Mussolini’s granddaughter flies the LGBT flag

Mussolini’s heir has come out in favour of gender fluidity and same-sex parents, writes Tom Kington

Alessandra Mussolini says she has learnt the error of her ways “from young people”
Alessandra Mussolini says she has learnt the error of her ways “from young people”
The Times

She once denounced gay adoption and said it was better to be a fascist than “a faggot”, but Alessandra Mussolini is now happy to admit she got it all wrong.

As Giorgia Meloni, the hard-right Italian prime minister, fights for heterosexual family values, the granddaughter of the dictator Benito Mussolini has emerged as a surprising champion of gay rights and gender fluidity. A former right-wing MP, she has amazed the Italian LGBT community by backing gay adoption to the hilt and taking her battle for gender-fluid politics all the way to the EU.

Mussolini, 60, once an MP for Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia party, was elected an MEP in September but instead of promoting the conservative politics of Forza Italia she started a gender battle