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  • Piwitt, Hermann Peter:

    Published by Frankfurt am Main : Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1985

    ISBN 10: 3596259002ISBN 13: 9783596259007

    Seller: BOUQUINIST, München, BY, Germany

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    Taschenbuch. Kartoniert. Condition: Akzeptabel. Erste Auflage dieser Ausgabe. 159 Seiten. 18 cm. Umschlagentwurf: Jan Buchholz / Reni Hisch. Befriedigender Zustand. Einband fleckig. - Hermann Peter Piwitt (* 28. Januar 1935 in Wohldorf bei Hamburg) ist ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Leben: Hermann Peter Piwitt - Sohn eines Beamten - wuchs in Frankfurt am Main auf. Nach dem Abitur studierte er Soziologie, Philosophie und Literaturwissenschaft an den Universitäten in Frankfurt am Main, München und Berlin. Starken Einfluss übten die akademischen Lehrer Theodor W. Adorno und Walter Höllerer auf ihn aus. In Frankfurt gehörte Piwitt zum Freundeskreis der Fotografin Abisag Tüllmann. In den Jahren 1967 und 1968 arbeitete Piwitt als Lektor im Rowohlt-Verlag in Reinbek bei Hamburg; 1968 begann seine Mitarbeit an der Zeitschrift konkret. Seit 1969 lebt er als freier Schriftsteller, dessen Essays auch in Zeitschriften wie Akzente und Sprache im technischen Zeitalter erschienen, in Hamburg. Piwitt, der Mitglied des PEN-Zentrums der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist, erhielt 1968 den Förderungspreis Literatur zum Kunstpreis Berlin und 1971/72 ein Villa-Massimo-Stipendium. 1973 nahm er einen Lehrauftrag an der University of Warwick in England wahr; 1999 war er Writer in residence an der University of Wales in Swansea. Der Gesellschaftskritiker Hermann Peter Piwitt ist mit Essays zu politischen Themen hervorgetreten; seine erzählerischen Werke beleuchten vor allem die Zustände in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Italien. Aus: wikipedia-Hermann_Peter_Piwitt Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 140.

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  • Miehe, Ulf:

    Published by Frankfurt am Main : Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1978

    ISBN 10: 3596224098ISBN 13: 9783596224098

    Seller: BOUQUINIST, München, BY, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Taschenbuch. Kartoniert. Condition: Gut. Erste Auflage dieser Ausgabe. 297 (7) Seiten. 18 cm. Umschlagentwurf: Jan Buchholz und Reni Hinsch. Befriedigender Zustand. Seiten papierbedingt leicht gebräunt. - Ulf Miehe (* 11. Mai 1940 in Wusterhausen; 13. Juli 1989 in München) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller, Drehbuchautor und Filmregisseur. Er veröffentlichte auch unter dem Pseudonym Robert Artner. Leben: Ulf Miehe wuchs in Berlin auf und war nach einer Buchhändlerlehre in Bielefeld als Lektor im Sigbert Mohn Verlag tätig. Ab 1965 arbeitete er als Synchronsprecher, Statist, Übersetzer, freier Schriftsteller und Regisseur. Er erhielt mehrere Stipendien (Bertelsmann-Stiftung 1965, Berliner Senat 1967) und war ab 1974 Mitglied des P.E.N.-Zentrums. Mit Marius Müller-Westernhagen trat er 1972 in der WDR-Satire-Sendung Express" auf; Esther Ofarim sang auf ihrer LP Complicated Ladies" mehrere seiner Songtexte. Miehe war mit Gertrud Höhler liiert; er starb im Alter von 49 Jahren in München während der Vorbereitungen zu seinem Filmprojekt Der Unsichtbare" an einer Gehirnblutung. Literarisches Schaffen: Bekannt wurde Miehe vor allem mit seinem Kriminalroman Ich hab noch einen Toten in Berlin, den die Kritik in die Tradition Dashiell Hammetts stellte und Miehe als deutscher Raymond Chandler" bezeichnete. Es geht darin um die Idee für ein Drehbuch, in dem ein Geldtransport der amerikanischen Armee überfallen werden soll. Zwei Filmemacher verführt dieser Gedanke, ihn in die Tat umzusetzen. Dazu müssen sie mit einem Berliner Kriminellen zusammenarbeiten, der aber gänzlich andere Interessen verfolgt. Der Roman wurde in 11 Sprachen übersetzt, hatte in den USA eine Auflage von 200.000 Exemplaren, erhielt in Bayern den Staatlichen Förderpreis für Literatur" und wurde 1974 unter dem Titel Output verfilmt. 33 Jahre nach seinem Erscheinen wurde er von der Süddeutschen Zeitung für ihre SZ Krimibibliothek" (Band 17) ausgewählt. Puma und Lilli Berlin: Miehe, der zunächst unter dem Pseudonym Robert Artner zusammen mit Walter Ernsting alias Clark Darlton Science-Fiction schrieb und auch als Herausgeber tätig war, sowie Gedichte und Erzählungen verfasste, festigte mit zwei Romanen seinen Ruf als Kriminalschriftsteller: Puma (1976) und Lilli Berlin (1981). Beide gelten als bildhaft erzählt, sauber recherchiert, knapp und präzise im Dialog und transparent in der Schilderung von Charakteren und Lokalitäten". Puma, eine Erpressergeschichte, sollte verfilmt werden, wovon man aber Abstand nahm, da zu diesem Zeitpunkt die Öffentlichkeit durch die Schleyer-Entführung geschockt war. Den Roman gilt in der Kritik als ein Buch, gegen das die gut verkäufliche Ware solcher Mainstreamer wie Donna Leon oder Henning Mankell ziemlich alt aussieht" und für den Literaturkritiker Peter Jokostra galt Miehe als Vollbluterzähler, ein Fabulierer, der dem berühmten Raymond Chandler nicht nachsteht, ja ihm in manchen geglückten Passagen sogar überlegen ist". Der WDR produzierte 2004 den Roman als Hörspiel. Handlungsplatz der Romane Miehes ist oft das zweigeteilte BerlinIn Miehes letztem Kriminalroman Lilli Berlin spielt sich innerhalb weniger Januartage ein realistisches und phantastisches Stück deutsch-deutscher Berliner Wirklichkeit ab. Peter Henning fasst zusammen, dass der Autor seinem Grundthema in allen drei Romanen treu geblieben sei: der schnörkellosen Inszenierung der realistischen Unterweltballade, des Noir-Romans". . Aus: wikipedia-Ulf_Miehe. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 158.

  • Paperback. Condition: Good. 1st Edition. Ships in a BOX from Central Missouri! May not include working access code. Will not include dust jacket. Has used sticker(s) and some writing or highlighting. UPS shipping for most packages, (Priority Mail for AK/HI/APO/PO Boxes).

  • Vogt, Walter,

    Published by (Frankfurt), Fischer Taschenbuch Vlg. (1984)., 1984

    Seller: Antiquariat Eidam, LICHTENAU, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    [1.Aufl. (dieser Ausg.; Lizenzausg. v. Benziger 1981)]. Kl.-8°. 232 S. Illustr. OKart. (v. Jan Buchholz u. Reni Hinsch). (= Fischer TB 5802). Schnitt min. gebräunt; Innendeckel etw. altersfleckig; schönes sauberes Expl.

  • Fichte, Hubert:

    Published by Aachen, Frankfurt a.M., Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, 1982

    ISBN 10: 3596254027ISBN 13: 9783596254026

    Seller: BOUQUINIST, München, BY, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Book First Edition

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    Taschenbuch. Kartoniert. Condition: Gut. Taschenbucherstausgabe. 297 (9) Seiten. 19 cm. Umschlagentwurf: Jan Buchholz und Reni Hinsch. Befriedigender Zustand. Seiten papierbedingt leicht gebräunt. Buchkanten etwas berieben. "Haiti und die Norddeutsche Tiefebene, Sartres Tote ohne Begräbnis auf der Studiobühne des British Centre und die Wirklichkeit brasilianischer Folterkeller das schließt einander nicht aus, sondern wird unter Fichtes behutsamen Händen zu einer Zeit- und Weltbühne, auf der wir lernen, die Dinge, im buchstäblichen Sinne des Wortes doppelt zu sehen." FAZ. - Hubert Fichte (* 21. März 1935 in Perleberg, Landkreis Westprignitz; 8. März 1986 in Hamburg) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller und Ethnograph. Leben: . Hubert Fichte, der sowohl eine Ausbildung zum Schauspieler als auch eine Lehre in der Landwirtschaft (1955-1957) absolvierte und zeitweilig als Schafhirte in der Provence arbeitete, lebte ab 1961 in Hamburg, zunächst kurzzeitig in Lokstedt, dann an der Elbchaussee, schließlich - bis zu seinem Tod - in Othmarschen. . In früheren Ausgaben von konkret erschien regelmäßig Hubert Fichtes Plattenragout. In der Kolumne "Polizei - Dein Freund und Helfer" setzte sich Hubert Fichte 1966 in konkret (Nr. 8) kritisch mit der demokratischen Ordnung auseinander: "Soll der Gummiknüppel in unserer jungen Demokratie, auf der eine schlimme Hypothek lastet, Argumente, Humor, Verständigkeit von seiten der Polizei ersetzen?" Zu seinen prägenden Einflüssen gehörten neben Marcel Proust Hans Henny Jahnn, den Fichte 1949 kennenlernte, aber auch Jean Genet, mit dem er ein vielbeachtetes Interview führte. Sein Verhältnis zu Jahnn - und dessen Einfluss auf die Entdeckung der eigenen Homosexualität - hat Fichte in seinem letzten zu Lebzeiten erschienenen Roman Versuch über die Pubertät (1974) dargestellt, mit dem er seinen autobiografisch inspirierten roman-fleuve zu einem vorläufigen Abschluss brachte. In den 1970er Jahren beschäftigte sich Fichte zunehmend mit ethnologischen Untersuchungen. Von 1971 bis 1975 hielt er sich in Bahia, Haiti und Trinidad auf. Immer wieder bemühte er sich dort, die aus afrikanischen Kulten entstandenen synkretistischen Religionen kennenzulernen. In den Büchern aus dieser Phase finden sich unter anderem Versuche darüber, die Rituale des Candomble zu dokumentieren. Die später von ihm selbst als "Ethnopoesie" zusammengefassten Werke wie Xango (1976) und Petersilie (1980) verließen dabei die lyrische Perspektive nicht. Eher einer Ethnografie des Inlands verpflichtet sind seine St.-Pauli-Interviews, die zuerst 1972 unter dem Titel Interviews aus dem Palais d'Amour etc., dann 1978 erweitert unter dem Titel Wolli Indienfahrer erschienen sind, ebenso seine Interviews mit Hans Peter Reichelt (Hans Eppendorfer. Der Ledermann spricht mit Hubert Fichte, 1977). Parallel zu Fichtes ethnografischen Büchern erschienen die Fotobände Xango und Petersilie der Fotografin Leonore Mau, Fichtes Lebensgefährtin seit 1961. Die in den späten Siebzigern begonnene und auf 19 Bände angelegte Geschichte der Empfindlichkeit konnte Fichte nicht vollenden. Sie wurde ab 1987 aus dem Nachlass als Fragment veröffentlicht. Der letzte Band, Die zweite Schuld, wurde vom Autor mit einer Sperrfrist von 30 Jahren versehen, ist aber trotzdem bereits 2006 erschienen. Er erzählt von Fichtes Zeit im Literarischen Colloquium in Berlin 1963/64 und besteht im Wesentlichen aus Interviews (mit Joachim Neugröschel, Elfriede Gerstl, Walter Höllerer, Hermann Peter Piwitt und Klaus Stiller). Fichte starb 1986 kurz vor seinem 51. Geburtstag im Hafenkrankenhaus Hamburg an AIDS. Er wurde auf dem Nienstedtener Friedhof beigesetzt. Seit 1995 verleiht die Stadt Hamburg im Gedenken an Fichte den Hubert-Fichte-Preis für besondere literarische Leistungen. Die Hamburger Rockband Tocotronic verfasste mit dem Lied Imitationen eine Hommage an Fichte. . . Aus: wikipedia-Hubert_Fichte. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 210.

