Astilbe Finale


Astilbe Fanal

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Astilbe are extremely popular perennials for the pizzazz they add to shady areas of the garden. With a name like 'Finale', it should come as no surprise that this astilbe is one of the last to bloom, but its fluffy, plume-like, 12 to 18 inch tall spires of blushing soft pink flower clusters are definitely worth the wait. And being a late bloomer, early to midsummer, it bridges the gap between spring and summer color. And the seed heads that follow the blooms extend the ornamental value even further.

A compact cultivar, this low-growing perennial only reaches 4 to 6 inches tall and slowly spreads, making it a great groundcover. It has a clumping habit and grows in fern-like mounds of finely cut, lacy leaves.

The plant prefers uniformly moist, humusy, organically rich soils. The soil should be well-drained, and although Chinese astilbe have better drought tolerance than most other astilbe, they should never be allowed to dry out. It is cold hardy to Zone 4, heavy shade tolerant, and black walnut, rabbit, and deer resistant.

Uses: Mass Plantings, Borders, Shade Gardens, Rain Gardens

Genus name comes from the Greek words a meaning without and stilbe meaning brightness in reference to the dull leaves of some species.

Specific epithet means of China.

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