Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Monopoly (Swedish)
Game Category: Board Games
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4
Tags: 4+
File Size
177.363 KB
Feb 13, 2019 @ 6:34pm
Jul 19, 2019 @ 12:53pm
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Monopoly (Swedish)

Monopoly based on the traditional Swedish version of the board! This board is trying to reflect the physical Monopoly game as it was released in Sweden. Note that there have been multiple variants over the years which have resulted in changes such as property prices. Overall however, it should capture the vanilla game fairly accurately.


Because the board is based on the scripted board linked below, transactions work by chat commands:
-give <name OR color> <amount>: Give your money to a player.
-bank <amount>: Give your money to the bank (done when purchasing properties, for example).
-collect <amount>: Gives you money.
-middle <amount>: Put your money in the middle.
-claim: Claim the money in the middle.
-go: Gives you $200 (for passing GO).
-bal: Tells you your balance.
-help: Prints out the command list.

Although the game is scripted, I recently decided to add some very primitive money to the board as well if you don't want to use the script and chat commands.

All the text on the board and the cards were made by me, using the scripted Monopoly board as a template, which in turn comes from the HD Monopoly board here on the Workshop. The tile boards have been remade to appear much cleaner, and with the help of Talcazzar, they are now a much better fit inside the wooden boards. Money has also been added.

--Thanks to:
*Monopoly (Original) -HD Version- by VobrionicTea. This board served as the template.
*Monopoly - SCRIPTED by 343N. The scripting was brought over and translated. There were also some slight adjustments.
*Talcazzar for script translation, board overhaul and adjustments.

--Links to the original mods:
Scripted board:
HD board:

Have fun!
Zolleriux  [author] Mar 21, 2020 @ 6:26am 
Pengarna styrs genom chatten, borde varit tydligare där. För att få upp hela listan i spelet kan man skriva -help, i övrigt används -give, -bank och -collect för de allra flesta transaktionerna.
Ekot, Sveriges Radio Mar 20, 2020 @ 3:00pm 
Hej! hur ändrar man pengarna? funkar ej att dubbelklicka?
Zolleriux  [author] Apr 26, 2019 @ 4:19am 
Brädet är skriptat, så "fysiska" pengar behövs inte. Vill man ändå köra med det så finns det tillägg här på workshopen.
Amir Apr 26, 2019 @ 2:47am 
Det finns fan inga pengar