  • Softcover. Sound binding. Pages clean and bright. Wrappers have light handling wear. ; Contents: Articles, definitive and otherwise. Barber, From transformation to desire: art and worship after Byzantine iconoclasm. Openshaw. Weapons in the daily battle: images of the conquest of evil in the early medieval Psalter. Wolfthal, "A hue and a cry": medieval rape imagery and its transformation. Mandel, Felix culpa and Felix Roma: on the program of the sixtine staircase at the Vatican. Bell, Zaccolini's theory of color perspective. Mann, The Annunciation chapel in the Quirinal Palace, Rome: Paul V, Guido Reni, and the Virgin Mary. Chapman, Persona and myth in Houbraken's life of Jan Steen. Stemmler, The physiognomical portraits of Johann Caspar Lavater. Reviews. Abstracts of articles. 11.5" tall; 191 pages. Very Good with No dust jacket as issued.

  • Taschenbuch. Kartoniert. Condition: Sehr gut. Originalausgabe. Erstausgabe. 435 (13) Seiten. 18 cm. Umschlagentwurf: Jan Buchholz und Reni Hinsch. Sehr guter Zustand. Seiten papierbedingt leicht gebräunt. - Der Begriff Gruppendynamik steht für: ein Phänomen, das bei wiederholter sozialer Interaktion im persönlichen Kontakt in Gruppen von Menschen auftritt; eine Methode, die gruppendynamische Vorgänge beeinflusst und erfahrbar macht; die wissenschaftliche Disziplin, die diese Muster und Methoden erforscht. Eine Grundannahme der Gruppendynamik besteht darin, dass Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten einer Gruppe verschieden seien von der Summe der Eigenschaften und Fähigkeiten der einzelnen Personen dieser Gruppe. Als hauptsächliche Begründer der Gruppendynamik gelten Kurt Lewin (1890 1947), Begründer der Feldtheorie (Psychologie) und einer der Pioniere der Gestalttheorie und Gestaltpsychologie, der den Begriff erstmals 1939 in seinen Veröffentlichungen benutzte; weiterhin Raoul Schindler (1923 2014) mit seinem Interaktionsmodell zur Rangdynamik in Gruppen, sowie Jacob Levy Moreno (1889 1974), der zur Entwicklung der Angewandten Gruppendynamik wesentlich beigetragen hat und den Begriff schon 1938 benutzte. . . . . Aus: wikipedia-Gruppendynamik. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 245.

  • Taschenbuch. Kartoniert. Condition: Akzeptabel. Erste Auflage dieser Ausgabe. XIV, 217 (9) Seiten mit vielen Abbildungen. 19 cm. Umschlagentwurf: Jan Buchholz und Reni Hinsch. Befriedigender Zustand.Seiten papierbedingt leicht gebräunt. Mängelstrich auf dem Fußschnitt. - Thomas J. Scheff (* 1929), US-amerikanischer Soziologe. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 168.

  • Mertens Reni, Marti Walter

    Published by Zytglogge Verlag, Bern, 1983

    ISBN 10: 3729601822ISBN 13: 9783729601826

    Seller: Der Ziegelbrenner - Medienversand, Bremen, Germany

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Book First Edition

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    EA. sehr guter Zustand, 109 S., kart. Das Dossier (Beiträge von Franz Ulrich, Moritz de Hadeln, Klara Obermüller, Freddy Buache, Alex Bänninger) über diese beiden Pioniere des Schweizer Films steht auch in Zusammenhang mit einer Veranstaltungsreihe über Schweizer Kunst, die 1983 in der BRD lief und in deren Rahmen eine grosse Retrospektive des Schaffens von Mertens und Marti im Kulturforum Bonn gezeigt wurde. Gramm 600.

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  • Schweizer Kulturstiftung "Pro Helvetia" (Hrsg.)

    Published by Zytglogge Verlag u. Editions l'Age d'Homme, Bern u. Lausanne, 1983

    Seller: Antiquariat Tode, Berlin, Germany

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    broschiert/Taschenbuch. 15,5 x 21 cm, 109 S., mit mehreren Abbildungen, Einband minimal begriffen und an den Rändern leicht bestoßen, sonst gutes Exemplar, aus der Reihe Dossier Film Nr. 3.

  • La Domenica del Corriere Rivista originale del 30 maggio 1965 Anno 67 - N. 22 Rarità per appassionati e collezionisti Seguono solo alcuni dei fatti descritti, illustrati e fotografati all'interno Illustrato in copertina (segue foto): Presentiamo in anteprima la "Dino" di Ferrari carrozzata da Pininfarina per la Fiat Illustrato nella retro copertina (segue foto): Rudy Grosterneim, 29 anni, mise fuori combattimento con uno scacco matto il suo amico Herbert e si impadronì della radiolina. Fu allora che la valanga di Garmisch piombò su di loro con un rumore di tuono. Nelle pagine interne: Jolanda e Mafalda: due transatlantici stregati. Un'esplosione uccide 31 minatori nel Galles. La storia del Medioevo di Indro Montanelli e Roberto Gervaso (19^ puntata): fortunato in guerra, sfortunato in amore. L'efficienza e la pignoleria germaniche mobilitate per la visita della Regina d'Inghilterra Elisabetta II. Italiani nella bufera - parte seconda (12^ puntata): preparazione finale. Impariamo a conservare bene la nostra salute (8^ puntata): reni, i nostri filtri gemelli. Ciro Verratti: non è più lo stesso "Giro", non ci sono andato ma piango. .e tanto altro ancora! Qualora vogliate maggiori delucidazioni contattateci In questo negozio troverai un'intera categoria dedicata alla collezione delle Domeniche del Corriere, ne inseriamo diverse giornalmente e a breve saranno presenti tutte le riviste dei 90 anni in cui sono avvenute le pubblicazioni Sotto il link diretto alla collezione: Riviste disponibili Cliccaci sopra, troverai di certo ciò che cerchi! La Domenica del Corriere è stato un popolare settimanale italiano fondato a Milano nel 1899 e chiuso nel 1989. Fortemente voluto da Luigi Albertini, allora direttore amministrativo del Corriere della Sera, apparve per la prima volta nelle edicole l'8 gennaio 1899 come supplemento illustrato del Corriere della Sera. Stampata in grande formato (sul modello del domenicale La Tribuna illustrata), aveva 12 pagine e veniva distribuita gratis agli abbonati del Corriere, oppure si poteva acquistare in edicola per 10 centesimi. Il Corriere si avvaleva di un giovane disegnatore, Achille Beltrame, allora sconosciuto, a cui veniva affidato in ogni numero il compito di rendere con la sua tavola il fatto più interessante della settimana. Le tavole a colori di Beltrame divennero il marchio distintivo della rivista. Nelle sue copertine è riassunta in pratica tutta la storia del costume e della società italiana della prima metà del XX secolo. Fatti di cronaca, sportivi, di costume venivano riassunti con maestria dall'illustratore arzignanese, che riusciva a renderli vivi e attuali agli occhi di una popolazione non ancora del tutto uscita dall'analfabetismo. Non si mosse mai da Milano dove disegnò tutte le sue tavole. Dopo la sua morte nel 1945, fu sostituito da Walter Molino che, come il suo predecessore, firmò memorabili copertine andando avanti per trent'anni. Fra le più celebri, quella sulla nascita della televisione (1954), del campione ciclista Fausto Coppi (1960), i russi nello spazio (1965). A differenza dei settimanali dell'epoca, la Domenica del Corriere diede ampio spazio alle fotografie e ai disegni, e questo fu uno dei motivi del suo successo. Nel corso degli anni venti e trenta, il periodico divenne uno dei principali strumenti di informazione non solo della borghesia colta ma di buona parte della popolazione italiana alfabetizzata. In questo periodo divenne il settimanale più venduto in Italia: le vendite raggiunsero le 600.000 copie. Sulle pagine della Domenica del Corriere trovarono una vetrina popolare anche le grandi firme del Corriere, da Luigi Barzini a Indro Montanelli. Montanelli fu il primo direttore dopo la fine della guerra e lasciò la direzione alla fine del 1946 per tornare al Corriere della Sera. Dopo Montanelli cominciò la lunghissima direzione di Eligio Possenti, critico teatrale, che guidò la Domenica fino al 1964, coadiuvato dal direttore "ombra", lo scrittore Dino Buzzati. Gli ultimi cinque direttori della Domenica del Corriere furono Maurizio Costanzo, Paolo Mosca, Antonio Terzi, Pierluigi Magnaschi e infine Marcello Minerbi, che fu poi il primo direttore di Visto. Le vecchie copie del settimanale, con le copertine di Achille Beltrame prima e di Walter Molino poi, sono molto ricercate nei mercatini dell'antiquariato e in Internet, rappresentando un vero must per i collezionisti più raffinati. Paypal Carta di credito Bonifico bancario Spedizione con posta prioritaria o raccomandata scelta dall'acquirente nel momento del pagamento DCC1965-22.

  • Condition: Gut. INHALT 01 Jürgen Hart: Tauchstation / Klaus Werner Hennig: Der Schwimmer / Eberhard Heinze: Qualität / Reinhold Schleusinger: , s Scheundwännscher und De Impfenduhr / Heinz Hamann: Schöner Leben & Co / Günter Krause: Dr Aawergloowe / Bruno Zwickauer-. Keine Ahnung LEIPZIGER ALLERLEI Demokratie jetzt auch bei der LVB / Der Fluch des Politbüros/Angeldeutsch/ Altmagnifizenz / Italo-Fan / Höhere Gewalt / Aphorismen / Von den Tücken des Sächsischen / Das Sandwich u.a.m. Bernd-Lutz Lange: Im Park / Cornelia Molle: 0 Kinderlein kommet / Roman Vinkowski: De Nähmwärkungk / FDJ-Stadtleitung: Losungen 14 zum 1. Mai / Hans-Walter Molle: Bruderlied / Hanskarl Hoerning: Tem- pora mutantur / Uwe A. Fink: Aktuelle Morphologie / Reni Tent: Walter Ulbricht der letzte sächsische Herrscher CARTOONS, COLLAGEN und ILLUSTRATIONEN von Werner David und Lothar Otto 1 gepflegtes Exemplar, nur kleine Lesespuren, Buchblock altersgemäß gebräunt Gern können sie Ihr Buch per Rechnung bestellen. Hardcover.

  • Condition: Gut. INHALT Jürgen Hart: Tauchstation / Klaus Werner Hennig: Der Schwimmer / Eberhard Heinze: Qualität / Reinhold Schleusinger: , s Scheundwännscher und De Impfenduhr / Heinz Hamann: Schöner Leben & Co / Günter Krause: Dr Aawergloowe / Bruno Zwickauer: Keine Ahnung LEIPZIGER ALLERLEI Demokratie jetzt auch bei der LVB / Der Fluch des Politbüros /Angeldeutsch Altmagnifizenz / Italo-Fan / Höhere Gewalt / Aphorismen /Von den Tücken des Sächsischen / Das Sandwich u.a.m. Bernd-Lutz Lange: Im Park / Cornelia Molle: 0 Kinderlein kommet / Roman Vinkowski: De Nähmwärkungk / FDJ-Stadtleitung: Losungen, zum 1. Mai / Hans-Walter Molle: Bruderlied / Hanskarl Hoerning: Tem- pora mutantur / Uwe A. Fink: Aktuelle Morphologie / Reni Tent: Walter Ulbricht der letzte sächsische Herrscher CARTOONS, COLLAGEN und ILLUSTRATIONEN von Werner David und Lothar Otto gepflegtes Exemplar, kaum Lesespuren, Buchblock altersgemäß gebräunt, SEHR SCHÖN!!! Gern können sie Ihr Buch per Rechnung bestellen. Hardcover.

