Marianne Koch

Marianne Koch

Tell us about where you currently live (city/country) and how you ended up in this location.

I live and work in Vienna (Austria) which is also my home town. Besides temporary stays abroad in France, Switzerland and Tunisia, I completed my medical studies and training at the Medical University of Vienna.

Tell us about your work - your job title, where you work, how long you've worked in the field, areas of focus or research, etc.

I am a clinical resident at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical University of Vienna. I acquired a PhD in the field of urogynecology where I researched the etiology of stress urinary incontinence by applying proteomic and genetic analyses.

When and why did you decide to join IUGA?

I joined IUGA in the first year of my PhD curriculum in 2014 in order to be able to network on an international level, to learn from others and to present and re-evaluate my own research.

What has been your most rewarding or memorable IUGA experience?

Every IUGA International Meeting is a memorable experience for me.