Taxon profile


Hahnia pusilla C. L. Koch, 1841

kingdom Animalia - animals »  phylum Arthropoda - arthropods »  class Arachnida - arachnids »  order Araneae - spiders »  family Hahniidae - dwarf sheet spiders »  genus Hahnia


Hahnia pusilla


Author: Rudolf Macek

Hahnia pusilla


Author: Rudolf Macek

Hahnia pusilla


Author: Rudolf Macek

Hahnia pusilla


Author: Rudolf Macek

Hahnia pusilla


Author: Rudolf Macek

Taxon in country check-lists*

* List of countries might not be complete


Links and literature

CZ EN Czech Arachnological Society [hahnia-pusilla-303]

Czech Arachnological Society [] [as Hahnia pusilla C. L. Koch, 1841]
Data retrieved on: 3 August 2020
EN World Spider Catalog 21.0 []

World Spider Catalog: World Spider Catalog [], Natural History Museum Bern [as Hahnia pusilla C. L. Koch, 1841]
Data retrieved on: 3 August 2020
EN de Jong, Y.S.D.M. (ed.): Fauna Europaea 2.4 [] [as Hahnia pusilla C.L. Koch, 1841]
Data retrieved on: 9 March 2012
DE EN araneae - Spiders of Europe 2020.05 [1146]

Nentwig W., Blick T., Bosmans R., Gloor D., Hänggi A., Kropf C.: araneae - Spiders of Europe [] [as Hahnia pusilla C. L. Koch, 1841]
Data retrieved on: 1 May 2020
CZ Kůrka A., Kovařík F. (2003): České názvy živočichů VI. Pavoukovci (Arachnida). I. Pavouci (Araneae) a štíři (Scorpiones), Národní muzeum, (zoologické odd.), Praha, 167 pp. [as Hahnia pusilla C. L. Koch, 1841]
Data retrieved on: 11 May 2013
EN Buchar J., Růžička V. (2008): Check-list of spiders of Czech Republic [as Hahnia pusilla C. L. Koch, 1841]
Data retrieved on: 14 March 2009
EN Růžička V. (2020): Check-list of spiders of the Czech Republic (private database) [as Hahnia pusilla C. L. Koch, 1841]
Data retrieved on: 20 June 2020

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