Nicholas Fox Weber

About the author

Nicholas Fox Weber is a cul­tural his­to­rian. He is the
 Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of the Josef and Anni Albers
 Foun­da­tion and has writ­ten exten­sively about each
 artist. He has curated many major exhi­bi­tions and
 ret­ro­spec­tives of their work. Weber is a grad­u­ate of Colum­bia Col­lege (B.A., major in Art His­tory) and Yale Uni­ver­sity (M.A., Art His­tory; Fel­low­ship in Amer­i­can Art). He is the author of four­teen books includ­ing The Bauhaus Group, Le Cor­busier, The Clarks of Coop­er­stown, Balthus A Biog­ra­phy, Patron Saints, The Art of Babar, and The Draw­ings of Josef Albers. Weber is at work on a full-scale biog­ra­phy of Piet Mon­drian to be pub­lished by Alfred A. Knopf. Photograph by Marion Ettlinger Website:

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