How long does wine keep? Can wine go bad too?

How long does wine keep? Can wine go bad too?

How long does the wine I bought actually keep?
What are the differences in durability?

Not every wine is suitable for storage. The wines rarely last longer than three years. What you should know about storing your wine is explained below.

Most wines today are made to be drinkable as soon as they are sold. These wines are then not particularly storable and should be stored within the next 2-3 years be drunk.

But how do you know how long wine can be kept?
We'll show you some clues that you can use to estimate how long you can store your wine.

Factors affecting the shelf life of wine

Alcohol has a preservative effect and therefore makes the wine last longer. The wine should therefore contain at least 12.5% ​​alcohol. Wines aged in barriques often contain more than 13.0% and are therefore well suited for wine storage.

Zucker is also a preservative and thus has a positive effect on the shelf life of wine. Beerenauslese and Eiswein contain more sugar than other wines. With these wines, the alcohol content can therefore be neglected for the shelf life.

Tannin, also called tannins, also contribute to the shelf life of wine. Wines with a high tannin content even need a few years to become palatable at all. Therefore, these are well suited for storage.

acid prevents bacterial growth and therefore also has a preservative effect. It is mainly found in white wine.

Sulfites is contained in almost every wine. It prevents oxidation and secondary fermentation of the wine. However, sulfite is considered an allergenic substance and must be shown on the label from 10mg/l.

Wine Quote Wine improves with age

How can I improve the shelf life of my "open" wine?

There are systems that do that Preventing wine from oxidizing. That probably most successful accessories is here that Coravin. This wine system allows you to get your wine from a still to extract sealed bottle. The simple reason for this is a thin needle that goes through the cork is pierced through. Argon gas from a cartridge enters the wine bottle through this needle. The inert gas is heavier than oxygen and therefore covers the liquid content like a protective coat, whereby the wine protected from oxidation becomes. For this reason must the cork cannot be removed. The same applies to wines with a screw cap. Here the screw cap is replaced by a corresponding attachment. This attachment can then be pierced with the needle, analogous to the procedure described above.


Coravin Modelle


Where is the best place to store my wine?

So if you want to store your wine, all you need is the right place. are appropriate cool (between 8-12°C), dark and slightly humid places for storage. The horizontal position of the bottle is also important so that the cork always remains moistened and therefore no air can enter. You should also avoid vibrations and temperature fluctuations. Then nothing stands in the way of the shelf life of your wine.

How long will my open bottle of wine last?

If there's any left over from the wine, that's it no reason to throw it away. If you keep the wine tightly closed in the fridge, it can still be used last up to a week remain.

Important here is the wine with a cork or a wine stopper to close airtight. A vacuum pump can also be used for this, if available. Also, the wine should upright in the fridge be asked. Standing because the wine has less contact with the oxygen in the bottle. The cold slows down the oxidation process so the wine doesn't go bad as quickly. red wine but you should because of the temperature Take out of the fridge a few hours before enjoying.

So how long will my open bottle keep?

At three quarters the bottle is White wine and Rosé still Lasts 3-5 days and red wine still up to 7 days.

Is still the half left, are 4-5 days for red wine and 2-3 days for white wine and rosé.

If only approx. one glass left stayed, you should Red wine within 2 days and White wine and rosé within the next day drink.

Haltbarkeit Wein offen Weißwein, Rotwein Tabelle


  • Guten Tag!

    Ich habe einen Cabernet Dorsa Spätlese trocken von Gruber aus dem Jahrgang 2007 geschenkt bekommen.
    Ist der Wein noch trinkbar?

    Alfred Mai 2023

  • Habe eine offene Flasche Wein seit ca 8 Wochen im Kühlschrank gelagert. Lässt sich noch einwandfrei trinken, geschmacklich kein Unterschied.

  • Habe vor ein paar Tagen einen Rotwein EL COPERO bekommen Jahrgang 2001 Alkoholgehalt 12%
    Kann ich den Wein noch genießen?
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen Günther Schüttler

    Günther Schüttler
  • Ich habe einige edle Tropfen in meiner Sammlung, auch etwas ältere. Bevor ich jede Flasche öffne, habe ich nimmer ein wenig Angst dass der Wein schlecht sein könnte. Leider ist mir das schon passiert. Aber wenn der Wein nach dem öffnen dann genau das verspricht was ich mir wünsche, dann bin ich jedes mal über glücklich.

  • Da hat es den lieben holli wohl “geputzt” schade!


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  • Guten Tag!

    Ich habe einen Cabernet Dorsa Spätlese trocken von Gruber aus dem Jahrgang 2007 geschenkt bekommen.
    Ist der Wein noch trinkbar?

    Alfred Mai 2023

  • Habe eine offene Flasche Wein seit ca 8 Wochen im Kühlschrank gelagert. Lässt sich noch einwandfrei trinken, geschmacklich kein Unterschied.

  • Habe vor ein paar Tagen einen Rotwein EL COPERO bekommen Jahrgang 2001 Alkoholgehalt 12%
    Kann ich den Wein noch genießen?
    Mit freundlichen Grüßen Günther Schüttler

    Günther Schüttler
  • Ich habe einige edle Tropfen in meiner Sammlung, auch etwas ältere. Bevor ich jede Flasche öffne, habe ich nimmer ein wenig Angst dass der Wein schlecht sein könnte. Leider ist mir das schon passiert. Aber wenn der Wein nach dem öffnen dann genau das verspricht was ich mir wünsche, dann bin ich jedes mal über glücklich.

  • Da hat es den lieben holli wohl “geputzt” schade!