  • Walter Wichardt

    Published by Einhorn-Verlag Dachau oJ

    Seller: Kunsthaus Ressmann Josef P. Ressmann, Angelbachtal, Germany

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    40 S., 267x205x17 mm, 32 Tiefdruckbilder, grün, beiger Halbleineneinband, Besitzeraufkleber, ger. Alters- und Gebrauchsspuren, sonst gut erhalten Gewicht 290 g Geisteswissenschaft, Botticelli, weibliche Aktdarstellungen, Bildband, Mittelalter, Liebesgöttin, Kultur der Antike, Madonnen, Savonarola, antiker Geist, Florenz, italienische Kunst, Tizian, Giorgione, Francesco Bissolo, Luca Giordano, Guido Reni, Bronzino, Palma d. J., Domenichino, Palma Vecchio, Correggio, L. di Credi, L. Costa, Cosimo.

  • La Domenica del Corriere Rivista originale del 25 marzo 1969 Anno 71 - N.12 Rarità per appassionati e collezionisti Seguono solo alcuni dei fatti descritti, illustrati e fotografati all'interno Illustrato in copertina (segue foto): Lo scandalo Felice Riva. Illustrato nelle pagine interne: Il trattato Italo-austriaco, l'accordo per l'Alto Adige. Altro nelle pagine interne: Padova, i gemelli Mauro e Donatella Buso malati agli occhi. Napoli, il conciatore di pelli Vittorio Mayol parte per l'Austria. Reggio Emilia, Licinio Tedeschi sospettato per la morte della moglie. Breznev per Tito è come Stalin. La stanza di Montanelli, La facile fuga di Felice Riva. Lo scandalo dei reni artificiali. Dal carcere di Beirut Felice riva afferma d'esser stato rovinato dal Centro sinistra. Il Tibet in Svizzera, il Geshé di Rikon. Il sacerdote di Tivoli Don Maigret ha salvato la Madonna. Maghi e streghe, Satana è tra noi. Come emigreremo dalla Terra. Viareggio, furore per l'assassinio del piccolo Ermanno Lavorini. .e tanto altro ancora! Qualora vogliate maggiori delucidazioni contattateci In questo negozio troverai un'intera categoria dedicata alla Collezione delle Domeniche del Corriere, ne inseriamo diverse giornalmente e a breve saranno presenti tutte le riviste dei 90 anni in cui sono avvenute le pubblicazioni Sotto il link diretto alla collezione: Riviste disponibili Cliccaci sopra, troverai di certo ciò che cerchi! La Domenica del Corriere è stato un popolare settimanale italiano fondato a Milano nel 1899 e chiuso nel 1989. Fortemente voluto da Luigi Albertini, allora direttore amministrativo del Corriere della Sera,apparve per la prima volta nelle edicole l'8 gennaio 1899 come supplemento illustrato del Corriere della Sera. Non fu concepito come periodico di informazione, per non risultare un doppione del quotidiano. Venne pensato come «settimanale degli italiani». Doveva scandire, come un calendario, le loro giornate liete, le loro tragedie, i loro fatti piccoli e grandi. La prima e ultima di copertina erano sempre disegnate. Il Corriere si avvaleva di un giovane disegnatore, Achille Beltrame, allora sconosciuto, a cui veniva affidato in ogni numero il compito di rendere con la sua tavola il fatto più interessante della settimana. Dopo la sua morte nel 1945, fu sostituito da Walter Molino che, come il suo predecessore, firmò memorabili copertine. A differenza dei settimanali dell'epoca, la Domenica del Corriere diede ampio spazio alle fotografie e ai disegni, e questo fu uno dei motivi del suo successo. Nel corso degli anni venti e trenta, il periodico divenne uno dei principali strumenti di informazione non solo della borghesia colta ma di buona parte della popolazione italiana alfabetizzata. In questo periodo divenne il settimanale più venduto in Italia: le vendite raggiunsero le 600.000 copie. Sulle pagine della Domenica del Corriere trovarono una vetrina popolare anche le grandi firme del Corriere, da Luigi Barzini a Indro Montanelli. Indro Montanelli fu il primo direttore dopo la fine della guerra; lasciò la direzione alla fine del 1946 per tornare al Corriere della Sera. Dopo Montanelli cominciò la lunghissima direzione (18 anni) di Eligio Possenti, critico teatrale, che guidò la Domenica fino al 1964, coadiuvato dal direttore "ombra", lo scrittore Dino Buzzati. Per tutti gli anni cinquanta La Domenica fu in testa tra i settimanali con 950.000 copie di tiratura (con un picco di 1.300.000 nel 1952-53). A partire dagli anni settanta, la concorrenza dei settimanali d'informazione - come L'Europeo, Panorama e L'Espresso - portò a una graduale ma inarrestabile crisi di copie. A nulla servì cambiare la prima pagina (Guglielmo Zucconi direttore), rinunciando per sempre alle copertine disegnate, per adottare la fotografia, come gli altri settimanali popolari. Dopo vari tentativi di rilancio tra anni settanta e ottanta - uno dei quali affidato alla direzione di Maurizio Costanzo - la Domenica del Corriere nel 1989 chiuse definitivamente i batt.

  •   La Domenica del Corriere Rivista originale del 30 gennaio 1980  Anno 82 - N.5    Rarità per appassionati e collezionisti   Seguono solo alcuni dei fatti descritti, illustrati e fotografati all'interno   Illustrato in copertina (segue foto): In vacanza con Dora Moroni  Tra 2 mesi torno in TV    Nelle pagine interne: Indira Gandhi, Regina di pace I grandi circhi italiani, i Medrano Zeudi Araya Il segreto della salute secondo Scirea, pane e marmellata Olio, quello toscano è il più selvaggio d'Italia Gianni Ravera ed il suo Festival Clown di tutto il mondo, allegria! Medicina, l'atomo guarirà l'Italia Francis Coppola, il buon papà dell'apocalisse Medicina, i reni E' caduta dal cielo la stella che ha ucciso i dinosauri Nadia Comaneci La psicografologia  .e tanto altro ancora!   Qualora vogliate maggiori delucidazioni contattateci   In questo negozio troverai un'intera categoria dedicata alla Collezione delle  Domeniche del Corriere, ne inseriamo diverse giornalmente e a breve saranno presenti tutte le riviste dei 90 anni in cui sono avvenute le pubblicazioni   Sotto il link diretto alla collezione:   Riviste disponibili   Cliccaci sopra, troverai di certo ciò che cerchi!      La Domenica del Corriere è stato un popolare settimanale italiano fondato a Milano nel 1899 e chiuso nel 1989. Fortemente voluto da Luigi Albertini, allora direttore amministrativo del Corriere della Sera,apparve per la prima volta nelle edicole l'8 gennaio 1899 come supplemento illustrato del Corriere della Sera. Non fu concepito come periodico di informazione, per non risultare un doppione del quotidiano. Venne pensato come «settimanale degli italiani». Doveva scandire, come un calendario, le loro giornate liete, le loro tragedie, i loro fatti piccoli e grandi. La prima e ultima di copertina erano sempre disegnate. Il Corriere si avvaleva di un giovane disegnatore, Achille Beltrame, allora sconosciuto, a cui veniva affidato in ogni numero il compito di rendere con la sua tavola il fatto più interessante della settimana. Dopo la sua morte nel 1945, fu sostituito da Walter Molino che, come il suo predecessore, firmò memorabili copertine. A differenza dei settimanali dell'epoca, la Domenica del Corriere diede ampio spazio alle fotografie e ai disegni, e questo fu uno dei motivi del suo successo. Nel corso degli anni venti e trenta, il periodico divenne uno dei principali strumenti di informazione non solo della borghesia colta ma di buona parte della popolazione italiana alfabetizzata. In questo periodo divenne il settimanale più venduto in Italia: le vendite raggiunsero le 600.000 copie. Sulle pagine della Domenica del Corriere trovarono una vetrina popolare anche le grandi firme del Corriere, da Luigi Barzini a Indro Montanelli. Indro Montanelli fu il primo direttore dopo la fine della guerra; lasciò la direzione alla fine del 1946 per tornare al Corriere della Sera. Dopo Montanelli cominciò la lunghissima direzione (18 anni) di Eligio Possenti, critico teatrale, che guidò la Domenica fino al 1964, coadiuvato dal direttore "ombra", lo scrittore Dino Buzzati. Per tutti gli anni cinquanta La Domenica fu in testa tra i settimanali con 950.000 copie di tiratura (con un picco di 1.300.000 nel 1952-53). A partire dagli anni settanta, la concorrenza dei settimanali d'informazione - come L'Europeo, Panorama e L'Espresso - portò a una graduale ma inarrestabile crisi di copie. A nulla servì cambiare la prima pagina (Guglielmo Zucconi direttore), rinunciando per sempre alle copertine disegnate, per adottare la fotografia, come gli altri settimanali popolari. Dopo vari tentativi di rilancio tra anni settanta e ottanta - uno dei quali affidato alla direzione di Maurizio Costanzo - la Domenica del Corriere nel 1989 chiuse definitivamente i battenti per decisione del gruppo editoriale Rizzoli-Corriere della Sera, per trasformarsi in un nuovo settimanale di cronaca nera e rosa chiamato Visto, che poco o nulla aveva a che fare con la storia e la tradizione della Domenica de.

  • Seller image for La Domenica del Corriere 3 Ottobre 1954 Pallette Guido Reni Uranio Cielo di Roma for sale by Leggendo la storia

    Condition: Usato. LA DOMENICA DEL CORRIERE Rivista Originale del 3 Ottobre 1954 Anno 56 nr. 40 pagine: 24 (+4) dimensioni: 39 x 29 cm IN PRIMA PAGINA: Sul cielo di Roma è apparso sere fa uno strado corpo rossiccio dalla forma di mezzo sigaro, che lasciava dietro di sè una scia famosa. Viaggiava a velocità ridotta e a non più di 1300 metri di quota. L'hanno visto migliaia di cittadini, l'hanno avvistato le stazioni dell'aeroporto di Ciampino, l'ha intercettato il radar dell'aeroporto di Pratica di Mare. Il radar ha anche accertato che la "cosa" misteriosa aveva un'antenna sporgente nel punto della massima circonferenza. I competenti escludono che possa trattarsi di un meteorite (Walter Molino) NELL'ULTIMA PAGINA: Sulla motonave "Andrea Gritti" partita da Genova e diretta a Guaira (Venezuela) due emigranti italiani vengono a lite per motivi di carattere politico. Quando sembra che la contesa sia terminata uno dei due si arma di un pesante martello e vibra all'altro un tremendo colpo alla testa. Ma un'ondata più forte delle altre accentua improvvisamente il rollio del bastimento e l'aggressore perde l'equilibrio. Sbaglia così bersaglio e lo colpisce su una spalla (Walter Molino) ALL'INTERNO: Le cronache figurate: terrore a New York per un cobra 7 giorni nel mondo: le ultime tappe della lunga fatica di Sepe (così si arrivò ai mandati di cattura nell'affare Montesi) L'avventura del poeta Santeno Spingal I cari ciccioni con la morte di Pallette Brividi in due continenti per la "febbre dell'uranio" Il procedimento penale dalla denunzia alla sentenza Perché è bello Guido Reni Chi li ha visti? Artico Giambattista (di Vittorio Veneto), Guabello Renzo ALberto di Cossila Racconti celebri: il diritto del cane (di Ferdinando Paolieri) . e molto altro ancora. Periodici.

