polish Wedding Sausage, with Gristmill BBQ sauce. It came with some very yummy aromatic mustard, too.


Yummy Appetizer

As can be seen, I washed the sausage down with a good Warsteiner Dunkel – served in a bottle and without a glass as (nearly) always in the USA.

Our entrees were grilled trout …


Grilled Trout

… for Mary and one of the specials, …


Specials Menu

… slow cooked Baby Back Ribs:


Baby Back Ribs

The sides were the same for each of us: mashed garlic potatoes and green beans. The latter, btw, were quite interestingly prepared: with ground Parmesan. Very yummy!

After our supper we went next door to the Gruene Hall


Gruene Hall

… the oldest continually used danced hall in Texas. From the outside this building looks, as you can see, rather unimpressive, and the inside looks aren’t that grand either, but it has the inimitable “Texas-dance-hall” atmosphere:


Gruene Hall

After our dinner and a few steps on the dance floor we slept very well and the next morning, after a few pictures …


A Most Happy Couple

… on the premises of the Gruene Mansion Inn [more pictures to be found again in my “Picture Book Blog“] we had quite an excellent breakfast …


Quite a Selection for Breakfast

… in the dining-room …

dining room

The Dining-Room at the Gruene Mansion Inn B&B

… on the ground floor [the second floor has rooms for rent] of the main building …


Gruene Mansion Inn B&B

The building on the right hand side in the foreground of the picture is a tornado shelter, btw.

And then, unfortunately, it was time to pack our belongings and leave for home again. But we’ll certainly be back some time (soon)

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22 responses to “Last Thursday, …

  1. Na, das sieht ja toll aus, ich meine Gruene B&B und du, bes. auf dem Bild “special menue” – super.
    Ganz liebe Grüße aus dem nach wie vor hochsommerlichen Cley – ich finde, jetzt wird`s doch endlich Zeit fürs Herbstliche. Ich bin den Sommer leid, ist doch langweilig immer dieser blaue Himmel mit Sommenschein. Inzwischen, das las ich gerade, die längste ununterbrochene Schönwetterperiode seit über 80 Jahren.
    Also mach`s gut und ich halte weiterhin fest die Daumen für den Hauskauf
    Klausbernd 🙂

    • Lieber Klausbernd,
      ja, mir ist schon beim Betrachten der Speisekarte wirklich das Wasser im Mund zusammengelaufen. Und die Unterkunft war wirklich schön. Wir müssen da einmal wieder hin, wenn es nicht so heiß ist und man auf der Veranda sitzen kann. Und dann vielleich tauch einmal auf dem Guadalupe River Kajakfahren.
      Zum Thema Haus: danke für Daumenhalten. Bitte noch eine kurze Zeit, und ganz feste, denn möglicherweise können wir morgen für das Haus, für das wir uns entschieden haben, unser Gebot abgeben.
      Liebe Grüße aus dem südlichen Texas, und mach’s gut im kleinen Dorf am großen Meer,

  2. Looks like you had a great visit. And your travelogue will make folks want to go too.

    • Hi Kathleen,
      And it always makes me want to go back when I look at what I’ve written and at the pictures. 😉
      Take care, and have a good one,

  3. What a beautiful place to spend an anniversary! Food looked wonderful too……Love all the photos.

    Pam (and Sammy)

    • Hi Pam (and Sammy),
      Thanks for taking your time to stop by to visit my blog and even write a comment. 🙂 We enjoyed that place a lot and as you say; a beautiful place for an anniversary. And the food was really good, in the Gristmill as well as that breakfast at the Gruene Mansion Inn.
      Best regards, from the feline and canine crew, too,

  4. Ach, schön! Das war sicher ein prima Ort zum Feiern : ) Euch herzlichen Glückwunsch zum vierten Hochzeitstag & liebe Grüße

    • Hallo Petra,
      danke für die Glückwünsche. Und stimmt: es war/ist ein wirklich schöner Ort zum Feiern.
      Liebe Grüße aus dem südlichen Texas,

  5. Lieber Pit,

    herzlichen Glückwunsch zu eurem vierten Hochzeittag. Haltet euch so frisch wie von dir bisher gewohnt und viele weitere schöne Jahre mit Mary.
    By the way, ob ich dieses Menu, vor allem diese Portionen heruntergebracht hätte, ich mag es bezweifeln. Ich bin zwar 1,94 groß, dennoch: Irgendwie scheint mein Appetit im vorgerückten Alter doch sehr gezügelt 🙂

    Herzliche Grüße an euch beide aus Freiburg.


    • Hallo Achim,
      ganz lieben Dank für die Glückwünsche und die netten Worte.
      Zu den Portionen: sie hatten wirklich mal wieder, wie ich es ja formuliert hatte, “texanische Ausmaße”. Schon die Vorspeise hätte für eine Person als Hauptmahlzeit gereicht. Und beim Hauptgericht haben wir dann mal wieder die “doggie bags” bemühen müssen. Das haben wir auch nicht aufgekriegt, sondern wir haben einen großen Teil des Kartoffelpürees und der Bohnen mit nach Hause genommen.
      Deine Beobachtung, dass man im vorgerückten Alter (wohl) weniger zu essen braucht, kann ich nur bestätigen. Geht uns auch so. Und ich muss dringend zusehen, dass ich wieder mehr auf’s Rad komme. Zum Abspecken. 😉
      Liebe Grüße aus dem südlichen Texas,

  6. Hi Pit,

    herzlichen Glückwunsch Euch beiden ..alles Gute 🙂

    Das muss ja ein wundervoller Aufenthalt gewesen sein. Würde mir ganz sicher auch gefallen urig 🙂 und jede Menge leckeres Essen.

    Liebe Grüße zu Euch aus dem nun recht kühlen Süddeutschland,


    • Hi Ocean,
      danke für die Glückwünsche, Und stimmt: eion wirklich wunderschöner Aufenthalt. Nur viel zu kurz. 😦 Aber wir werden bestimmt über kurz oder lang wieder hin.
      Liebe Grüße aus dem südlichen Texas, wo sich die Temperaturen immer noch um die 35 bis 40 Grad bewegen 😦

  7. Happy ♥ Anniversary, dear Mary, dear Pit!
    You look great, so happy. 🙂 Please stay so for a long, long time and look after each other and stay tuned to love.:-)
    The mansion reminds a bit of a house I stayed at in Yosemite, Ca. You’re almost expecting Scarlett or Rhett Butler to opne the door…
    Wow, you did enjoy the food :-), the appetizer only looks like quite a mouthfull to me! 🙂
    Enjoy, have a good time.
    Best regards

    • Hi Dina,
      Thanks a lot for your kind words.
      The appetizer would have made a full meal for one person. And actually, it IS on the main menu, with two sides inclúded.
      Take care, and best regards, to the book fayries, too,
      Pit & Mary

  8. Happy Anniversary! What a magical place to spend it. Your photos and comments took me there – it looks like a place I’d enjoy visiting (except for the heat ….). Maybe during a future winter?! Thanks for sharing your special day with us! 🙂

    • Hi Cindy,
      Thank you ever so much for your kind words. I agree: (a little) less heat would be wonderful. Well, going there in autumn, winter or spring certainly has an appeal. Maybe we’ll do that.
      Best regards from southern Texas,

  9. Looks like they feed you well there!

  10. Sieht sehr romantisch aus… 😉

    • Es war auch sehr romantisch. Und mit etwas weniger Hitze wäre es noch ein ganzes Stück romantischer gewesen. 😉 Aber trotzdem: es war wunderbar und wir haben es genossen. 🙂

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