Thursday, January 31, 2019

Voltron LANGST oneshot--Request for @aquqtix

Here's the original request:

pidge or someone gets injured during a mission and of corse the blame gets put on lance. he eventually started to believe it was his fault. then whoevers fault it was felt bad or smn and decided to (finally) say something but its too late because *something* happened to lance and he will never forgive them.

But I'm gonna spice things up! Lets DO THIS!!!

Lance shouldn't have snuck along on the mission. He was told to stay behind. But this was going to be a huge fight against the galra, and they would need Voltron! They said Alurra could fly Blue, but Lance had talked to Blue. Blue had said she wouldn't accept Alurra, so Lance knew that if he didn't come along, they could die!

Lance hid behind a wall in the galra ship, following the paladins. Suddenly, he heard the paladins scream. Lance looked around the wall and saw them on the floor in front of Haggar!
Haggar spotted Lance.
"Shit!" Lance gasped.
Well, no going back now. He stepped out from where he was hiding.
"Don't worry little blue," Haggar smirked. "I won't hurt you." she pointed to the rest of the team. "They will."

Haggar snapped her fingers, and teleported them back to the ship.


The team appeared back on the castle ship. Corran an into the room.
"Paladins! Are you ok?! What happened?"
"Haggar knocked them out! I was there!" Lance stood up.
"If she knocked them out, it was probably a spell."
"She said something weird," lance said. "She said she wouldn't hurt me, but they would."

Suddenly, the team started standing up. They growled and sneered at Lance with bright neon pink eyes.
"Oh my god..." Lance and Corran gasped.
"LANCE!" Keith yelled. His voice hadn't changed. "How dare you!"
"Wh-What?" Lance asked.
"You're such a worthless idiot!" Pidge yelled.
"Can you do nothing right?!" Hunk  yelled.
"This was my first mission and even I did better than you!" Alurra yelled.
"Your a disappointment." Shiro said.

Lance was close to crying.
"Stand back," Corran said. He scanned them all with a small device. He looked at it and gasped.
"What is it?" Lance asked. "What's wrong with them?"
"They were say what they truly think of you."
Lance looked back at the team, looks of hatred in their eyes.
"Will the spell ware off?"
"It will take two hours. I'm going to go and see if I can find a way to speed it up. Just, hide out for a while. Ok?"
"Got it."

Corran walked out of the room. Lance was about to follow him when the door shut on him.
"Just where do you think your going?" Shiro shoved Lance against the wall. "We're not done."


So many. So many hurtful words and scars littered lance's body and soul. A few hours had passed and they were back to normal. Corran told them what happened and Lance had lied and said that the others hadn't done much.
Hadn't done much? They had beat him!
But he feared them too much. He now knew that he was a burden, annoying, and worthless.


Lance had avoided the others like the plague. He knew he was hated and he feared the others touch. It got so bad...they couldn't form Voltron.
"I don't understand!" Alurra cried. "We all get along so well!"

Do we?

"Yeah, we're a well oiled machine!" Hunk said.

After calling me a burden? 
No way.

"Maybe we need to bond more again?" Pidge suggested.
"Good idea!" Shrio said.

No, I won't do this.

"Guys, we need to talk."
Everyone groaned.
 "What is it Lance?" ALurra asked annoyed.
"I'm quitting Voltron." Lance said.
"Excuse me?" Shiro asked. "You can't just quit!"
"Why not? You were gonna let Pidge when she wanted to."
"That's different. She had a reason. You just want to be lazy!"
"I do have a reason."
"Oh yeah?" Pidge asked. "And what's that?"
"I'm terrified of you guy and don't want to be near you or associate with you!"

"Wh-What?" Hunk asked.
"When you were cursed...." Lance said. "You said such horrible things about me. You beat me with your weapons...I'm terrified of you. That's why we can't form Voltron."

"You scare me to death"


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