Kontrolle in Hoscheid: Junger Quad-Fahrer will Polizei davonrasen


Kontrolle in HoscheidJunger Quad-Fahrer will Polizei davonrasen

HOSCHEID - Ohne Führerschein, aber mit einem Höllentempo fuhr ein junger Mann am Sonntag mit einem Quad durch den Norden. Erst nach einem Unfall konnte ihn die Polizei stoppen.

Justin Bieber looks incredibly emotional as he films an impromptu video on a quad bike on the beach in Panama. The embattled singer has been staying at a resort on the coast of Panama after leaving miami. Surrounded by his friends and thought to be his date Chantel Jeffries, the singer emerged onto the beach late in the afternoon to do some filming. Wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top he sang into the small camera and gestured with his hands while grimacing, almost as if he was making an apology. Chantel wearing a bikini looked on and Justin then got onto a quad bike to do some more singing and then tore off around the beach. At one point he drove over to a group of screaming local fans and touched hands with them much to their delight with the final scene being Justin looking as he is diving off of the quad bike. Chantel had been seen earlier in the day sunbathing on her balcony in

Justin Bieber looks incredibly emotional as he films an impromptu video on a quad bike on the beach in Panama. The embattled singer has been staying at a resort on the coast of Panama after leaving miami. Surrounded by his friends and thought to be his date Chantel Jeffries, the singer emerged onto the beach late in the afternoon to do some filming. Wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top he sang into the small camera and gestured with his hands while grimacing, almost as if he was making an apology. Chantel wearing a bikini looked on and Justin then got onto a quad bike to do some more singing and then tore off around the beach. At one point he drove over to a group of screaming local fans and touched hands with them much to their delight with the final scene being Justin looking as he is diving off of the quad bike. Chantel had been seen earlier in the day sunbathing on her balcony in

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Die Polizei hat am Sonntagabend einen jungen Quad-Fahrer aus dem Verkehr gezogen, der zu schnell und noch dazu ohne gültigen Führerschein unterwegs war. Der Mann war den Beamten im Zuge einer Geschwindigkeitskontrolle auf der A 7 bei Hoscheid-Dickt aufgefallen.

Die Polizisten machten Haltezeichen, weil sie gerade einen anderen Verkehrsteilnehmer kontrollierten und daher die Geschwindigkeit des Quad-Fahrers nicht aufzeichnen konnten. Der junge Mann ignorierte die Stoppsignale jedoch und rumpelte mit seinem Gefährt in einen unbefestigten Feldweg. Nach einigen Metern drehte er sich dann allerdings um die eigene Achse und kam zum Stillstand. Gegen den Quad-Fahrer wird Protokoll erstellt. Er hatte gegenüber der Polizei gleich zugegeben, keinen gültigen Führerschein zu besitzen.


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