Milkfish is a very Amazing Fish

Milkfish is a very Amazing Fish

Being a user of the FISHSURFING fishing app, I am enjoying every moment of it.

The fishing app has grown to become a universal social networking platform that allows sharing fishing experiences with other experienced anglers.

The is useful platform to finding current information about fishing events, shops, and guides

A vast amount of resources about fishing can be found there the application is the only fishing application with a translation feature allowing users to intercommunicate.

It is currently the best fishing apps on the mobile apps market.

Availability: (iOS, Android).

For iOS at

For android at

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(1)The Milk Fish is found mostly in the Indian and Pacific Oceans, California, the west coast of Mexico, Central America, and South America. Milk Fish are normally eaten fried around the world.

(2)Milkfish farming is very popular in Taiwan and Indonesia.

(3)Milkfish lives in different habitats during its developmental stages when younger they prefer living in mangroves as they mature into adulthood they prefer living in shallow waters near reefs to forage for food.

(4) Milkfish are omnivores feeding on both plants and other animals the sea creatures.

(5)Milk Fish serves as a source of nutrition for many families the good news is that they are not on the list of endangered species.

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(6) Milkfish are social creatures which normally prefer moving in groups.

(7) A Single female milkfish can produce up to six million eggs in a spawning. The young fishes reach sexual maturity around three years of age.

(8) Milkfish appear silvery-colored with a lengthened, torpedo-shaped body.

(9)Milkfish has a long tail fin.Milkfish average length ranges from 4 ft. (ca. 122 centimetres) to 6ft (ca. 183 centimetres).

(10)Milkfish is called by different names by people in different regions namely Bangus and bolu.They have an average lifespan of 15 years and weigh on the averagely 15 kg.

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