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    Condition: Marked. Bonhams - London, Sale title - British and Continental Pictures, Date - 15th September 2009, No. of lots - 307, No. of pages - 80, Illustrated in colour INDEX Albrecht Carl Ditchfield Arthur Allingham Helen Dolci Carlo Allori Cristofano Domenici Carlo Allsop George Dommersen William Raymond Amadio Dou Gerrit Angelico Manner of Fra Dujardin Karel Aspettati Antonio Maria Dutch School Azambre Etienne Earp Henry (Sr ) Backer Jacob Adriaensz de Eastlake (neb Bell) Mary Alexandra Barker (of Bath) John Joseph Eichinger Otto Barton Mary Georgina English School Bates David Batoni Pompeo Girolamo Bayes Alfred Walter Belgian School Beverley William Roxby Fantosini Bloemaert Abraham Filby S H Bloot Pieter De Fitzgerald John Anster Boddington Edwin Henry Flemish School Boddington Henry John Flemish School Boel John Henry Flint Saville Lumbley Both Jan Dirksz Follini Carlo Brabazon Hercules Brabazon Fontana Lavinia Breanski Alfred de Forbes Stanhope Alexander Bree Philippe Jacques van Foweraker Albert Moulton Briullov Karl Pavlovich Frank Alberta Brooke F William Frazer William Miller Broome of Ramsgate William French School Brouwer Adriaen Frigerio Raffaele Burne Jones Bt Sir Edward Coley Burrows Robert Gales J Garate Jose Calkin Lance Geleng Otto Callow George D German School Callow William Gianni R Callowhill James T Gillard William Carelli Gabriel Gillemans Carelli Gabrielli Gleich John Carena G Goldsmith Walter H Carree Michiel Goodwin Albert Casteels HI Pieter Goodwin Frank A Cecconi Alberto Chiavacci E Haddon Arthur Trevor Chocarne Moreau Paul Charles Hagarty Parker Christ Pieter Caspar Hamilton Hugh Douglas Clare Vincent Hammond Robert John Clark S J Hardy Thomas Bush Clayton J Essex Harrison John Scott Clements George Henry Hayes Edwin Colacicco Salvatore Heaphy Thomas Frank Coleman William Stephen Heath Frank Gascoigne Collinson James Henzell Isaac Continental School Heydendahl Friedrich Josef Nicolai Continental School Hilder Richard H Continental School Hispano Flemish School Cooper Samuel Hobbema Meindert Cooper William Sidney Holland Philip Sidney Correggio Antonio Allegri called il Holyoake William Cotman John Sell Howitt Samuel Courbet Gustave Huchtenburg Jan van Croegaert Georges Hughes George Frederick Huysmans Jacob Daele Charles van den Dalla Noce G Irolli Vincenzo A De Hoog Bernard Italian School De Simone Antonio Jenkins J Jenkins Wilfred Bosworth Johannot Tony Johnson Sidney Yates Kate Herman Frederik Carel ten King Henry John Yeend Kinnaird Henry John Knell William Adolphus Knowles Davidson Lanza Giovanni Lavagna Francesco Laveny J Leakey James Lear Edward Leaver Charles Leitch William Leighton Lely Sir Peter Levis Giuseppe Augusto Lhermitte Leon Augustin Lloyd Robert Malcolm Ludovici Jnr Albert Marchesi Salvatore Maris Willem Martini Gaetano de Massani Pompeo Massi M Masson Benedict Mauve Anton Maxwell Hamilton Meadows James Edwin Meerts Frans Melville Harden Sidney Meucci Michelangelo Midwood William Henry Mignard Pierre Miles Thomas Rose Morel Jan Evert Mostyn Thomas Edwin Mucha Alphonse Mura Francesco de Murillo Bartolomb Esteban Muziano Girolamo Mytens Daniel Naftel Isabel Neapolitan School Nicolle Victor Jean Niemann Edward H Nocret Jean Nutter William Henry Palizzi Filippo Palmer Harry Sutton Pedersen Viggo Christien Frederik Vilhelm Pellegrini Domenico Pether Henry Phillips John Pieler Franz Xaver Pocock Nicholas Poole Paul Falconer Raeburn Sir Henry Raphael Raffaello Sanzio called Redmore Edward King Lot No Reid John Robertson Reni Guido Richardson Jnr Thomas Miles Riocreux Alfred Roman School Rooke Thomas Matthews Ros y Guell Antonio Rosa Salvator Rowbotham Thomas Charles Leeson Rowlandson Thomas Saim Schaep Henri Adolphe Schelfhout Andreas Schobel Georg Serres Dominic M Sewell Lydia Amanda Brewster Shayer William Shayer William Sherrin Daniel Snoeck Jacques (Jacob Cornelis) Spanish School Stacquet Henry Stanhope John Roddam Spencer Strevens John Sutcliffe Lester Swiss School Syer John C Symons William Christian Tagliabue Carlo Costantino Tapiro y Baro Josb Thorn James C Thorn James Crawford Thors Joseph Timmermans Louis Etienne Toft J Alfonso Tonge Lammert van der Tonneau Joseph Torre J Tracy John Martin Trevisani Francesco Turner Daniel Underhill Frederick Charles Vernet Claude Joseph Vigh Bertalan (Bartholomaus) Vos Vincent de Wachtel Marion Kavanaugh Wain Louis Ward Vernon Wasley Frank Waterlow Sir Ernest Albert Watts Frederick William Waters Webb William Edward Weissenbruch Jan Hendrik Whymper Josiah Wood Wilson Richard Wilt Thomas van der Wissing Willem Wolstenholme the Elder Dean Wright Thomas Wyllie William Lionel Wyon James Zoffany Johann Joseph Weight: 392g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received.

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    Condition: Marked. Bonhams ? London, Sale title ? British & Continental Oil Paintings, Date ? 9th September 2003, No. of lots - 306, No. of pages ? 44, Illustrated in colour, , INDEX Adolphe Henry Dubasty After J.E.Millais Agnes Mcintyre Coxford Alexij Assaulenko Alfred Montague Alfred Walter Bayes Allan Anglo Chinese School Antonie Bouvard Arnould Pienne Attributed to Alfred Vickers Attributed to Jean Jacques Fraancois Le Barbier Aubrey Ramus Barma Bawdawn Bloomers Borton G.F. Britton W. British Brough C.B. Browne Cadwalader Carl Reider Charles Edward Perugini Chalon Chessman Chester E Circle of Abraham Bloemart Circle of Cornelis Janssen Circle of Dietrich Circle of Peter de Hooch Circle of Sir Peter Lely Cole Continental School Continental School Continental School Continental School Corneau Cuthbert Edmund Swan Cuyp Dutch School Dutch School Dutch School Edward Charles Williams Edward Henery Holder English School English School English School English School English School English School English School English School English School Ernst Walbourn Evard Larock Ferris Finchett Florentine School Francis Swain Francois-Xavier Roffain Frank Hider French School French Gaston Roullet George Boyle George Fagan Bradsaw George Henry Boughton George Lance Giarbiele Giuseppe Mazzolini Glover Godward J.W. Godwin Bennet Guido Reni Gustave de Brenski Harald Pryn Leys Harry Armstrong Whittle Hendrick Jan Augustyn Henry Jhon Yeend King Herbert William Weekes Herring Snr.J.F. Hughes Hugo von Habermann Italian School Italian School Jan Van Os Jacques Marie Omer Camoreyt James Charles James Patterson James Vivian de Fleury Jamieson F.E. jAN kLEIN Jerry Barreet Johannes van Dritten John Clayton Adams John Constable JOHN mOGFORD John Syer John William Whiteley Joseph Milne Joseph Paul Joseph Thor Jules Guiette Karl Rohrhirsch Kerner Lee M.L.G. Louis Pierre Verwee Luis Muntane Muns Manner of Angelica Kauffman Manner of Francesco Albano Manner of Thomas Sidney Cooper Mari Maud Hall Max Schultz Max Stern Morrison R.E. mORRISSION r.e. Muller Mundel Nicolas Edwin John Ellis Nicolaas Cornelis Vogel Niemann E.J. Norwich School Octavious T.Clark Oliver Clare Oscar Robert Dogarth Perrin F.A. Peter Brandt Rausch F. Rubin J. Reiner Dahlen Reynard Hood W. Robert Cleminson Salvi E. Samuel Joseph Clark Springer C. Thomas C.S. Benham Thomas Rose Miles Thorpe Venetian School Walter J. Donne Wilfrid Evans Wilhelm Linchtenheld William Van William Langly William Linton William Raymond Dommerson Wilson Weight: 246g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received.


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    Condition: Marked. Bonhams ? London, Sale title ? British & Continental Pictures, Date ? 16th May 2006, No. of lots - 344, No. of pages ? 51, Illustrated in colour, , Index, Adam, J. D. 86 Dadd, F. 316F Huggins, W 159, Ahrendts, C.E. 75 Dahl, Circle of M. 209 Hughes, AF. 66A, Allan, ** 122 Davis, S. 278 Ibbetson, J.c. Circle of 54, Armfield G. 230 de Breanski, A After 309 Italian School 4,68,316E, Armfield, Follower of E. 190 de Wint, Circle of P. 250, Arnold, G. 151 Devis, A 127 Jacobs, J. 60, Austin, R.H. 236 Dili, L 323 Jay, F. 83, Austin, S. 239 Dili, L. 340 Jeanmarie, E. 317, Dixon, AP. 93 Jonniaux, A 276, Bailey, F. V 137 Douglas, J. 316C Jungwith, J. 150, Barrett, G. 310 Dudley R. 332, Bea, L. 97 Duffield, M.E. 200 Kanoldt, E. 72, Beare, Circle of G. 216 DuprÈ, follower of. 265 Kauffman, Follower of A 292, Belgian School 251 Du?rer, After A 3 Keyl, F.M. 315, Bennet, Attributed to F.M. 331 Dutch School 274 King, WJ. 17, Berg, Ans van den 39 knighht, G. 202, Bergmann, c.P. 164 Ellis, P.H. 90 Koekkoek, Follower of B. 341, Berkeley, E. 325 Emslie, A.E. 185 Kremer, P. 180, Bertelsmann, W. 167 English School 10A, 31,104,147,168, Blake, B. Circle of 133 191,193,196,204,211, LaCave, P 111, Bloenmaert, Manner of M. 329 238,262,279,321,328 Lander, B. 189, Bosschaert, Manner of A the Younger 136 English School, 19th Century 25,175 Lang, A 259, Bough, S. 131 Everdingen, Follower of van Allart 37 Langlois, J. 120, Bourne, J. 245 Langlois, MW. 219, Bouvier, AJ. 207 Fairbairn, T. 285 Lauvernay-PetitJean, J. 316A, Boydell, C. 152 Faulkner, J. 40 Leeuw, A de 304, Brakespeare, W. A 205 Feliza, R. 227 Lely, Follower of Sir P. 70, Breanski Snr., A de 260 Fielding, A.v.C. Follower of 45 Lemaire, M.J. 91, Breanski, A. 117 Fitch, F. 29 Lessieux, E. L. 316G, Breanski, Follower of A 228 Flemish School 217,314A Lewis, E. 16, Breanski, G. de 254 Fletcher, Circle of E. 199 Lewis, J. 137A, Bromley, Circle of W. 215 Fox, H.C. 303 Linton, W 339, Broome, W. 170 French School 1,174,210 Longmire, WT. 188, Bryant, H.C. 233 Frith, Follower of WP. 139 Longstaffe, E. 226, Buckner, R. 270 Fromme, L. 96 Lott, F.T. 51,98, Burne-Jones, after E. 33 Fullwood, J. 173 Ludby, M. 59, Burne-Jones, Follower of E. 66 Fulton, S. 130 Luker, E. 235, Burton, N.J. 6A,154 Lutyens, CAH. 314, Gartner, ** 257, Caille, L.E. 143 German School 5,94,141 Mackie, C.H. 183, Calderon, P.H. 336 Gibelin, Follower of EA 8 Maes, After N. 148, Canadian School 248 Gilliano, F. 85 Mander, W.H. 302, Carlebur, F. 166 Gillon, J. 318 Manson, J.B. 178, Carpenter, W 176 Glindoni, H.G. 224 Marriott, F. 316B, Cattermole, G. 229 Goldsmith, W 153 Mayer, R.S. 186, Chovet, L. 142 Goodwin, H. 132 Meadows, JE 58, Church, H 32 Goodwin, S. 225 Meegan, W.L. 316, Ciardi, G. 107 Gordon, A 171 Meuron, de A 344, Claesz, P Manner of 172 Graner y Arrufi, L. 67 Molenaer, J.M. Circle of 22, Clare, O. 252, 269 Greuze, J.B. Follower of 249 Monnoyer, Circle of J.B. 267, Cole, G. 327 Groenewegen, AJ. 201A Monseurrat, C. 266A, Cole, G.v. 243 Gruppe, c.P. 342 Morgan, de M. 320, Coleman, H.C. 77 Morley, TW 76, Collins W, follower of 53 Haerde, J. van. 69 Mote, G.W 306, Continental School 23,24,101, Hardy, Follower of J. Jnr. 240A Mu?ller, WJ. 115, 253, 256, 299, Hargitt, E 112 Musin, P 206, 316D,336B Harrowing, W. 319A, Continental school, 19th century 38 Hayes, C 21 Nasmyth, Follower of A 155, Continental School, 20th Century 30 Hayes, E. 301 Neogrady, A 198, Continental School 63,313A Hearne, T 110 Nesbitt, F.E. 289, Copper, H 113 Hepple, W 343 Niemann, E.J. 129, Cox, D. 295 Herring, Manner of J.F 161, Creswick, T. 179A Heuvel, T.B. de 305 Oakes, J.W 286, Crosio, L. 268, 277 Hicks, G.E. 65 Oehme, E. 221, Crouch, W. 288 Hider, F 160 Orloff, J 44, Cruickshank, G. 264 Hodges, J.S.W 184, Curtis, AG. 240 Hodges, S. 163, Cuzco School 61,92 Huet, P. 87, Patch, Circle of T. 319 Taylor, J.B. 319C, Payne, H. A 49 Thomson, B 100, Pelligini, R. 300 Thorburn, A 208, Perrin, J.W. 127A Thors, J. 20A, Pether, S. Follower of 114 Tidmarsh, H.E. 281, Pettie, J. 275 Todd, H.G. 14, Pike, WH. 162 Toms, C. 296, Pineda, J. 287 Toorenvliet, Circle of J. 88, Porter, D. 284 Touraine 15, Pre, de 123 Towne, C. 57, Prooijen, AJ 119 Tufnell, E.E.C. 291,324, Prout, S. 149, 333 Turner, D. 242, Provincial School 42,48, Provincial School. 273 Van der Ast, After B. 124, van Ostade, Manner of 1. 307, Reinagle, Follower of R.R. 192 Verboeckhoven, E. 297, Rembrandt, After 263 Verhas, T. 95, Rembrandt, Follower of van R 135 Vickers, AH. 322, Reni, Manner of G 26 Vincent, A. 116, Richardson, Circle of J. 213, Ritchie, J. 220 Wainewright, T.F. 334, Rivers, L. 312 Waite, EW. 314B, Robbins, H. 241 Walker, Circle of R 105, Roelofs, A 82 Walker, J.D. 258, Roffian, Attributed to J.F.X. 261 Walters, F. 64, 237, Rogers, W. 326 Warren, S.S. 197, Rooke, T.M. 30A Wasley, F 43, Rossi, ** 266B Wasley, F. 247, Rowbotham, C. 79 Watt, L. 121, Rowbotham, T.L. 246 Watts, Follower of G.F. 258A, Rubovics, M. 290 Weatherhead, WH. 71, Webb, W 108, Sacheri, G 118 Westall, R. 34, Schalcken, G. Follower of 146 Wheelwright, WH. 106, Schenck, A F.A 234 Whittle, T. Jnr 335, 336A, Scheurenberg, J. 214 Widgery, F.J. 330, Schutz, Follower of J. 203 Wilda, H.G. 294, Scottish School 55 Williams, GA 244, Shayer, After W 156 Willis, H.B. 128, Sibbons, G. 222 Witherington, W. F. 165, Simon, E. 177 Wolf, FX 181, Smith, J.R. 103 Woodall, W 73, Sowden, J. 158 Woodville, R. C. 298, Spanish School 338 Woodville, R.C. 182, Steele, E. 283 Wright, G. 74, Steele, M. 308, Stokeld, J. 145 Yarnold, G.B. 223, Stomer, Follower of M 99 Yates, F. 282, Stone, W. 195 Yates, G. 231,232, Stothard, T. 337, Stott, E. 138 Zampieri, D. Circle of 11, Straka, J 157 Zuccaro, Circle of Federico 7, Studd, AH. 46, Swift, K. 140 Weight: 262g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received.

