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Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC Photograph: PR
Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC Photograph: PR

Chronicles of Riddick:Assault on Dark Athena

This article is more than 15 years old
PS3/Xbox 360/PC; £39.99; cert 15; Starbreeze/Atari

On this evidence, Vin Diesel should give up the day job – he has certainly never made a film as enjoyable as this, the second game in which he stars as ­Riddick. This time he stows away on the Dark ­Athena, a prison-spaceship run by mercenaries.

His task is simple – to free the prisoners and escape – but Dark Athena's joy lies in the breadth of tasks he must undertake to accomplish that. Which include sneaking around in the shadows, jumping and climbing, puzzle-solving, fist-fighting, piloting a mech and shooting. It takes ages before he acquires a gun, but from the off, he can kill drones, grab their attached guns and shoot while rooted to the spot. Great set-pieces abound, such as a period controlling drones remotely.

The storyline is sensibly minimal, and every aspect of all the control systems is well thought-out and super-smooth. Plus a remastered HD version of the first game is thrown in, and there are some enticing online modes. Serious value for money, and the best game so far this year.

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