Annett Louisan


This concert has already taken place! 44.90 | 52.90 | 59.90 | 69.90 | 79.90
This concert has already taken place! 44.90 | 52.90 | 59.90 | 69.90 | 79.90
Annett Louisan
Annett Louisan © Jim Rakete
Laeiszhalle Hamburg
Laeiszhalle Hamburg © Maxim Schulz

German chansons

Annett Louisan is the voice of the German-language chanson. A few days after her new album »Babyblue« is released, she and her band are performing in the Laeiszhalle Grand Hall. »Babyblue« is an album about the mid-life blues. Full of passion and humour, tongue-in-cheek and honest at the same time, Annett Louisan talks about fear, and about accepting this stage of life. She also explores happiness and misfortune, and how it’s not just people who come and go, but also oneself. At least until you ultimately find yourself again.


Annett Louisan vocals



Promoter: Semmel Concerts Entertainment GmbH Büro Hamburg

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