General Biopsies

A needle biopsy is a test which can determine the cause of an abnormal lump or mass in your body. A radiologist performs this procedure. The radiologist inserts a tiny needle into the area to remove abnormal tissue, which we give to a pathologist for analysis. The pathologist determines what the abnormal tissue is: cancer, non-cancerous tumour, infection or scar.

Why would I need a needle biopsy?

Typically, you would need a needle biopsy to determine the cause of an abnormal mass somewhere in your body. Imaging tests like mammography, CT scan, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance (MRI) can locate abnormal masses. Still, these tests cannot diagnose the lump Needle biopsies can determine the cause of a strange lump or mass. Your doctors need this information to provide you with the best treatment options.

How to prepare for a needle biopsy?

Usually, no special preparation is necessary. Your physician will tell you if any special diet or medication instructions are required.

How is a Needle Biopsy performed?

The radiologist will start by using some form of imaging such as CT or ultrasound to determine the best approach for the biopsy. Next, this specially trained doctor will wash the area where the needle biopsy is going to be performed and apply a local anaesthetic to numb the area.

The radiologist will then insert a tiny needle into the mass.

They will take X-ray, CT, ultrasound, or mammogram images of the biopsy area during the procedure as well. These images will help to insert the needle in exactly the right place. You usually feel a bit of pressure during the procedure, but not a lot of pain. The interventional radiologist will then use the biopsy needle to remove a small piece of tissue from the mass for analysis. A needle biopsy usually takes around an hour. The tissue (or cell) sample goes to a pathologist, who will analyse the tissue or cells. The results are typically ready in two to three days.

What happens after the biopsy? When can I go home?

After your biopsy, we will ask you to stay for a while so that the staff can watch you and make sure that you are alright. Most people go home between one and four hours after their biopsy. Take things easy for the rest of the day. You may be sore in the biopsy area for one to two days.

What are the risks of having a needle biopsy?

A needle biopsy has few risks because we use such a small needle. Complications are very infrequent: fewer than one percent of patients develop bleeding or infection. A member of your interventional radiology team will discuss the risks of your biopsy with you in detail before the procedure starts. In about 90 percent of the patients, the needle biopsy provides sufficient information for a pathologist to identify the cause of the abnormal tissue. Occasionally, we may ask you to come back for a second procedure.

What are the benefits of a needle biopsy?

Before needle biopsies were possible, patients would need to have surgery to remove tissue. Needle biopsies can often answer questions about your health without surgery.