Leading With Integrity

Leading With Integrity

Truth be told, it isn't easy to lead, not to talk of leading with integrity.

As stewards of organizational resources and guardians of supplier relationships, it is essential to navigate ethical dilemmas with integrity and transparency.

And the reason for this isn't farfetched, that's the only way to have peace of mind.

In this newsletter, we'll explore practical scenarios to help you lead with integrity in procurement and provide appropriate fixes for ethical decision-making.

Hello and welcome back to another edition of our newsletter.

Let's delve right in;

📍Conflict of Interest: Imagine you're tasked with selecting a supplier for a critical project, and one of the vendors is owned by a close friend or family member. While your relationship may not directly influence your decision, there's a potential conflict of interest that could compromise impartiality.

Fix: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest to relevant stakeholders and recuse yourself from the decision-making process. Consider involving a neutral third party or committee to ensure objectivity and fairness in supplier selection.

📍Bribery and Corruption: Your procurement team is negotiating a contract with a supplier who offers significant kickbacks or incentives in exchange for preferential treatment. While accepting such offers may seem tempting, it could lead to legal and reputational consequences for your organization.

Fix: Uphold a zero-tolerance policy for bribery and corruption in procurement dealings. Educate your team on relevant laws and regulations, and establish clear guidelines for ethical behavior. Encourage reporting of any suspected unethical conduct and ensure robust whistleblower protection mechanisms are in place.

📍Supplier Relationships: One of your organization's long-standing suppliers has been involved in a scandal related to labor exploitation or environmental violations. While severing ties may disrupt operations or increase costs, continuing to do business with them could tarnish your organization's reputation and ethical standing.

Fix: Conduct thorough due diligence on potential and existing suppliers to assess their ethical and social responsibility practices. Prioritize partnerships with suppliers who align with your organization's values and ethical standards. Develop robust supplier code of conduct and regularly monitor compliance through audits and assessments.

📍Transparency and Accountability: Your procurement team is faced with pressure to expedite procurement processes or cut corners to meet aggressive deadlines or cost targets. While shortcuts may seem expedient in the short term, they could compromise transparency, quality and long-term sustainability.

Fix: Foster a culture of transparency, accountability and ethical leadership within your procurement team. Do this by encouraging open dialogue and empowering employees to speak up about ethical concerns or conflicts they encounter. Lead by example and prioritize ethical considerations in all procurement decisions and actions.

Remember, it’s the little decisions we make daily that build the staying power to lead with integrity. Be sure to refer to these tips as often as possible and implement where necessary.

PS: If there are any particular procurement leadership topics you'd like me to cover in subsequent editions, do let me know.

Charles Egbune

Chemical Engineering, Environmental Sustainability and Management.


These are great recipes for standout success in procurement, as well as in many other profession. These insights are truly from years of hands-on experience, especially the tips on how to fix potential sources of disreputation. Amongst the many demonstrable qualities and skills desired in the workplace, I think Integrity stand taller than all others. Many thanks Coach for this excellent education. 👍

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