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    Condition: Marked. Bonhams ? London, Sale title ? British & Continental Pictures, Date ? 30th October 2007, No. of lots - 361, No. of pages ? 79, Illustrated in colour , , Index, Clark, S.J. 271 Giraud, EugËne Pierre FranAois 165, Clarke, W.A 122 Giroux, Achille 54, A Clifford, Henry Charles 16 Glendening Jr, Alfred 94, Ademollo, Carlo 155 Collingridge, Mrs J. 45 Grace, AL. 146, Agasse, Jacques-Laurent 264A Continental School 4,15,147, Grant, Donald 168, Aikman, William 85 170,192,198 Grassi, Nicola 175, Aldridge, Frederick James 207 Cooper, William Savage 295 Greuze, Jean Baptiste 355, Allam, ** 269 Cout y, Jean-FrÈdÈric 208 Grimou, Alexis 194, Allegri, Antonio 22 Creswick, Thomas 67 Gruttefien, Elisabeth 205, Althaus, Fritz B 164 Cristall, Joshua 313, Anderson, William 75 Cuyp, Aelbert 76 H, Apol, L 214 Cuzco School 195,308 Haddon, Arthur Trevor 191, Archer, Charles 120,303,338 Haddon, D.W. 239, Arps, Bernardus 285 D Hans, Josephus Gerardus 42, Atkins, Samuel 74, 330 David, Follower of J, L. 88 Hardy, Thomas Bush 63, Auty, Charles 187 Davidson, Charles 292 Harrison, John Cyril 327, Davis, Henry William Banks 186 Heath, William 176, B Diranian, Serkis 128 Henderson, J. 287, Barker, J. 283 Docharty, J. 278 Hering, George Edwards 177, Barret, George 61 Domba, R. 235 Hillingford, Robert Alexander 89, Barrier, Gustave 151 Donne, Walter J. 224 Hills, Robert 220, Barttenbach, Hans 21,193,250 Dou, Gerrit 266 Hime, Harry E. 349, Bateman, James 117 Drummond, J. 172 Hodges, William Merrett 113, Batt, Arthur 69,209 Dughet, Gaspard 43,103 Holland, John 12, Beers, Jan van 300 Dumont, Pierre 3 Horlor, G.W. 82, Bennett, F.M. 267 Duncan, Edward 294 Horton, E. 110, Bennett, Godwin 107 Dutch School 119, 134, 160, 201, Hough, William 135, Bennewitz Von Lofen, Karl 50 345 Hudson, Thomas 159A, Beraud, Jean 309 Dutch School, 16th Century 66 Hunt, William Henry 111, Berckheyde, G.A. 354 Dyck, Sir Anthony Van 197 Hutin, Charles FranAois 347, Beresford, Frank Ernest 99 Huysum, Jan van 24, Blinks, Thomas 280 E, Boddington, Edwin Henry 102 Earle, Charles 196, Boddy, William J. 350 Egley, William Maw 98 Indoni, Filippo 358, Bolognese School 174 Emmerson, H.H. 296 Italian School 259,317,321,348, Bompiani, A 188 English Provincial School 245 Italian School, 17th Century 29, Bond, Richard Sebastian 35 English School 31,37,49,77,80, Italian School, 19th Century 264, 344, Boucher, Francois 193A 125,132,141,204, Boughton, George Henry 152 212,248,286,314, Bouvard, Noel Georges 133 English School, 19th Century 310 Jacobsen AN.G., circle of 323, Bowers, Stephen J. 138 Jacoby, Carl (Karl) 144, Braekeleer, Adrien Ferdinand de 46 F Jamieson, Alexander 18, Breanski, Gustave de 277 Faccioli, R. 11 Jamieson, F.E. 318, Briscoe, AJ.T. 93 Flemish School 7,203,315 Jenkins, George Henry 339, British School 351 Flemish School, 17th Century 199 Johnson, Harry John 237, Brouwer, Adriaen 297 Florentine School 343 Jonas, Lucien-Hector 116, Brown, Thomas Austen 52 Forbes, Stanhope Alexander 55 Joron, M 238, Brunei de Neuville, Alfred Arthur 233 Foweraker, Albert Moulton 202 Jungmann, Nico 33, Bunn, George 258 Fox, Henry Charles 326 Jutsum, Henry 312, Burne-Jones, Edward 252 Fradelle, Henri Joseph 182, Buttersworth T., Follower of 223 French School 44, 101, 123, K, 210,299,306 Katchadourian, Sarkis 357, C Frost, William Edward 105,329, Keene, Charles Samuel 62, Callow, John 324 356 Kilburne, George Goodwin 251, Callow, William 14 King, Baragwanath 279, Canals, Studio of Miguel 78,150 G King, Edward 149, Carracci, Lodovico 301 Gainsborough, Thomas 361 Kinnaird, Henry John 96,130, Celentano, Bernardo 181 Ga~eanne,JohannesJosephus 288 Klonarides 19,143, Charles, J. 86 Gascars, Henri 221 Koekkoek, Barend Cornelis 169, Charles, James 320 Gaston, JU 173 Kraemer, Hermann 270, Charles, W 352 Geiger, Conrad 72, Chinnery, George 219 German School 139,247,282,360, L Perretton, E** 145 Stone, William 336, Langerock, Henri 190 Piombo, Sebastiano dei 68 Syer, John 104, Langley, Walter 13 Pitto 65, Lecoque, A 217 Playfair, James Charles 359 T, Leeuw, Alexis de 26 Polidoro da Caravaggio 346 Teniers, David 153,183, Leitch, William Leighton 109 Pollentine, Alfred 2 Thomas, Thomas 48,161, Lessing, Karl Friedrich 254 Powell, Charles Martin 226 Thornley, William Anslow 166, Linnell, John 184 Pryn, Harald Julius Niels 342 Topham, Francis William 249, Liotard, After Jean . tienne 20 Purvis, T.G. 40 Tremblay, S. 87, Lomax, John Arthur 5, 39 Trippel, Albert Ludwig 27, Longstaffe, Ernest 334 R, Lorrain, Claude GelIÈe, called 231 Ramus, Aubrey 58 V, Lutyens, C.A.H. 268 Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 335 Vacher, Charles 159, Reni, after Guido 242 van Hoogstraaten, Samuel 234, M Rezia, Felice Auguste 70 Van Lil, J. 126, Maestri, Follower of Michelangelo 100 Richards, ** 142 Velasquez, Manner of 164B, Malard, Felix 115 Richardson, Thomas Miles 60,121,302 Verboeckhoven, Louis Charles 325, Manners, William 34 Robb, William George 56 Vescovi, A. 79, Maous, M. 9 Roberts, James (of Leeds) 232 von Herkomer, Sir Hubert 243, Marcius-Simons, Pinckney 211 Roberts, W. 163, Markelbach, Alexandre 218 Roe, Attributed to C. 164A W, Marshall, Herbert Menzies 83 Rope, George Thomas 84 Walbourn, Ernest 156, Martens, Conrad 260 Roscoe, S. G. William 36 Walker, Robert Hollands 307, Martin, L. 112 Rossi,A 64 Walters, George Stanfield 81, Massolini, Giuseppe 263 Roullet, G.M.A. 255 Ward, James 131, Mazzoni, Achille 240 Rowbotham, Charles 222 Warren, William White 228, Melville, Harden Sidney 276 Rowbotham, Thomas Charles Leeson 10, Webster, C. 137, Mignard, Circle of P 71 261 Webster, Thomas 227, Mignard, Pierre 191A Russell-Tully, Dhuie 106 Whittle (the Eider), Thomas 1, Miller, Sophia 73 Williams, Alexander 114, Monamy, Peter 38 S Williams, Edward Charles 97, Morelle, John P. 157 Salvi (II Sassoferrato), Giovanni Battista Williamson, John 118, Morelli, F. 179 23 Williamson, William Henry 206, Morland, George 51 Schalcken, Godfried 305 Willroider, Josef 57, Morley, Thomas William 230 Scherrewitz, Jacob 140 Wil.

