Dr. Julia F. Christensen’s Post

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Scientist | Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics | Author of Dancing is the Best Medicine

World-leaders: Make sure to dance daily! #DanceLikeMarin Did you know that a world leader (any leader!) who dances regularly actually deserves more trust and respect than one that doesn’t. Why? Because dancing for fun is the best medicine. It’s a perfect antidote to stress and the safest form of escapism for those in charge. Dancing makes you more creative, better at problem-solving, and it makes a healthy mind. And a leader with a healthy mind makes a better leader. (Sorry for stating the obvious here!). If a world-leader makes sure to dance regularly, this means that they are taking good care of themselves, their body and brain. This is good for all of us. Thank you, Sanna Marin, for dancing. We couldn’t be in safer hands.   I quote from the prologue of the English version of our book “Dancing is the Best Medicine”: https://lnkd.in/eP3yZcFR   “Dance has known many adversities throughout recorded history... over and over again, kings and political leaders have banned dance for social or political reasons, or both; dictators have banned assemblies out of fear of the crowd, punishing dance communities in the process; and so-called spiritual leaders have banned dance because it supposedly corrupts our mind. Dance has been accused of instigating social unrest and disease; dancers have been beaten with sticks and whips and called names like “degenerate.” Dance has been forbidden, considered a disgrace.” […]   Let’s all move on from these antiquated views and myths about dancing and let science speak instead, please. And while we all work on that; I continue to quote from our prologue:   “In the meantime, know that we’re just as enthusiastic about our hobby – dancing – as we’ve always been—and just as excited to share the news about its many physical, cognitive, and social benefits with you. We think you’ll be surprised by what you learn here, too, and that you’ll soon be eager to join us on the dance floor—wherever that may be! Remember dance? That move, that feel, that beat? Remember to remember, to dance.”   @Leaders: …remember to dance. It’s good for you and your neurons (and your company/country/etc).   – Dr. Julia F. Christensen (scientist by day/dancer by night) #science #medicine #leader #like #respect #creative #leaders #sannamarin #dancingisthebestmedicine #dance #dancing #letsdance #mentalhealth #femalepolitics #sannamarin #empowerwomen #escapism #stressrelief #healthawareness #health Photo of me being a bit silly with my dancing boots on. Feels so good! Photo credits: Susana Bravo Missisbravofilms.com

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I can not dance when my land of country is in the middle of global fog Too young To positive 2 look ignorant in a collective way Focus is a I am woman i am happy i enjoy i have silly friends to give our intimate funs to public Balance is leadership She could have been a nice leader with an other time ( wrong time to be a leader even though women youngs leaders having dance is cool and normal🍀🙏🌻🎁

Steven Reynolds

ENJOY THE CHALLENGE - Philanthropreneur - Serving social entrepreneurs with Philanthropic Capital & Expedition Teams - +25,000 Seasoned Explorers


Cheers Dr. Julia - Yes, #dancingisthebestmedicine! Loved your book. ENJOY THE CHALLENGE - Act your Spirit! "The advice shouldn't be to act your age. It should be to act your spirit. Your age may try to prohibit you from dancing like that, or starting over, or trying something new. But your spirit would never do such a thing. If something feels aligned, your spirit wants you to go for it, whether you're 15 or 85. "Acting your age makes you fit in more, while acting your spirit will indeed cause you to stand out—in a bad way to people who act their age, but in an inspiring way to those who act their spirit. "Try acting your spirit from time to time, and you can see for yourself which path makes you feel more alive." - Light Watkins, on acting your age Cheers to #DanceLikeMarin - her authentic 'act your spirit' by dancing the night away, inspired millions of us. Stay out of control #SannaMarin and have more fun than you should in acting your spirit - Steve

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Amani Said Ph.D.

Empowering PhDs in Career Excellence 🚀 & Sciencepreneurship | Championing PhDs into Changemakers| Career Coach & Trainer I Expert in Career & Personal Development| Community Builder➡️Join Career Boosters Community


I could not agree more! and yes there is tons of science backing this up and the best way to do research is by experiencing it ourselves. So I say everyone put on your dancing boots and start dancing daily as Dr. Julia F. Christensen. I am lucky because I have been dancing all my life since the time I could walk and it has been my rescue and therapy through very hard times. And most of my audiences and clients can tell you I even make them dance, sometimes I get anonymous feedback in the survey from 1 or 2 from that crowd saying "I did not like the dancing part has nothing to do with the topic". That is like saying I do not like vitamins so I won't take them. To be honest, you do not have to like it, but I do it out of love because I know it will help 🕺

Ron Mecredy

Dedicated to Client Service & Customer Satisfaction


Completely agree - all forms are great, just move. Taken today from our afternoon drop in Viennese Waltz class https://www.instagram.com/reel/Chm7Tz7ppRE/

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Edimir Miguel Dominguez Ortiz

Customer Service Specialist bei TIMOCOM - Helping customers to work smart and happy


Hallo liebe Julia, das kann ich nur bestätigen. Danke dass du deine Leidenschaft für das Tanzen mit uns teilst und vielen Menschen mit Deiner Arbeit den Mehrwert des Tanzen weitergibst. Kompliment auch für euer Buch - viele Leader sollten es unbedingt lesen! Ich wünsche dir weiterhin viel Erfolg.

Matthias Blattmann

Geschäftsführer bei Gutmann Events GmbH & Co KG / Tanzschule Gutmann / Ballhaus Freiburg / Tanzloft GmbH


Tolles Bild von Dir!

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