Kalanchoe rhombopilosa, Pies from Heaven

Kalanchoe rhombopilosa

Pies from Heaven
Family: Crassulaceae
Origin: Madagascar
Small plant 2-5 ftSemi-shadeFull sunDry conditionsModerate waterOrnamental foliage

This small shrub is native to the mountainous regions of Madagascar and is a joy to behold. Growing up to 2-5 ft tall in full sun or semi-shaded outdoor settings, Kalanchoe rhombopilosa is an easy to grow and relatively low maintenance addition to any garden. It performs best in dryer to moderately watered soils and can also handle dry conditions.

The ornamental foliage of Kalanchoe rhombopilosa can often be seen as an eye catching feature in many Garden of Excellence or as a showstopper in any rock garden or potted setting. It is hardy in the USDA zones 9-11 and can survive in some colder climates with a little extra care. When growing Kalanchoe rhombopilosa in colder areas, a pot placed in a sheltered location is best, ensuring that it receives some protection from extreme temperatures. Utilizing non-porousmaterials such as pebbles, and mulch are a good way to retain the shallow moisture, and help protect the plant from any heat and stress.

Kalanchoe rhombopilosa does best in full sunlight or in semi-shaded spots. Make sure to apply a slow-release fertilizer regularly, check the soil moisture, and provide adequate drainage, especially during the summer months as having generous amounts of water and humidity can Kalanchoe rhombopilosa's susceptibility to foliar diseases. Furthermore, be sure to aerate and loosen the soil often and look out for potential pests such as aphids and slugs.

Kalanchoe rhombopilosa is a stunning and low maintenance addition to any garden. With its triangular shaped silver-green leaves, spectacular brown markings and green-yellow flowers with red lines, Pies from Heaven is sure to be a talking point for years to come.

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