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Kribensis/Rainbow Krib
Genus: Pelvicachromis
Species: P. pulcher
Maximum Size: 3” (females), 4” (males)
Aggression: Low to Mid
Temperature: 75-80 F
pH: 6-8
Hardness: 5-19 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.000-1.005
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallons
Feeding: Dry foods like flakes and pellets make good staple. Smaller thawed frozen foods like brine shrimp and Mysis occasionally.
Notes: One of the oldest cichlids in the aquarium trade, the Kribensis is a small, relatively mild African cichlid (especially compared to fish from Lake Malawi, what most people think of as African Cichlids). Indeed, Kribensis are among the few cichlids which can work well in peaceful community tanks.

Not terribly picky about tank decor, each Kribensis should have their own caves in the tank to form territories, and plants (real or fake) should be included to break up line of sight. They do not normally bother midwater fish like Swordtails and Indian Glassfish, but it’s not recommended to keep them with smaller bottom dwellers. Corydoras catfish in freshwater tanks, for example, can be bullied as they do not seem to “get” the concept of territories. Kribensis may also eat smaller shrimps, especially the mini-shrimp like Cherry shrimp. Adult Amano shrimp should be fine with Kribensis, barring aggressive specimens.

Kribensis in the wild are harem spawners, with one male to multiple females (a 1:3 ratio works well). In the confines of an aquarium, they will also happily set up mated pairs if only one male and one female are present. Like most cichlids, they are aggressive at spawning times and keeping pairs with other fish would require larger tanks. If breeding, it is not recommended to keep them in brackish conditions. Kribensis spawns are almost always all male (pH 7+) or all female (pH 6.5-) unless kept in neutral water conditions.


Pelvicachromis pulcher (Kribensis), Seriously Fish

FAQs on Pelmatochromis/Pelvicachromis genus Cichlids, Wetwebmedia

(3f) Cichlids (Family Cichlidae), Neale Monks

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