One of Chance the Rapper's most defining attributes is his total humility. Despite his immense talent and success, he has a distinct lack of ego, showcased most often by his willingness to highlight his supporting musicians. Take, for example, the Donny Trumpet and the Social Experiment album from 2015, Surf. One of the best albums of the year, it features Chance heavily, yet it's billed under the name of his backing band. Watch one of his concerts and he's part of a band—not fronting it.

Now take a look at his new video for "How Great." You can't watch it on your computer, because it was shot entirely with an iPhone. It has a completely homemade feel as a result, which is another great characteristic of Chance the Rapper. He's an autonomous, self-made man. And yes, since it specifically says iPhone, it's likely a partnership with Apple, who exclusively released his album. But this is also one of the genius things about Chance: He's the master of subtle business. The guy doesn't have a label and releases his albums for free—something that hasn't stopped him at all from being successful and making money. He's found other ways to supplement his income. He's turned the industry on its head, just like you'll constantly be turning your phone for a clear view of the "How Great" video.

Then, finally, there's his willingness to share the spotlight. It starts with an entire three minutes of a gospel choir before we even see the star of the track. It has such an authentic, of-the-moment feel.

There's not much to it, but it's perfectly Chance.

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