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    Condition: Marked. Bonhams - London, Sale title - British & Continental Pictures, Sale date - 6th March 2012, No. of lots - 179, No. of pages - 61, Illustrated in colour , INDEX Adam Patrick William Ambrossi Ad Backer Jacob Adriaensz Barker Thomas Jones Beale Mary Beale Sarah Sophia Belleroche Albert de Blackburne Anna Blanchard Antoine Blanche Jacques Emile Butler Mildred Anne Carlandi Onorato Carrick John Mulcaster Carroll William Joseph Cecconi Eugenio Celommi Raffaello Chambers George Chaplin Elizabeth Cherubini Andrea Chinnery George Clausen Sir George Cobbett Edward John Cock Xavier de Cole Reginald Rex Vicat Collet John Colls Ebenezer Constable John Continental School Cooper Thomas Sidney Correggio Antonio Allegri called il Corsi Nicolo de De Breanski Jr Alfred Delanoy Hippolyte Pierre Drouais Francois Hubert Dusart Cornells Dutch School Duverger Th ophile Emmanuel Dyck Sir Anthony van English School Etty William Flemish School Fraser Alexander Fraser Malcolm Freezor George Augustus French School Galliac Louis Gascars Henri Galli Annibale German School Gianni Girolamo Gilford John Gill E W Gyre Marc Gabriel Charles Green Charles Halld Charles Edward Hannoman Adrlaen Harlow George Henry Havell William Hay Peter Alexander Hayter Sir George Hispano Flemish School Hove Bartholomeus Johannes van Jackson Samuel Phillips Jamieson Alexander Koekkoek Hendrik Pieter Lancret Nicolas Leaver Noel Harry Ludovici Jnr Albert MacBeth Norman MacLeay McNeil Mazzolini Giuseppe Mellor William Michetti Francesco Paolo Miel Jan Mignard Pierre Mitchell William Mulready Augustus Edwin Murray David Nebot Balthazar North Italian School Olsen Alfred Theodor Palm Gustaf Wilhelm Parker Henry H Parsons Beatrice Patten Alfred Fowler Percy Sidney Richard Perret Aimb Perronneau Jean Baptiste Poole James Ramsay Allan Reni Guido Reynolds Sir Joshua Richardson Edward M Riepenhausen Johann Christian Ritchie John Robins Thomas Sewell Roosenboom Nicolaas Johannes Rowbotham Charles Rowe Ernest Arthur Rysbrack Pieter Andreas Sartorius Francis Say Frederick Richard Schoth Anton Schutz H Christian Georg Shayer William Shayer William Shee Sir Martin Archer Sherrin Daniel Sorbi Raffaello Sowerby Kate Stanfield George Clarkson Stott Edward Stuart W E D Stubbs George Syer John Tassi Agostino Buonamico called Thoma Josef Thorburn Archibald Thors Joseph Tintoretto Jacopo Robusti called il Titian Tiziano Vecellio called Towne Charles Turner William Lakin Ussi Stefano Vaccaro Vincenzo Valenciennes Pierre Henri de Veneto Cretan School Vois Arie de Wall William Guy Ward William H Watts Frederick William Waters Webb Byron Wehnert Edward Henry Wheeler Alfred Wild Frank Percy Williams Terrick Williams Walter Heath Wilson Richard Witthoos Matthias Wright John Michael Wygrzywalski Felix Zuccarelli Francesco Weight: 321g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received.

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    Condition: Marked. Bonham's - Knightsbridge, London, Sale title - British and Continental Pictures, Sale date - 27th October 2009, No. of lots - 265, No. of pages - 72, Illustrated in colour   Index Abbott, John White Lancret, Nicolas Allom, Thomas Landseer, Sir Edwin Anastasi, Auguste Paul Charles Langer, Olaf Viggo Peter Appian, Adolphe Langley, Walter Arnegger, Alois Lawrence, Sir Thomas Attanasio, Natale Lear, Edward Aureli, Giuseppe Leaver, Noel Harry Austrian School Leech, John Ballin, Auguste Leemputten, Jef Louis van Barclay, Edgar Leighton, Edmund Blair Barret Jnr., George Leighton, Frederic, Lord Barret, George Leupenius, Johannes Bassano, Jacopo da Ponte, called Levis, Maurice Bates, David Linnell, James Thomas Beechey, Sir William Lucas, John Lindsay Beest, Jacob Eduard Heemskerck van Mainella, Raffaele Bellotto, Bernardo Marshall, Robert Angelo Kittermaster Bloot, Pieter De Marzocchi de Belluci, Numa Boland de Spa, Charles H.D. Meucci, Michelangelo Borione, Bernard Louis Michetti, Francesco Paolo Borselen, Jan Willem van Migliaro, Vincenzo Bossoli, Carlo Miraglia, Ermogene Boutigny, Paul Emile Montague, Alfred Brancaccio, Carlo Morgan, E. Bright, Constance M. Morland, George British School Nasmyth, Patrick British School, 19th century Newcome, Frederick Clive Bromley, William Nicholl, Agnes Rose (Bouvier) Brown, Rev. R. Woodley Nozal, Alexandre Brown, Walter Francis Nuzzi, Mario Buonamico, called Tassi, Agostino Oliver, William Cabat, Nicolas Louis Ortiou, Paul Calvert, Frederick Paduan School Cammarano, Michele Pap, Emil Cammidge, George Pelletier, Pierre Jacques Carelli, Giuseppe Phillip, John Carolus, Jean Pigott, Walter Henry Casciaro, Giuseppe Pillement, Jean-Baptiste Cecchi, Giulia Pollentine, Alfred Chiari, Giuseppe Bartolomeo Potten, Christopher Nerry Clare, Oliver Pratella, Fausto Coleman, Francesco Premazzi, Luigi Coleman, John Pritchett, Edward Coninck, Pierre Louis de Pryn, Harald Julius Niels Continental School Pyne, James Baker Continental School, 19th Century Raphael, Raffaello Sanzio, called Cook, Ebenezer Wake Reni, Guido Cooke, Edward William Repin, Ilya Efimovich Cosenza, Giuseppe Reynolds, Sir Joshua Cousin, Charles Ricci, Marco Crofts, Ernest Roberts, Thomas Edward D De Breanski, Gustave Rolfe, A. De Wint, Peter Roos, called Gaetano de Rosa, Cajetan Delfgaauw, Gerard Rowbotham, Thomas Charles Leeson Desrais, Claude Louis S Saint Clair, Thomas Staunton Detaille, Edouard Jean Baptiste Sanderson-Wells, John Dicksee, Frank Sartorelli, K. Dominici, Carlo Schendel, Petrus van Dommersen, William Schroder, Walter Duntze, Johannes Bartholom%ous Schuster, Josef Dupray, Henri Louis Scougall, John Dutch School Seymour, James Eggington, Wycliffe Shaw, John Byam Elgood, George Samuel Sherrin, Daniel English School Sherrin, John Etty, William Simpson, William 'Crimean' Falcoz, Alphonse Auguste Sluijters, Jan Flemish School Smidt, Emil Fong, Lai Smith, Bryce Foweraker, Albert Moulton Smith, Garden Grant Fox, Charles James Smith, Rufus Way French School Smythe, Thomas Frith, William Powell Snell, James Herbert Furet, FranAois Spanish School Gauci, Paul Spiers, Richard Phene Gavarni, Paul Spinks, Thomas German School Stead, Frederick German School, late 18th Century Stock, Henry John Gilbert, Kate (Hughes) Swift, John Warkup Gillies, Margaret Tempesta, Antonio Grace, A.L. Tengeler, Johannes Willem Gras, August Johannes le Teniers, David Green, William Thorburn, Archibald Hague, Joshua Anderson Toepper, Hans Hale, Edward Matthew Towne, Charles (the Younger) Hardy, Dudley Turner, Edward Harris, Maude Tyndale, Thomas Nicholson Hellgrewe, Rudolf V van Dyck, ** Herberte, Edward Benjamin van Nueten, Leon Herring, Jnr., John Frederick Venetian School Herring, Snr., John Frederick Vickers, Charles Hiscox, George Dunkerton Wagner, A. Hispano-Flemish School Wall, William Archibald Hobart, John R. Ward, James Hoppner, John Wasley, Frank Houzd, Florentin Watson, William Stewart Hulk, Johannes Frederick Weaver, Thomas Huysum, Jan van Webster, Thomas Italian Provincial School Weele, Herman Johannes van der Italian School West, William Jamieson, F.E. White, John Joris, Pio Wigstead, Henry Joy, William Williams, Edward Korber, Adolf Williams, John Haynes L Laan, Gerard van der Wright (of Derby), Joseph Lambert, Jacques-Henri-Jean Wyngaerdt, Anthonie Jacobus van Lamberts, G. Zuccaro, Federico       Weight: 342g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received.

  • Seller image for La Domenica del Corriere 6 Dicembre 1942 WW2 Guido Reni Carri del Fuoco Cinema for sale by Leggendo la storia

    Condition: Usato. LA DOMENICA DEL CORRIERE Rivista Originale del 6 Dicembre 1942 Anno 44 nr. 49 pagine: 8 (+4) dimensioni: 38 x 28 cm IN PRIMA PAGINA: Gli italiani sul Don. I sovietici tentano spesso di varcare il fiume nel settore tenuto dai nostri soldati. Ma i tentativi del nemico vengono infranti con lancio di granate e con decisi contrattacchi (Achille Beltrame) NELL'ULTIMA PAGINA: I "carri del fuoco". Una nuova arma tedesca è entrata nella lotta a Stalingrad: si tratta di carri armati muniti di un tipo modernissimo di lanciafiamme il cui potente getto di fuoco non è diritto ma si incurva ad arco, superando così gli ostacoli (Walter Molino) ALL'INTERNO: Medaglie d'oro: Guerrino D'Amico Tra i nostri combattenti. Da un fronte all'altro. Cinema: fabbricar suoni e rumori. Nel terzo centenario di Guido Reni. Periodici.

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    Condition: Good. Bonham's - Knightsbridge, London, Sale title - British and Continental Pictures, Sale date - 13th January 2009, No. of lots - 280, No. of pages - 74, Illustrated in colour Received India stamp inside in front, INDEX American School Andreis Alex de Daumier Honord Andreotti Federico Dawson Henry Angelico manner of Fra Deruet Antigna Alexandre Dolci Carlo Apperley George Owen Wynne Downie John Patrick Apperley George Owens Wynne Dufeu Edouard Jacques Artz Constant Duprd Jules Atkinson John Durand Louis Aumonier James Dutch School Austin S Baird William Baptiste Barker of Bath Thomas Barocci Federico Bates David Batoni Pompeo Girolamo Beavis Richard Belleroche Albert de Beverley William Roxby Bonvin Francois Boselli Felice Boudin Eugene Louis Brabazon Flercules Brabazon Bradshaw George Fagan Bressler R** Bridell Frederick Lee Brunery Francois Burrell Smith James Buttersworth Thomas Indian School Italian School Italian School Italian School James Walter John Johannot Tony Johnson Edward Killingworth Edwards Lionel Dalhousie Robertson Knight A Roland Knupfer Benes Benesch Koller Wilhelm Guillaume Kuwasseg C E Faulkner Charles Flemish School Lahalle Charles Dominique Oscar Florentine School Landseer Sir Edwin Floutier Louis Langley Walter French School Le Poitevin Eugene Modeste Edmond Leader Charles Levis Maurice Loo van Galjen Laloue Eugene Lucas Edward George Handel Garthwaite William Lutyens Charles Augustus Henry Gautier Armand Desire Geldorp Gortzius M Gerdes Eduard German School Makin J K Gilbert Arthur Marchand Charles Glendening Junior Alfred Augustus Mason Frank Henry Calvert F circle of Goodwin Albert Canaletto Antonio Canal called il Gotch Thomas Cooper Cecchini Prichard Eugenio Graham John Gilbert Chamberlin Mason Grant C Christiansen Nils Hans Graves Henry Richard Clare George Greco El Clare Oliver Grutzner Eduard von Clare Vincent Clark Frederick Albert H Collier Thomas F Collins Charles Hall Oliver Continental School Hamilton R A V Hartung Heinrich the Elder Continental School Hayls John Continental school late ; Heffner Karl Cook William Delafield Sr Helder J Cooper Henry Henshall John Henry Cooper Thomas Sidney Herring B Manner of Correns Josef Cornelius Herring Jnr John Frederick Craesbeeck Manner of J van Hilsoe Hans Crane Walter Holt Edwin Frederick Creswick Thomas Holz Johann Daniel Cuyp Aelbert Hoppner John Hove Bartholomeus Johannes van Huet Jean Baptiste Hulk W F Hulme Frederick William Maswiens Joseph McEwan Tom OA Melville Flarden Sidney Meyer Frederick William Mijn Follower of Hermann van der Milliken Robert W Mostyn Thomas Edwin Mote George William Motte Henri Paul Nattress George Neapolitan School Nesbitt Frances E Newton Alfred Pizzey Nicholl Andrew Niemann Edmund John Opie John Orchardson Charles M Q Oswald C W Owen Samuel Paredes Vicente Garcia de Parker Flenry H Parmigianino Girolamo Francesco Mazzola called il Parsons Alfred William Parsons Beatrice Paul Joseph Pecrus Charles FranAois Percy Sidney Richard Perry William J Pether Sebastian Pillement Jean Baptiste Pitt William Pollentine Alfred Price Edward Pyne James Baker Ten Kate Mari Teniers David Thors Joseph Thum von Tillemans Follower of Peter Torni F Traverso Antonio Trickett W Wasdell Tudgay Frederick Tyndale Walter Uwins Thomas Veldsquez Diego Rodriguez de Silvay Velasquez Manner of Diego Quinn James Peter Rodriguez de Silvay Velten Wilhelm Venetian School Vianelli Achille Reni After G Vickers Alfred Rhodes Joseph Vigee Le Brun Elisabeth Louise Rigaud Plyacinthe Viorsky I Roberts Frederick Vito Camillo da Roman School Rousseau Theodore W Rowbotham Charles Rowlandson George Derville Waller Samuel Edmund Waring William Henry S Watson John Dawson Watteau Jean Antoine Sanderson Robert Webb William Edward Schaep Henri Adolphe Weber Rudolf Schalcken Godfried West William Scherrewitz Johan Frederik Cornelis Wilkinson Arthur Stanley Scottish School Williams Walter Heath Senape Antonio Sherrin Daniel Simberg Hugo Z Smith Richard Solbiac Albert Zajicek Karl Wenzel Solomon Rebecca Southgate Frank Spanish School Stainton George Stanfield f ollower of Clarkson Stanfield George Clarkson Stannard Joseph Stannard Theresa Sylvester Steinike H Stevens Alfred Stott Edward Sluart Gilbert Weight: 369g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received.

