Französisches Picknick

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three pastries sitting on top of a wooden table covered in powdered sugar and cranberry sauce
Tartelettes mit Apfel-Frangipane & Tonka-Kirschgrütze
an illustration of different types of breads and pastries
a box filled with different colored macaroons next to twine spools
Himbeer- und Pistazien-Macarons
2h 30m
a cutting board with cheese, meat and bread on it
Französisches Picknick mit Schokomaronenkuchen
some food is stacked on top of each other
several different types of pizzas and pastries are shown in this photo collage
there are many different types of macaroons in the box on the wooden table
Macarons Rezept von Aurélie - einfach und gelingsicher
1h 30m
an apple and apricot marmalade pizza on a table with two slices cut out
Aprikosen-Galette mit Mandelplättchen - der schnelle Sommerkuchen
1h 5m
two loaves of bread sitting on top of a wooden table next to a knife
Baguette magique knuspriges, hausgemachtes Baguette - Kleines Kulinarium