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an old man sitting in a chair with a quote on it
Libère toi le coeur
Citations :)
a black and white photo with the words,'le cour buna ne petit content
Programmez votre esprit à réussir
a black background with the words les aimes boulisses sont des plus tortes
the words in french are written on a white background with black and grey lines, as well
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
the words are written in black and white on a white background, with an image of a
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
a woman sitting on top of a bench next to a pier under a cloudy sky
the words in french are lit up at night with green grass and stars above it
the text is written in french and has an image of a woman's face on it
the words are written in black and white
Great Sentences, Black Quotes, Jolis Mots, Quotation, Kind Words
an image of a blue eye with lashes on it's face and the bottom half of its eyes closed
Source: a-poster-a-day
two black and one red heart shaped objects on a white background with an egg in the middle
Brain AND Heart
four different types of magnets in various shapes and sizes, including one with a heart
I'm heartless now. Funny, I say. Now that I can't feel.
the words are written in french and english
the word positre written in black ink with a red lipstick sticking out of it
a woman walking down a dirt road in the middle of a forest with leaves on the ground
Oui, "comme il pleut"... La reconstruction n'existerait pas si la destruction n'existait pas...
Pour plusieurs, l'entraînement physique se veut un facteur de changements importants tant au niveau de la santé, de l'apparence physique que du mode de vie. Vous, qu'avez-vous "reconstruit" ou qu'aspirez-vous à "reconstruire" par l'activité physique? Important Facts, Square Photos, Thinking Outside The Box, Self Esteem, Self Development, Beautiful Quotes, True Stories, Cool Words
Énergie Cardio | Entrainez-vous dans le plaisir
Pour plusieurs, l'entraînement physique se veut un facteur de changements importants tant au niveau de la santé, de l'apparence physique que du mode de vie. Vous, qu'avez-vous "reconstruit" ou qu'aspirez-vous à "reconstruire" par l'activité physique?
the words are written in black and white on a white background, with an image of a
Je vais tout lacher alors ! Spanish Quotes, Citations Humour, Et Quotes
Conseils et entretien de la maison, astuce beauté et bien-être
Je vais tout lacher alors !
the words are written in french and english, with an image of a woman's face
je t'aime
an open book with some writing on it
an old book with writing on it that says jamais noirs nos reverons
Soul & Blues
Jamais nous nous reverrons, toujours nous nous rêverons.
stars and crescents hanging from strings in the night sky with text that reads, depuis que tus regiones les envelies, le cel est plus luminneux
La vie pour l'éternité... : LES CITATIONS
an open book with some type of writing on it's cover and the words alice ferrety written in black
jean d'ormeson quote about life and death
Les Mots Positifs pour reconstruire sa vie et atteindre le bonheur
Citation hommage à Jean d’Ormesson (1925 – 2017)
a close up of a piece of paper with words written on the inside of it
Do It Right, Messages, Favorite Quotes
a blue background with the words que font les persons positives pour faires energies negatives 2 - nos pensees
Que font les personnes positives pour fuir les énergies négatives ?
Que font les personnes positives pour fuir les énergies négatives ? – Nos Pensées
the words je mercoule en moi - meme are written in white on a black background
Je m’écroule en moi-même.
a piece of paper that has some type of writing on it, with the words in french
the words are written in black and white on a white background, with an image of a
Image about quote in "Citations."😌 by L. on We Heart It
Image de black & white, solitude, and vie
the words are written in french and english, with an image of a woman's face
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C est ça pour moi, je suis celle que je suis réellement le soir. Et le plus souvent je pleures en regardant le ciel sur le rebord de ma fenêtre, en imaginant que je peux aller dans le monde que je veux...
the words in french are written on a white background with black and grey lines, as well
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
Image de citation and francais
the text is written in french and english
Image in quotes 💮 collection by grunge is not dead
Image de quotes
the words in french are written on white paper
On est comme on est, aux autres d'accepter ça
the words are written in french and english
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
Image de french and citation ; quotes