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    Condition: Good. Bonham's - Knightsbridge, London, Sale title - British and Continental Pictures, Sale date - 2nd June 2009, No. of lots - 220, No. of pages - 56, Illustrated in colour, INDEX Ablett William Allegri Antonio Apol Louis Apperley George Owen Wynne Apperley George Owens Wynne Arnegger Alois Bach Guido Barret Jnr George Bates David Beest Jacob Eduard Heemskerck van Berchem Nicolaes Besson Faustin Biddle Lawrence Blake Benjamin Boccheciampe Vikentios Boissard de Boisdenier J F Borch Gerard Ter Both Jan Dirksz Breton Jules Adolphe Brewtnall Edward Frederick British School Bromley William Brown Rev R Woodley Bryant Flenry Charles Bucciarelli Daniele Burgess Arthur James Wetherall Calvaert Denys Cammidge George Cantarini Simone Carmichael John Wilson Carnier Henri Casteels III Pieter Chalon John James Chinnery George Clare George Clare Oliver Clark Samuel Joseph Collier John Continental School Continental School Cooper Kenneth Crawford Robert Cree Crossland James Henry Crowther Henry Czernotzky Ernst Daubigny Charles Franaois De Wint Peter Deville Vickers Dodd Louis Donny Desire Douglas William Fettes Dutch School Egginton Wycliffe Ellis Tristram English School Exner L Fidanza Francesco Flaxman John Fong Lai Ford Henry Justice Foster M B French School Furini Francesco Garner Edith Mary Gavarni Paul German School Gilbert Kate Hughes Gilbert Victor Gabriel Goff Frederick Edward Joseph Goodwin Albert Greux A** Greuze Jean Baptiste Haag Carl Hagendoren H van Hague Joshua Anderson Hale Edward Matthew Hardy Thomas Bush Haustrate Gaston Henderson William Herberte Edward Benjamin Hooper John Horace Ince Joseph Murray Italian School Joinville Antoine Victor Edmond Joy William Jungmann Gustav Adolph Kavanagh Joseph Malachy Kiekebusch Hermann Kilburne George Goodwin A Kinnaird Henry John Knell William Callcott Kneller Sir Godfrey Korber Adolf Laing James Garden Lance George Landseer Sir Edwin Lea Henry Lemaire Louis Marie Lemoine L P Lewis Charles James Lewis John Frederick Circle of Lloyd Thomas James Lucas Albert Durer Macbeth Robert Walker Maplestone Florence E Marzocchi de Belluci Numa McAlpine William Milner Frederick Mitchell Philip Monaldi Manner of Paolo Morland George MJIer Kurzwelly Konrad Alexander Murillo Bartolome Esteban Naftel Paul Jacob Nash Joseph Neapolitan School Nelson George Nesbitt Frances E Nicholson Alfred Norretranders Johannes Oakes John Wright Olivier Herbert Arnould Orchardson Charles M Q Owen William Parisani Napoleone Park Henry Parmigianino Girolamo Francesco Mazzola called il Parsons Beatrice E Pavlikevitch J Pelletier Pierre Jacques Perret Aime Philip James George Pinelli Bartolomeo Prout Samuel Pryn Harald Julius Niels Reni Guido Ricciardi Oscar Richet L£on Ritchie Charles Edward Roberts David Rogers Rose S Roman School Romney George Rubens Sir Peter Paul Sandrock Leonhard Sanzio called Raphael After Raffaello Scoppa A Senape Antonio Sextie William A Shields Frederick James Simpson Charles Walter Sluiter Willy Smith Carlton Alfred Smith George Smythe Thomas Soria Eduardo Spalding Charles Bilger Spanish School Stranover Tobias Swain Leopold Lemage Tengeler Johannes Willem Thornley William Titian Tiziano Vecellio called Turner James Alfred van Nueten Leon Verelst Maria Vickers Snr Alfred Vrolyk Adrianus Jacobus Waite Edward Wilkins Waite Robert Thome Walbourn Ernest Ward Cyril Weaver Thomas Webb William Webster Thomas Weenix Jan Baptist Whymper Charles Williams George Augustus Willis Henry Brittan Wolfe George Weight: 284g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received.

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    Condition: Good. Bonham's - Knightsbridge, London, Sale title - British and Continental Oil Paintings, Sale date - 11th May 2004, No. of lots - 290, No. of pages - 37, Illustrated in colour Index A. Austen    234 A. Marquis    83 A.J. Martin, After Gainsborough    32 A.Perri    199 A. Williams    201 Ada France    64 Adolphe Ragon (British, d. 1924)    184 After Guido Reni (20th Century)    67 After John Constable    94 Albert (Piere Rene) Maignan (1845-1908):    126 A late 19th century Italian painted hanging cabinet Alexis de Leeuw (Belgian, fl. 1848-1883)    245 Alfred Casille (French, 1849-1909)    93 Alfred Grenfell Flaigh (British, 1870-1963)    250 Alfred Vickers Senior (British, 1786-1868)    157 Alix Jennings (British, Exh. 1927)    24 Anglo Chinese School    168 Antal Berkes    18 Arributed to Lorenzo Delleani    216 Arthur Bevan Collier (British, Exh. 1880-99)    37 Arthur Hacker, RA (British 1858-1919)    207 Attributed to Abraham Cuylembarch    98 Attributed to F.Maltino    150 Attributed to George Hyde Pownall    58 Attributed to George Morland    171 Attributed to Jan Frederik Pieter Portielje (Belgian 1829-1895)    175 Attributed to Philip Alexius de L-szlU De Lombos    9 Attributed to Ralph W Lucas (British, 1796-1874)    215 Attributed to Richard Barnett Spencer    243 Attributed to Wilfrid Jenkins, After Atkinson Grimshaw    242 Attributed to William George Jennings    52 Attributed to William Logsdail (British, 1859-1944)    99 Attributed to William Mark Fisher    66 B. Ciappa    30 Barry Mason (British, b.1947)    120 Bernard Benedict Hemy (British, 1845-1913)    213 Bessie Bamber    186 Bolognese School, 17th Century    127 British School, c. 1900    14 C. Hopkins    122 C. Parker    196 C.H. Revill    21 Carl Siegfried Stoitzner (Austrian, 1866-1943)    114 Carracci School, 17th Century    165 Cavalier Antonio Scognamiglio    172 Charles Ashmore    130 Charles Edmond Rene His (French, 1877-1960)    266 Charles Thomas Burt (English 1823-1902)    73 Charles William Bartlett (British 1860-1940)    246 Circle of John Rathbone    237 Circle of Pieter Casteels III    69 Circle of William Jones    147 Concha Solis    247B Constance Rea (British, 19th/20th Century)    28 Constance Rea (British, c. 1900)    108 Continental School, 18th Century    5, 223 Continental School, 19th Century, After Sir Anthony Van Dyck 259 Continental School, 20th Century    19, 49, 203 Continental School, c. 1900    7 Continental School, Early 20th Century    244C Daniel Sherrin (British, fl.c.1895-1915)    204 David M Ducker (British, fl.1910-1930)    25 David W Haddon    140 David Wilkie Wynfield (British, 1837-1887)    174 Dutch School, 17th Century    87, 88, 89 Dutch School, 19th Century    151 Edward Coleman (British 1800-1867)    244 Edward H. Niemann (British, fl. 1863-67)    100 Edwin L Meadows (British, fl. 1854-1872)    179 Egbert van Heemskerk the Younger (Dutch, 1676-1744)    60 English Provincial School, 19th Century    102 English School, 18th Century    170 English School, 19th Century    1,17, 33, 38, 40, 46, English School, 19th Century, After Sir Edwin Landseer    86 English School, 20th Century    10 English School, c. 1900    112,202 English School, Early 20th Century    2, 34 English School, Late 19th Century    56, 75, 104, English School, mid 18th Century    173 Ernest Higgins Rigg (British, Exh. 1897-1923)    267 Ernst Immanuel Muller (German, 1844-1915)    142 Evelyn R. Robins    68 F W Meyer    222 F. E. Jamieson (British, fl.c. 1910-1940)    155 F. Muschamps    132 F. Walters    154 F. Villanueva    12 Follower of Charles Bilger Spalding    253 Follower of David Teniers the Younger    97 Follower of Evert Pieters    136 Follower of Francis Danby    20 Follower of Gilbert Jackson    169 Follower of Giovanni Martinelli    239 Follower of J. W. Carmichael    133 Follower of Jan van Huchtenburgh    153 Follower of Thomas Luny    55 Follower of Vittore Giuseppe Ghislandi, called Fra Galgario    3 French School, 17th Century    90 French School, 18th Century    177 Friedrich Albin Koko-Micoletzky (Austrian, 1887-1981)    183 Friedrich Stahl (German, 1863-1940)    191 Grenville Manton (British, 1855-1932)    176 G John    110 G Morris    206 G W Baldry    163 Gebrand Frederik van Schagen (Dutch, 1880-1968)    117 George Clare (British, 1830-1900)    249 George Goodwin Kilburne (British, 1839-1924) George Paice (British, 1854-1925) George Roller (British, Exh 1884-1904) George Wilfred Antony (British, 1800-1860) George William Horlor (British, fl. 1849-1891) Gianfranco Locatello (Italian, 19th Century) Greek School, 19th Century H. Ensor H.R Hall, (British, Exh.1895-1902) Harden Sidney Melville, (British, Exh. 1882) Harold Goldthwait (British, Exh. 1895-1922) Helen Thornycroft (British, 1848-1912) Henri Moreau (Belgian, 1869-1943) Henrie Pitcher (British, fl.1900-1910) Henry Brittan Willis (British, 1810-1884) Henry Charles Bryant (British, 1812-1890) Henry Clarence Whaite (British, 1828-1912) Henry Courtney Selous (British, 1811-1890) Henry Hadfield Cubley (British, fl. 1884-1902) Henry Hoile (Australian, fl. c.1855) Henry Leonidas Rolfe (British, fl. 1847-1881) Herbert Lyndon Horace Mann Livens (British, 1862-1936) Italian School, 16th Century Italian School, 18th Century, After Zurbaran Italian School, 19th Century Italian School, 19th Century, After the Pensionante del Saraceni Italian School, 20th Century J C Cox J F Mills J Liddall Armitage J. Colvin J. Barry J.F.Hankes J.H.Crossland (British, b.1852-1939) J.Sutcliffe J.W. Jankowsky (Austrian fl. 1825-1861) Jack Ducker (British, fl.c.1910-1930) James Peel (British, 1811-1906) James Salt John Macwhirter (British, 1839-1911) Josephe FranAois Villevielle (Aix 1631-1916) Joshua Cook (British, fl. 1838-1848) Julius Caesar Ibbetson (British, 1759-1817) L. Richards (British, fl.c.1920's) Leu Tchistovsky M.    Norman M. Jackson (British, 19th Century) M.M. Rowbotham Manner of Angelica Kauffman Manner of Boucher (20th Century) Manner of.

