Valis: The Fantasm Soldier

3.403.40 average user rating based on 20 reviews
encompasses 13 releases

A side scrolling action game with a female protagonist. The original 1986 8-bit game was later remade for the Genesis/MegaDrive and the PC-Engine Super CD formats. It is (in a sense) both the first and last game in the Valis series.

User Stats

  • 75 users have this in their collection
  • 14 users have this on their Wish List
  • 1 user is currently playing this game.
  • 22 users have backlogged this game.

Ratings for Valis: The Fantasm Soldier

5 (1)
4 (9)
3 (7)
2 (3)
1 (0)

How long is Valis: The Fantasm Soldier?

Average completion time (100% completion): 1.00 hours
Number of completions recorded (100% completion): 1
Average cumulative completion time: 1.00 hours
Number of total completions recorded: 1

Most Popular Reviews

2 years ago GigaDeathNullGolem gave to

Easy and Short anime platform fighting/shooting very mediocre gameplay but the CD feats are nice *

This review is for the Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier - TurboGrafx-CD - Japan (1992) release

Valis is overall a pretty nice looking and sounding game for a few consoles but I had been alerted to this looking for PC Engine Super CD games to play. There are a whole slew of games like this too that are light on the gameplay and heavy on the anime cutscenes and CD music. Valis: The Fantasm Soldier features a 3 minute intro with some generic mystery-person backstory before greeting you with a rock-oriented title screen (the whole soundtrack is similar to this and not bad at all) and then the game 'story' extends itself into the gameplay just outside the high school where you start your adventure fighting roaches and supernatural monsters with a spirit sword as it has clearly turned into THAT kind of sailor-moonish tokusatsu fighting/shooting game.
enter image description hereValis has some cool looking monsters that look like they came from Contra or Castlevania.

Gameplay itself is somewhat meh and basic. you can swing your sword and 'shoot' with it as well as cast magical 'bombs' you also have a slick sliding attack that is more helpful reaching certain hard-to-get areas later in the game (hint)

IMO, it looks and feels a bit like Contra IV the Alien Wars but not as good in any respect and is quite frankly too easy (a rare complaint i make about any game) Pro-tip: if you play just be sure to get the H (Homing) weapon and you will have a cake walk the whole time with the exception of the rare jumping puzzle or a botched boss fight (Though most of these you …


Easy and Short anime platform fighting/shooting very mediocre gameplay but the CD feats are nice *

This review is for the Mugen Senshi Valis: The Legend of a Fantasm Soldier - TurboGrafx-CD - Japan (1992) release

Valis is overall a pretty nice looking and sounding game for a few consoles but I had been alerted to this looking for PC Engine Super CD games to play. There are a whole slew of games like this too that are light on the gameplay and heavy on the anime cutscenes and CD music. Valis: The Fantasm Soldier features a 3 minute intro with some generic mystery-person backstory before greeting you with a rock-oriented title screen (the whole soundtrack is similar to this and not bad at all) and then the game 'story' extends itself into the gameplay just outside the high school where you start your adventure fighting roaches and supernatural monsters with a spirit sword as it has clearly turned into THAT kind of sailor-moonish tokusatsu fighting/shooting game.
enter image description hereValis has some cool looking monsters that look like they came from Contra or Castlevania.

Gameplay itself is somewhat meh and basic. you can swing your sword and 'shoot' with it as well as cast magical 'bombs' you also have a slick sliding attack that is more helpful reaching certain hard-to-get areas later in the game (hint)

IMO, it looks and feels a bit like Contra IV the Alien Wars but not as good in any respect and is quite frankly too easy (a rare complaint i make about any game) Pro-tip: if you play just be sure to get the H (Homing) weapon and you will have a cake walk the whole time with the exception of the rare jumping puzzle or a botched boss fight (Though most of these you can just turtle up in a corner and fling your homing and call it day) Also you upgrade your weapons Gradius-style.

enter image description here
Cutscenes are the main attraction, and just like many PCE CD game, the featured part of the game

Anime cutscenes greet the player after each level to elaborate on the 'story' none of which is in English but i don't think it even matters as it is just so very generic stuff that if you've seen any anime from this era you will pick up on 80% of it! It's pretty goofy mindless stuff.

Even though the game behind this stuff is a bit soft, the rest of the package does make up for it and overall it's a good time, looks and sounds nice and is short. Pretty much exactly what you'd expect and this is the stuff I tend to expect/enjoy from PC Engine type disc games. 3.5/5. (Were it either a bit longer or a bit more substance i'd easily give it 4.)

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4 months ago instazome updated their status

This 1986 MSX version seems quite different from the later versions

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