Fish Guide

Steinitz Goby   (Amblyeleotris steinitzi)
Family: Gobiidae (Gobies)
Natural Range: Indian Ocean, Indo-Pacific Region
Depth: 7 to 141 ft.   Size: 5 in.   Jumps: Yes   Space: 30+ gal.
Reef Safe: Yes   Care Level: Easy   Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Benthic copepods
Natural History: The Steinitz Goby is found with Alpheus sp. shrimp in burrows on reefs with coarse sandy bottoms. The shrimp digs a burrow that the goby rests in, with head protruding, watching the area. In case of danger, the goby recedes along with the shrimp into the burrow.
Husbandry: The Steinitz Goby is a benthic fish that peacefully coexists with most other species except gobies like itself. It may be aggressive with other Steinitz gobies. Live rock with numerous hiding places should be provided for this goby.
Reproduction: This goby species has been reported to spawn in captivity.

AKA: Steinitz' Prawn-goby

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