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    Condition: Good. Bonham's - Knightsbridge, London, Sale title - British and Continental Oil Paintings, Sale date - 8th October 2002, No. of lots - 300, No. of pages - 38, Illustrated in colour Written on some pages Index   Claes, P J 81 Negri, E 245B Clare, O 154 Neumans, A 155 Clare, V, Manner of 26 Niemann 286 Clark, J 195 Noiret, L. 145 Clary, S 279 Orsi, Manner of L. 203 Colahan, I 9 Ovenden, C.T. 251 Cole, G. 89 Owen, J 6A Collier, J 26B Owen, W, Circle of 205 Collins, W. 137 Pap, E 215D Continental School 18, 31,91,98A,115,116,200 Pap, E. 215A-215C Continental School, 17th Century 244 Passey, C H 149 Continental School, 18th Century 231,245A Paul, J 166 Continental School, 19th Century 18B,40 69,104 Peel, J 170 Continental School, 20th Century 6D,18C,18D Peeters, Follower of B. 254 Continental, School 72 Pennell, H 184 Cook, C H 28 Pether, Manner of 180 Cooper, A E 65 Phillips, S H 172 Cooper, Follower of T. S. 126 Pitt, W. 276 Cooper, T S 188B Poole, Follower of P. F. 90 Corbett, F. 142 Potter, F H 202 Couldrey, H. H. 282 Preston, W.B. 157 Crisp, G 115B Primitive School 245 Detmold, FI E 138 Pryce, G Willis 26D Diodart, H. 221 Rea, C, Circle of 87 Dogarty 201 Reinagle, Attributed to R. R. 212 Dommersen, P C 257, 274 Reni, G, Follower of 13 Dou, G, Manner of 125 Reynolds, Sir J., Follower of 162 Douglas, R 124 Rhodes, J 41 Duncayer, Manner of 123 Roberts, H.B. 216 Dutch School 3, 18G, 39 Rogers, Attributed to P. H. 259 Dutch School, 18th Century 187, 188 Roman School 206 Eichinger, E. 266, 278 Ronner, After H. 234 Eichinger, O 227 Rosell, A. 66 Elmore, A.W. 161 Rubens, English Imitator of 242 Elsheimer, Follower of A. 280 Salvi, G 26A Emms, J 188C Sartorius, Circle of 297 English School 57 Schafer, H. T. 63 English Provincial School 110 Schmidt 10A English School 4 Schmidt, P 111 English school 6 Schreyer, A. 241 English School 7, 10C, 36, 92, 97, 99, 113 Sconamiglio, G. 95A English School, 17th Century, 213 Seghersbasket, D, Follower of 152 English School, 18th Century 29, 60, 106B, 163 Sherrin, D, 133 English School, 18th Century, 27 Siegen, A. V. 245C English School, 19th Century 12, 15, 24, 37, 43 Smetham, J 153 English School, 19th Century, 30, 42, 106, 218 Smythe, T, Follower of 85 English School, 19th. Century 148 Spanish School, 19th Century 188D English School, 20th Century 98B, 247 Stark, After J. 129, 294 English School, 20th Century. 165 Stark, Follower of J. 26E English School, c.1900 18E, 32, 103, 106C Steelink, Follower of 181 Epp, R. 230 Steeple, J. 131 Ferry, A 10D Stokes, A., 171 Follenfant, FI. 192 Sunderland, F 118 Foster, W. G. 198 Sykes, H 83 French School, 19th Century 64 Szantho, M. 71 french School, 19th Century 220 Szilagyi, J. 132 French School, 19th Century 260 Tenkate, H. 38 French School. 183 Thompson 2 Gergely, I. 256 Thompson, G 107 Gijselaar, L J de 147 Thors, J 283 Golds, W 179 Titian, After 127 Goodall, After F. 84 Vane, R. 167 Graeme, C 174 Vargas, A del 197B Gray, J G 5 Venetian School 51, 68 Green, A. FI. 47 Vickers, C, 18F Greuze, After J. B. 277 Vizkeleti, E. 143 Grose, D.C. 248A Vogl, C 222 Grund, Follower of N. J. C. 285 Vos, H, Attributed to 21 Plague, J. E. FI. 173 Wallace, J 25 Hale, E M 109 Wallinger, B 275 Hardy, F. D. 281 Walters, E. 22 Harrison, G, of York 44 Wasley, F 245D, 245E Hayes, Follower of F. 217 Watson, W 74 Henshaw, F.H. 94 Webb, W. 98E Heyer, A 156 Webster, G, Attributed to 273 Heyer, A. 235, 236 Webster, T 6C, 18A, 26C Hickin, G. 79 Weydon, Manner of R. Van Der 211 Hicks, D 100 Wilke, After D. 219 Hines, T 55 Wilkinson, J. F. 169 Hoguet, C 300 Willenborg, H A 17 Hohenleiter y Castro, F. 182 Williams, E C 88 Hoppner, J, Circle of 264 Willroider, J. 151 Horton, E 98D Wilson, R, Manner of 53 Hughes, A, Circle of 196 Wulffaert, A 93 Hulk, W F 178 Wylley, A. 168 Irish School, 19th Century 16 Zermati, J 185 Italian School, 18th Century 296 Zorkoczy, G. 265 Italian School, 19th Century 269 Zuber-Buhler, Follower of F. 209 Italian, School 268 Continental School, 19th Century 108 Jamieson, F.E. 248B   Weight: 185g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received.

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    Condition: Good. Bonham's - Knightsbridge, London, Sale title - British and Continental Oil Paintings, Sale date - 8th July 2003, No. of lots - 251, No. of pages - 43, Illustrated in colour Index   Alma-Tadema, after 9 Italian School, 17th Century 118 Antwerp School, Early 17th Century 102 Italian School, 18th Century 133, 167, Armfield, E 81 Italian School, Late 17th Century 245 Armfield, G 80, 250 Italian School, 19th Century 112, 228A Bale, C T 66 Italian School, 20th Century 139 Balthazar, P, follower of 104 Johansen, V 94 Barker of Bath, follower of 44 Johnson, S Y 122 Barker, T, circle of 65 King, H J Y 125, 164 Bell, T. C, 160 Klombeck, J B, manner of 86 Benedight, M 249 Kobell, F, attributed to 78 Bennett, F M 95 Kossack, J 234 Bennett, J L 68 Lanave, H-A 20 Berchem, follower of 220 Langley, W 123, 219 Bland, E B 195 Lara, G 149 Bocquet, J-B 173 Late 18th Century School, after Boel, 1 H 134 Kauffmann, A 226 Bolognese School, 19th Century 197 Lawson, J 121 Borikine, Y 193 Leemputten, C Van, follower of 57 Boucher, F, follower of 171 Liddell, T H 228 Brienz, M 22 Linde, J van Der 100 Brown, E 241 Livemont, F 246 Cabie, L A 205, 206 Lombard School, 17th Century 83 Callow, G 130 Longstaffe, E 127 Calvert, F 111 Luxford, C 135 Canals, M, studio of 42, 45, 47, 67, Mallock, *** 92 Carmichael, J W 178 Martin, A R 119 Chalon, A E 244 McCallum, P 36 Chalon, after 69 McEvoy, W 126 Chiastri, E 48 Merck, J van der, attributed to 72 Christiansen, N l-l 17 Mieris, F van, follower of 137 Churchyard, T 129 Monamy, P, follower of 222B Clark, J B 248 Monnoyer, follower of 223 Clark, W A 150 Montague, A 33 Cleminson, R 64 Morland, G 79 Continental School, 18th Century 227 Moyeart, N C, circle of 101 Continental School, 19th Century 30 Murillo, B E, manner of 237 Continental School, Late 19th Century Neopolitan School, 17th Century 85 Continental School, Early 20th Century Niemann 25 Cooper, T S, Manner of 136 Niemann, E H 147 Cox, G 62 Niemann, E J, attributed to 196 Crisp, G 186 Norwich School, 19th Century 131 Cuyp, follower of 218 Os, Van, after 213 Davis, J 109 Paal, L, follower of 14 Dawson, M 152 Palma, J (II Vecchio), after 170 Decker, C, circle of 97 Pandur, H 58 Didier, J 242 Parker, H H 239 Diest, A van, circle of 103 Partridge, B 21 Down 12 Partridge, J, circle of 7 Downing, D 151 Pasmore, F G 174 Duffield, W 224 Paul, J, manner of 146 Dujardin, K, follower of 73 Peacock, R 169A Dunning, J T 180 Piper, W F 52 Dupre, J 177 Pitcher, H 1 Dutch School, 18th Century 217, 222C Prout, C 117 Dutch School, 19th Century 56 Purcell, W R 59 Dutch School, Late 19th Century 192 Salvati, ***188 Dutch School, c.1800 232 Scandanavian School 28 Earl, G 168 Schutz, C G 110 Eichinger, E 87 Schutz, C G, the Elder, follower of 77 English School, 17th Century 236 Seymour, T 18 English School, 17th Century 236 Shayer, W Junior, studio of 233 English School, 18th Century 96, 162 Sherrin, D, attributed to 222A English School, 19th Century 2,3,6,8 Siberechts, J, manner of 231 English School, c.1900 5 Smith, R D 116 English School, 20th Century 11, 132 Smythe, H 60 Fannen, J 61 Stuart, G 166 Feti, D, follower of 98 Suker, A 172 Flemish School, 17th Century 138 Tillberg, H 29 Francken, F, follower of 40 Tornoe, W U 142 Franquelin, J A 208 Toutenel, L 158 Fraser, A, attributed to 203 Van Dyck, Sir A, after 251 French School, 18th Cenury 163 Venetian School, 18th Century 225 French School, Late 19th Century 200 Vickers, A 70 French School, c.1820 211 Villeneulle, F de 141 French School, c.1900 120 Wagner, K T 199 French, F 50 Waite, E W, follower of 54 Gabriel, S 115 Walters, F 39 Geo-Remy, V 161 Webster, W E 184 German School, 19th Century 140 Wild, F P 198 Gill, E, circle of 179 Williams, A W 105 Glass, J FI 63 Williams, W H 194 Goes, H van der, manner of 187 Woods, *** 181 Gool, J van, circle of 75 Wood, J 31 Haage, J 235 Wouwerman, P, follower of 243 Halswelle, K 4 Zais, G, follower of 76 Harris, N 20A 19th Century School 90 Harsing, W 23 Raphael, follower of 84 Herbert, J R 230 Redmore, E K 175 Hesketh, R K 13 Rees, R 185 Hogarth, W, after 82 Reni, G, follower of 169 Hoguet, C 229 Reni, G, manner of 107 Holte, A B 51 Reynolds, after 32 Home, R, attributed to 165 Rideout, P H 240 Hooten, J, follower of 74 Robertson, H R 34 Horlor, J 114 Roe, C 38 Horton, E 41 Roman School, Early 18th Century 214 Hughes, J J 53 Ross, H 49 Ibbetson, J C, attributed to 148 Rossett-Granger, P E 89 Irish School, c.1850 156 Rossi, L 155 Isoard, M 29A   Weight: 201g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received.