Aktuelles > EMI | Ein Brexit stellt den europäischen Einigungsprozess auf eine ernsthafte Probe

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EMI | Ein Brexit stellt den europäischen Einigungsprozess auf eine ernsthafte Probe

Petros Fassoulas, Generalsekretär der Europäischen Bewegung International (EMI),  fürchtet einen Domino-Effekt und ernsthafte Konsequenzen für den europäischen Einigungsweg, wenn einer Mehrheit für den Austritt Großbritanniens aus der Europäischen Union stimmen sollte.

Petros Fassoulas

Petros Fassoulas, Generalsekretär EMI

“With 23 June fast approaching and the referendum campaigns raging on, a lot is being said about how an exit from the EU would affect Britain. Even though it is clear from the evidence available that the effect of Brexit will be felt hardest in the UK, it is fair to say that the effects will be felt across the Channel too.

The consequences of Brexit would be quite severe in economic, political and geopolitical terms. Losing its second biggest economy would reduce the EU’s economic power. It would also destabilise the transatlantic defence alliance and compromise Europe’s security as a result. At a time when the West needs to appear and act united, it would lead to a significant realignment of traditional alliances.

However, the most severe consequence will manifest itself in the political fallout. At a time when extreme, nationalist and populist forces challenge the very basis of European integration and the foundations of liberal democracy, a victory for isolationist and xenophobic forces in Britain would only strengthen those voices of division and intolerance that have been growing louder across our continent in the past 10 years. A British exit from the EU would be a major boost for anti-European parties across Europe and would only magnify calls for such referendums to be held elsewhere. Considering the current public mood across Europe and the political paralysis many mainstream parties are gripped by, nobody can predict which member state (or states) might be next. Even if holding an EU membership referendum does not mean by default that the outcome will be negative, the last thing we need is a series of introvert and (if the debate in the UK is anything to go by) toxic referendums, diverting time, energy and resources away from the real challenges we face.

What happens on 23 June is between the Brits and themselves. But the waves that a decision to leave the EU could conjure up would spread beyond Britain’s shores. The effects of that political tsunami would be felt far and wide and it is very hard to predict how acute the damage will be. But rest assured, there will be damage.“

Ein Positionspapier der EM International zum bevorstehenden EU-Referendum finden Sie hier.

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