Fauna Marin GmbH Mrutzek Meeresaquaristik Aqua Medic

Assessor macneilli Blue Devil, Blue Scissortail, Blue Assessor, Blue Devilfish, Macneill's Assessor, Squatter

Assessor macneilliis commonly referred to as Blue Devil, Blue Scissortail, Blue Assessor, Blue Devilfish, Macneill's Assessor, Squatter. Difficulty in the aquarium: Average. A aquarium size of at least 150 Liter is recommended. Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown.

Profilbild Urheber Dr. John Ernest (Jack) Randall (†), Hawaii

Copyright Dr. J. E. Randall, Lady Elliot Island, Australien

Courtesy of the author Dr. John Ernest (Jack) Randall (†), Hawaii . Please visit for more information.

Uploaded by AndiV.

Image detail


Assessor macneilli 
Blauer Mirakelbarsch 
Blue Devil, Blue Scissortail, Blue Assessor, Blue Devilfish, Macneill's Assessor, Squatter 
Family tree:
Animalia (Kingdom) > Chordata (Phylum) > Actinopterygii (Class) > Perciformes (Order) > Plesiopidae (Family) > Assessor (Genus) > macneilli (Species) 
Initial determination:
Whitley, 1935 
Australia, Great Barrier Reef, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Queensland (Australia), Taiwan 
Marine Zone:
Subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, deep zone of the oceans from the lower limit of the intertidal zone (intertidal) to the shelf edge at about 200 m water depth. neritic. 
Sea depth:
2 - 20 Meter 
1.57" - 2.36" (4cm - 6cm) 
24,6 °F - 30,4 °F (24,6°C - 30,4°C) 
Brine Shrimps, Carnivore, Crustaceans, Cyclops, Lobster eggs, Mysis, Ostracodes (seed shrimps), Zooplankton 
33 gal (~ 150L)  
Possible to breed 
Toxic hazard unknown 
Not evaluated 
Red List:
Not evaluated (NE) 
Related species at
Catalog of Life:
Last edit:
2023-05-13 17:53:17 

Captive breeding / propagation

The offspring of Assessor macneilli are possible. Unfortunately, the number of offspring is not large enough to cover the demand of the trade. If you are interested in Assessor macneilli, please ask your dealer for offspring. If you already own Assessor macneilli, try breeding yourself. This will help to improve the availability of offspring in the trade and to conserve natural stocks.


Assessor macneilli, Whitley, 1935

The blue miracle perch is found in the western Pacific from north-eastern Australia and New Guinea through the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea to New Caledonia.

The colour is dark blue with a thin light blue margin on the dorsal, anal and pelvic fins. The dorsal fin has 11 spines and 8-10 rays, the anal fin has 3 spines and 9-10 rays and the pectoral fins have 14-16 rays.

The blue miracle perch, up to 6 cm long, is found in reefs at depths of 2 to 20 m, where it congregates in schools of up to 100 fish in caves, crevices and under ledges. It often swims upside down in caves and overhangs.

In aquariums, no individual keeping should take place, at least pair keeping should be aimed at. But group keeping of at least 4 fish would be desirable.

It is a planktivore and its main food is crustaceans such as copepods, ostracods and amphipods. After acclimatisation, frozen food is eaten as well as pellets.

The Assessor macneilli is a mouthbrooder in contrast to Assessor flavissimus (yellow miracle perch). The male bluegill guards the eggs in his mouth for 15-16 days, while the male keeps his mouth open all the time, moving the eggs back and forth every 2-8 minutes.

Very little is known about the Assessor randalli so far.

The species name "macneilli" was given in 1935 by G.P. Whitley in honour of his assistant or helper Francis A. McNeill (Australian Museum).

Assessor macneili Whitley, 1935 (misspelling).

External links

  1. Erstbeschreibung Assessor macneilli, Seite 231 (en). Abgerufen am 13.05.2023.
  2. FishBase (multi). Abgerufen am 07.08.2020.
  3. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (multi). Abgerufen am 13.05.2023.
  4. ORA to release captive bred Assessor randalli - Geschlechtsspezifische Informationen (en). Abgerufen am 30.05.2023.
  5. ReefLifeSurvey (en). Abgerufen am 13.05.2023.
  6. Wikipedia (de). Abgerufen am 26.01.2022.
  7. Wikipedia (en). Abgerufen am 26.01.2022.
  8. WoRMS (en). Abgerufen am 26.01.2022.



Copyright Dr. J. E. Randall, Lady Elliot Island, Australien
Assessor macneilli - Blauer Mirakelbarsch

Husbandry know-how of owners

am 17.12.06#2
Nachtrag zu meinem ersten Beitrag:
Ich halte den Blauen jetzt über 4 Jahre und bin super zufrieden mit dem Tier im Riffbecken. Meistens versteckt. Beim füttern ist er aber immer zu sehen. Soweit ich es beurteilen kann, war er nicht ein einziges Mal krank.
am 18.05.06#1
Habe 3 Tiere seit 1.5 Jahren im Becken, super friedlich und einfach zu halten, aber sehr versteckt lebend. In grossen Becken oder mit aggressiven Mitbewohnern kriegt man diesen Fisch wohl nie mehr zu sehen.
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