中传云资讯系统 中传云资讯系统

【双语】你好!中国 | 鉴真东渡日本,经历六次才成功!

2024-01-03 10:47 来源: 文旅中国



Jianzhen, a monk from the Tang Dynasty. He was ordained at the age of 14 in Yangzhou. Due to his diligence and love of learning, he became a highly knowledgeable monk in his middle age. In the year 742 AD, Japanese students studying in China arrived in Yangzhou and earnestly requested Jianzhen to travel to Japan to teach Buddhism. Jianzhen decided to embark on the journey to Japan. During the Tang Dynasty, crossing the sea was no easy task. Besides overcoming the challenges of the distant sea voyage, Jianzhen also had to break the prohibition against subjects going to other countries, leading him to adopt a secretive approach to travel to Japan.



After facing numerous setbacks, Jianzhen, overworked and grief-stricken due to the loss of friends and disciples, suffered from eye ailments, ultimately going blind despite unsuccessful medical treatment. Undeterred by the hardships, Jianzhen made the successful journey to Japan on his sixth attempt.



He lectured on Buddhist theory, spread the profound Chinese culture, and contributed to the extensive dissemination of Chinese Buddhism, medicine, and architectural culture.
