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Bearded Banjo Catfish
Genus: Platystacus
Species: P. cotylephorus

See below for care details.

Maximum Size: 13”
Aggression: Low
Temperature: 72-77 F
pH: 7-8.5, may tolerate lower but not recommended
Hardness: 12-30 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.025, best around 1.005
Minimum Tank Size: 75 gallons
Feeding: Frozen meaty foods are best, such as mysis shrimp or chunks of seafood like shrimp and tilapia. Will eat small live invertebrates like ghost shrimp, though likely will not eat dried foods
Notes: Unlike the Banjo Catfish of the genus Bunocephalus which are totally freshwater, Bearded Banjo Catfish are freshwater-to-marine fish which do best in slightly brackish conditions. They are very similar in temperament to their freshwater cousins, being noctural, reclusive fish which prefer to hide under tank decorations or buried in sand all day and feed at night. It’s recommended to feed them after the lights go out so they have an easier time competing.

Though predatory, Bearded Banjo Catfish are not aggressive towards any fish they can’t swallow whole and do best with larger easy going tankmates which inhabit the top level of the aquarium. They are sluggish during the day and are easy targets for fin nipping, thus fish that are prone to biting like Target Fish and Puffers should be avoided. As they are not the best at competing for food, other tankmates which feed at night (such as Horseface Loaches and Shark Catfish) should also be avoided. They can also be kept in groups without problems.

These are vocal catfish and may bark when attempting to mate or when they feel threatened.


Platystacus cotylephorus, Planet Catfish

Platystacus cotylephorus (Banded Banjo Catfish), Seriously Fish

Whiptailed Banjo Catfish (Platystacus cotylephorus), The Aquarium Wiki

Brackish Water Fishes, Neale Monks

(Image Source)

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