Martina Hostettler’s Post

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GoDoVinda is a platform for personal growth and the development of one s true potential.

"I want a man who is emotionally available." Mm, I've heard that so many times. I've also said it often myself. But what does that even mean, to be or be with someone who is emotionally available? To me it means to be open to explore and to communicate what is happening on an emotional level inside of you and giving THAT SAME SPACE to the other person as well. Being emotionally available is being vulnerable. That needs courage from everyone involved and needs a great ability to listen. This is NOT about being right.. or about manipulation or wanting someone to show up in an expected way. It's about openness, exploration and allowing yourself to express your inside world, even when it is hard and uncomfortable. A good start is to simply state where you are at in this moment: 💝 "I notice, that I feel .... (tension, space, sadness, love, joy,.. ) inside of me right now." 💝 " I've realised that I get triggered when this .... (situation) happens, are you open to explore with me what's really going on? Are you open to share your side of the story? " 💝 " I felt so loved today, when you held my hand walking down the street... " And than ask your partner for their version of the story and REALLY LISTEN!

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