What Does It Mean To Soften?



What are you holding onto a little too tight?

What are you forcing?

What needs room to breathe?

Where are you hustling where you should be standing still?

Where can you be a little kinder, gentler with yourself?

Where can you take a step back from the fire, to take a broader look at things?

Where are you feeling resistance or that something isn’t quite right?

Where can you let go of what you once thought to be true, and be open to new truth?

This is softening.

Softening first came up in a corporate session I was teaching around setting intentions and trusting intuition. One of the attendees was telling me of a big career move they were working towards, they were moving full steam ahead to make happen. Things had started to get difficult, there was friction, resistance, something wasn’t quite right. She was stuck between pushing forward anyways or abandoning what was once her dream. So I asked, “Where can you soften?”

They say that when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Softening has since become one of my biggest teachers.

I started to explore, in my own life, where I should have softened. What possibilities may have opened up or at very least what agony I could have spared myself with loosening the white knuckle grip I had. As a recovering control freak, someone who is very adept at smashing a square peg into a round hole, this was a tough pill to swallow. What if, instead of forcing something or thinking I had control of an outcome (or person), I had just softened. And I don’t mean become a pushover. I mean taking a step back to be still and just breathe.

Inhale // Exhale.

I liken softening to surrendering but I align more with softening. It’s more feminine.

SOFTENING is not giving up, or leaving everything up to chance. It isn’t setting an intention and kick your feet up to wait for it to happen. It’s also not becoming fixating on one particular outcome.

It is NOT failure or defeat, it is a decision to be comfortable with what is.

We are still putting ourselves in the energy of creating and embodying our fullest potential.

We are just allowing space for the path to illuminate.

It’s allowing our intentions to unfold in new and different ways than what we may have originally thought, planned or expected.

When do I know if I need to soften? Great question.

The moment you start to feel frustrated, angry, annoyed, jealous or resentful for not having exactly what you want, you are operating from a place of fear and control and you are trying to manipulate and outcome.

Ask yourself - Where can I soften?

The creation process is not about hoping, wishing, wanting, waiting - hope is a beggar. It’s about embodying and becoming your creation and allow for space to allow things to unfold.

You’ll often find that when you let go, even just a little, a new path will present itself and is often more beautiful than you could have ever expected.

Now, let softening be your teacher:

⧋ Where in your life can you soften and allow space?

⧋  What can you loosen your grip on, ever so slightly?

⧋  What can you take a step back from to see the bigger picture?

⧋  Where do you need a breath?