The Most Disgusting Moments on Ren & Stimpy
Photo: Nickelodeon

The Most Disgusting Moments on Ren & Stimpy

CE Hudspeth
Updated November 28, 2023 128.5K views 9 items
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Vote up the grossest things ever on Nickelodeon's Ren and Stimpy

In a way, gross moments are what made Ren & Stimpy the show that it was. When you tuned in to the Nick TV show, you pretty much expected disgusting Ren and Stimpy visuals. All these years later, you might not remember them off the top of your head, but you definitely remember the sense of deep revulsion these scenes inspired.

Whether it’s because you were too young or you were simply too squeamish, you may have missed or forgotten about the most disgusting, off-putting revolting Ren & Stimpy images. How about taking some time to remember and vote up the most disgusting images ever featured on arguably Nickelodeon's nastiest show ever?
  • 1
    377 VOTES

    Stimpy Does Nasty Things to a Toe

    Stimpy Does Nasty Things to a Toe
    Video: YouTube
    On season four’s “Magical Golden Singing Cheeses,” Stimpy takes a crowbar to a toe, jamming it beneath to reveal gooey residue as he pries it off. Then, any children watching get to see the glorious sight of him removing the implanted, jagged end of said crowbar from the top of the toe. It’s about as graphic as mainstream animation can get.
    377 votes
  • 2
    547 VOTES

    Ren’s Rotting Teeth

    Ren’s Rotting Teeth
    Video: YouTube
    On the season two episode, “Ren’s Toothache,” it's revealed that Ren has never brushed his teeth, so, naturally, he has a toothache. Dental horror makes most people cringe, but this show takes oral unpleasantness to the maximum. Ren refuses to brush his teeth and they steam, crack, and are eventually ground into powder. His rotten gums and nerve endings are revealed in all their horrifying glory and it’s just a truly gag-worthy scene that’s widely considered too off-putting to be humorous or enjoyable.
    547 votes
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    365 VOTES

    The Self-Mutilating Jester

    The Self-Mutilating Jester
    Video: YouTube
    If you're looking for evidence that this show was more interested in disgusting audiences than providing humor or entertainment, this might be the top candidate. For some unknown reason, a jester takes a cheese grater to his arm, raking his skin off. Then he rubs lemon on it and pours a bunch of salt on top for good measure. This is quite possibly the most horrific scene in the history of cartoons.
    365 votes
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    303 VOTES

    Ren Eats Cat Litter

    Ren Eats Cat Litter
    Video: YouTube
    In “The Cat That Laid The Golden Hairball,” there’s just so much nastiness. Ren steps on a wet hairball, which his toes mush onto, and that’s just the start of the grossness. A newsflash on TV reveals that hairballs are rising in value, so Stimpy tries to make precious hairballs by licking his and other people’s hair to create more and cash in on the craze.
    303 votes
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    331 VOTES

    Stimpy’s Sticky Boogers

    In only the second episode of the series, “Nurse Stimpy,” the show effectively announced its disgusting intentions, showcasing boogers known as “Magic Nose Goblins.” These boogers belonging to Stimpy are stuck under a stool. They communicate with him and, for some reason, they're featured in multiple episodes. Having sticky boogers as characters on your series is pretty much an admission that you're really trying to be gross.
    331 votes
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    254 VOTES

    The Family Bath

    The Family Bath
    Video: YouTube
    In the season two episode “Big Baby Scam,” there’s a scene in which Ren & Stimpy partake in a family bath. That’s right: Ren, Stimpy, and three adults chilling in the bathtub together naked. It’s gross in its own way, proving that at the very least, the show really went for a range of grossness rather than confining itself to any specific type of unsettling weirdness.
    254 votes
  • 7
    241 VOTES

    Bees Stinging Ren's Tongue

    Bees Stinging Ren's Tongue
    Video: YouTube
    Ren drinks a flask full of bees, which is more of an unpleasant thought than a disgusting one. The extra gross factor comes with a closeup of his lumpy tongue and the bees stabbing away at it with their stingers.
    241 votes
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    208 VOTES

    Ren Grinds Against Beard Stubble

    Ren Grinds Against Beard Stubble
    Video: YouTube
    Baby Ren is being hugged by man who puts him up against his cheek, grating him up and down against his facial hair. This involves a closeup of the stubble and the animators make sure you can hear and see the contact that's like sandpaper on the soul - happy, happy, joy, joy.
    208 votes
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    244 VOTES

    Hairless Ren

    Hairless Ren
    Photo: Nickelodeon
    Stimpy helps give a shaved Ren a thorough scrubbing, and it just looks hideous seeing all that soft, lovingly rendered pink flesh. In defense of this moment, hairless creatures tend to be peculiar looking as it is, but this cartoon's reputation for grossness earns it the gagging nod for doing what it does best - being disgusting in a peculiar way that's hard to put your finger on exactly.
    244 votes