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Professorship of Educational Research in the Educational Sciences

Teamfoto des Arbeitsbereiches für Erziehungswissenschaftliche Bildungsforschung
Photo: privat


Forschende, die um grafische Darstellungen stehen.

New publication on Dimensions of the process quality of professional development for teachers

16.05.24 - The new publication by D. Rzejak and colleagues was published in the journal “Die Deutsche Schule”.

Ein überlebensgroßer Bildschirm, vor dem Lehrkräfte über die Nutzung von digitalen Medien fortgebildet werden.

New publication on professionalization of teachers for the digital transformation

14.05.24 - The new publication by Dirk Richter and colleagues was published in the journal “Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft”.

Eine schemenhafte Darstellung einer onliner Fortbildung.

New publication on comparing quality and engagement in face-to-face and online teacher PD

09.05.24 - The new publication by Nina Mulaimović and colleagues was published in the journal “British Journal of Educational Technology”.

Ein schemenhafter Laptop auf dem eine Videokonferenz läuft.

New publication on Teachers’ engagement in online professional development

09.05.24 - The new publication by T. Fütterer and colleagues was published in the journal “Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft”.

Eine schematische Darstellung einer Person, die Daten von einem Bildschirm unter die Lupe nimmt.

New publication Profiling Teachers’ Motivation for Professional Development

07.05.24 - The new publication by Eric Richter and colleagues was published in the “Journal of Teacher Education”.

Seminarraum mit verschiedenen Personen

New publication about Measuring the quality of teacher professional development

09.04.24 - The new publication by Eric Richter and Dirk Richter was published in the journal "Studies in Educational Evaluation".

New publication on Teacher training in the context of digital media

21.03.24 - The new publication from I. Runge and colleagues was published in the journal "Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft".

Seminarkonzept illustration

New publication on long-term changes in teachers' beliefs and motivation

13.02.24 - The new publication from N. Bönke and colleagues was published in the journal "Teaching and Teacher Education".
