The Abzu on the fifth tablet: does it mean abyss? By Matthias Ifejika Email: Abstract ABZU was a very important term in Sumerian mythology although it was restored wrongly and mistranslated. Based on the Sumerian Orthographic Triangle (SORT), the word – Abzu should have been restored as a VCV word rather than a VCCV word, which in reality does not exist in Sumerian. The exact meaning of abzu cannot be derived from the Ab, Zu fragments, which had become a standard practice. Even if we are to do this, we have to know that there was no Sumerian word written as Ab. The Zu fragment although in order, cannot be joined to Ab semantically to create any meaningful word in Sumerian. Although Abzu was often interpreted as the following: A) Enki's shrine B) Temple in Eridu C) Subterranean water D) Mythical place E) Gnosis F) Site of civilization; it did not denote any of them. This article was written to enable the reader decode what this word actually meant. In the Sumerian creation myth, Abzu or Apsu in Akkadian appeared although it was often derived from the combination of Ap or Ab meaning "the father, the creator, the great one, and zu, mistranslated to know although the exact rendering is to take care of or to rear/train. As Sumerian was thought to be an agglutinative language, both terms were joined together to arrive at the popular rendering - Lord of wisdom or as such Great man of knowledge and this mistranslation was used to justify that the character must have been the source of all wisdom or knowledge. Based on the above conjecture, Abzu could as well be one who was trained in the waters or one who was in charge of the waters – perhaps the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers. Thus, he could have been one of the umanu (mistranslated sages) who gave wisdom to mankind or one who was schooled in Enki mysticism. Many scholars would have conjectured that Abzu was one of those entities who were initiated into the mysteries of the underworld. Thus, both Enki and Abzu would have been notable umanu (sages) who knew about the mysteries of the underworld, which served as the source of Sumerian civilization. The picture below may well help to depict such initiation ceremonies. The Abzu on the Fifth Tablet P200614 Page 1 Figure 1: C'mon Abzu, the mysteries of Enki must be revealed to all the Umanu The Sumerian creation myth, which dealt with the formation of the universe mentioned Abzu as the "primeval one" and the "begetter". Could Abzu have been the begetter of all the planets in the solar system? Often, Abzu was thought to have some cosmological significance although he had nothing whatsoever to do with the sun. Enki was depicted as residing in Abzu or "watery palace" located in the Persian gulf or as such Euphrates and Tigris. Thus, before Enki built the first city of Eridu, he had resided in Abzu. Eridu was also assumed to be the Sumerian home of the gods. With its celestial connotation, it would have been easy for some scholars to conjecture that the Abzu must have originated from heaven. The Abzu on the Fifth Tablet P200614 Page 2 The city of Eridu was believed by the Sumerians to be the oldest city on earth, although I had indicated earlier on that Eridu was not a toponym rather the name of the first royal patriarch of Eriaka – the first city of Sumerians. In every case, Abzu was more or less the palace of Prince Enki. Remarkably, it was imagined as something that was more than a simple source of underground water hence it later assumed the meaning - "the great deep, underworld" – abyss, thought to derive from the Greek word "abyssos", although this was one of the most popular mistranslations. If Abzu was the primeval one, how then does this idea correlate with abyss etymologically? Could dumuzi-abzu have meant child of the waters? Abzu as well as Enki were thought to be abstract beings that animated certain aspects of the universe. As claimed by Sitchin, Nibiru was the abode of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki, who survived some catastrophic collision before they arrived on Earth as extraterrestrial colonists. In search of gold for their planet and unable to mine it themselves - with all their technological advancement, they genetically engineered our species (by crossing their genes with those of Homo erectus) to create a slave race of workers, lulu, probably, the black-headed ones, the Sumerians, to mine gold in Abzu- a place in South Africa. Note that the Sumerian word for slave and work is oru (although sounded differently). Who knows? May be in no distant time, some researchers will discover some archaeological artifacts, which will suggest that Sumerians inherited their knowledge from an earlier civilization that existed in Abzu thousands of years ago. With South Africa as the new cradle of civilization, the ground of excavation will shift and a new intellectual apparition will commence. “s the story goes, the failed experiment of Annunaki in which 80% of the inferior genes from Homo erectus was engineered with 20% of their superior gene resulted in the creation of a degenerate called “dam . One could easily exploit the picture below to justify such conjectures. This must The Abzu on the Fifth Tablet P200614 Page 3 have been the first test-tube baby that was created from Enki’s semen and the creation must have taken place in the underground laboratory at Eridu. Perhaps, it was the main reason why the first creatures were kept in their garden to evolve into humans. Since it was just recently that we discovered the double helical DNA, it may well be that one of the strands came from these reptilians and the other from the Homo erectus. As Sumerians had often depicted their creators along with snakes in a double helix form as shown below, one could easily conjecture that they were revealing to us, the mysteries of our past. Having made good use of those slave workers, the degenerate race, the Annunaki decided to destroy them by sending igigi to flood the entire The Abzu on the Fifth Tablet P200614 Page 4 earth. Somehow, some of these degenerates survived the deluge and still reside in “bzurica . These Annunaki infiltrated humanity with their reptilian agenda or as such serpentine genes hence we still have some reptilians among us who possess more blue blood than others or as such more fishy genes, which we are yet to discover – perhaps, also in “bzurica . The appearance of Abzu in the creation narratives and its association with water revealed in entirety what it actually meant. Does Abzu have anything to do with this man shown below? References Hayes, John, L., 2000, A manual of Sumerian Grammar and Texts, 2nd edition, Malibu. Foxvog, A. Daniel, 2012, Introduction to Sumerian Grammar. Kramer, Samuel Noah., 1989, History Begins at Sumer. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,Third Edition. The Abzu on the Fifth Tablet P200614 Page 5