Vriesea platynema x saundersii variegated - Tropiflora
Vriesea platynema x saundersii variegated - Tropiflora
Vriesea platynema x saundersii variegated - Tropiflora
Vriesea platynema x saundersii variegated - Tropiflora

Vriesea platynema x saundersii variegated


Regular price $25.00 Save $-25.00

Well this is a confusing one. This plant has been known for years as Vriesea saundersii x bituminosa variegata but it is strongly suggested that it is in fact reversed, and with platynema as a parent, and not bituminosa. Further, a cross of this name is known in Australia as ‘RoRo’, but since that clone was named there and not imported (back) to the U.S. we cannot be 100% certain that ours is the same. However, if you choose to call yours ‘RoRo’, I am sure that no one would object. Anyway, this is a select clone of this stunning beauty with a symmetrical shape, bronzy leaves boldly variegated up the center of each leaf with an inch-wide creamy white stripe and reddish on the underside. Growing to about 24 to 30 inches across, it has a handsome, tall well branched inflorescence of rose-red with yellow flowers.